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A Study of the Influence of Situational Emotional Factors on Impulsive Buying in Duty-Free Shops Department of Home Economics Education, Dongguk University Lecturer : Joo Won, Jung Doctoral Student : So Yeon, Cho Professor : Myung Hee, Park <Abstract> The purpose of this study was to identify the factors, which influence impulsive buying at duty-free shops. This involved an investigation into the effects of demographic characteristics, the types of purchased items, and the situational and emotional factors affecting impulsive purchasing behaviour in consumers, who had bought items from duty free shops in the past three years. The findings are as follows. Firstly, while beverage and cosmetic items were found to encourage impulse buying, in general demographic variables and type of product had only a slight influence. Secondly, the situational factors of price benefits, overseas luxury branding, and ease of access in the duty free shopping area all had a definite positive influence. Thirdly, with regard to emotional factors, positive emotion was found to have strong augmenting effect on impulsive purchasing. The findings can be used in the development of educational materials to prevent impulsive purchasing and promote sensible consumer behaviour. (impulsive buying), (duty-free shop), (situational factor), (emotional factor) Corresponding Author : Joo Won Jung, Department of Home Economics Education, Dongguk University, #26 Phildong 3ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, 100-715, Korea Tel: +82-10-2934-0239 Fax: +82-31-265-7569 E-mail: jjwchc@naver.com - 99 -

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