* Shelton(1990) Eden(2001).. D 480,, 425..,... * 2012. (Corresponding Author): / / (702-701) 1370 Tel: 053-950-5813 / E-mail: flow@knu.ac.kr
(self-efficacy) (forethought) (Bandura, 1977).,,, (Löve, Moore & Hensing, 2012),,,, (Leung & Leung, 2011). (Shelton, 1990). Bandura(1997),. Bandura (Shelton, 1990). (, 2004). Sherer et al.(1982) (Chen, Gully & Eden, 2001; Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995; Shelton, 1990; Tipton & Worthington Jr., 1984).,, (, 2010).. (Chen, Gully, Whiteman, & Kilcullen, 2000). (generalized or general self-efficacy). (Scherbaum, Cohen-Charash & Kern, 2006) (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995). (specific self-efficacy). Eden(2001)..,.,.
, (, 2002). (proximal motivational state), (distal motivational trait).. Shelton(1990) (spill-over).,,. Shelton. (Chen et al., 2001, 2004; Ferrari & Parker, 1992; Mueller, 1992) Shelton(1990) Eden(2001)., Chen et al.(2001, 2004) 10,. (, 2010;, 2002;, 1997),.. (, 1997; Dahlbeck & Lightsey, Jr., 2008; Kumar & Lal, 2006).,. (Sharf, 2010).. Hackett Betz (1981), Taylor Betz(1983).,,, (Hackett & Betz, 1995),
(,, 2007)., (,, 2011;,, 2010;,, 2007;,, 2011; Lent, Brown & Hackett, 1994)., (,, 2007). (Eden, 2001; Shelton, 1990),,,..., (, 2010)., (, 1997). (,,, 2006). 5 (, 2004),.., (, 2010)..,,,.. (, 2012), (, 2012;,, 2011;, 2010). (, 2006)
,... Bandura. (, 2001;, 2006;, 1995)...,, Shelton (1990) Eden(2001).., Shelton(1990) Eden(2001) 일반적자기효능감 진로자기효능감 일반적자기효능감 진로자기효능감 진로준비행동 진로준비행동. ( 1, 2 ). D (2012 7 8 ) 1. D 4 ( 2 ) 221 1 259 ( ) 480.
425. 211 (49.6%), 214 (50.4%). (1997) (1997). 24, (7 ),,, (12 ), (5 ) 3. (1 ) (6 ) Likert 6,. (1997) Cronbach.87,.79,.86,.83. Cronbach.90,.86,.92,.79., (2006) (Career Self-Efficacy Scale).,. 32 Likert 5, (10 ), (11 ), (11 ) 3... 3, 1 11 (11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28 29, 32), 2 16 (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 30, 31), 3 5 (4, 6, 12, 21, 25). (1 ) (6 ) Likert 6., (2006) Cronbach.96, Cronbach.96, 1, 2, 3.94,.95,.75. (2003). 22 4 Likert, (10 ), (5 ), (5 ),
(2 ).,. 2 Cronbach.47 1. 1 8 (9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22), 2 8 (3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 19), 3 4 (1, 2, 4, 20) 3. Likert 6,. Cronbach.89,.86,.77,.79. Cronbach.91, 1, 2, 3 Cronbach.88,.83,.70. PASW 18.0 AMOS 18.0 (Structural Equation Modeling). CFI TLI,, GFI, AGFI, SRMR, RMSEA. RMSEA SRMR.90. SRMR.05, RMSEA.05,.08,.10,.10 (Browne & Cudeck, 1993; Hu & Bentler, 1999).., Sobel.,.,,, 1. t.05. Pearson.,,., (, ), (, ), (, ). 2.
7 7 42 28.85 7.15 -.30-1.06 12 12 72 44.94 10.25 -.03.18 5 5 30 17.48 24 44 143 91.27 1 11 14 66 48.48 9.92 -.32.15 2 16 15 90 57.63 14.62 -.04.04 3 5 5 30 20.11 4.52 -.03.23 32 49 192 130.32 1 8 8 48 21.10 9.01.57 -.09 2 8 8 44 18.81 3 4 4 24 15.18 4.12 -.07 -.11 20 20 112 54.90 -.712 ** -.513 **.595 ** - Anderson Gerbing(1988),.,,, ( = 95.835, GFI =.955, AGFI =.907, TLI =.934, CFI =.959, SRMR =.041, RMSEA =.089(.071.108))..90.34,.93.40,.89.50,. 9 3..
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The Structural Relation of General Self-Efficacy, Career Self-Efficacy and Career Preparation Behavior Among Middle School Students Kyungpook National University The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation of general self-efficacy, specific self-efficacy and career preparation behavior among middle school students. Based on Shelton(1990) and Eden(2001)'s general self-efficacy and relevant empirical findings, two models of the complete and partial mediation of career self-efficacy were established and compared. 480 students in D city completed General Self-Efficacy Scale, Career Self-Efficacy Scale and Career Preparation Behavior Scale and 425 questionnaires were used. For data analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation modeling were employed. In comparing the two models, the complete mediation model was determined to be more superior. In the partial mediation model, the direct effect of general self-efficacy on career preparation behavior was not statistically significant, suggesting the complete mediating effect of career self-efficacy. Based on the findings, implications for educational and counseling interventions, as well as limitations of the current study and the suggestions for further research, were discussed. Key words : general self-efficacy, career self-efficacy, career preparation behavior