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1 The Effect of Parent Attachment in Adolescent on Internet Addiction Tendency: The Mediating Effects of Emotional Regulation Ability * Seohyeon Kim Yong-In Mental Hospital Jungkyu Kim Department of Psychology Sungshin Women s University The purpose of this study is to examined the mediating effects of emotional regulation ability between parent attachment and internet addiction tendency. Inventory of parent attachment, internet addiction scale, and emotional regulation ability scale were administered to 500 students in middle and high school in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do and data from 422 students were analyzed. The results of this study are summarized as follows : parent attachment showed a positive correlation with emotional regulation ability, whereas parent attachment showed a negative correlation with internet addiction tendency. Emotional regulation ability showed a negative correlation with internet addiction tendency. Finding in structural equation modeling indicated that emotional regulation ability fully mediates the relation of parent attachment and internet addiction tendency. This study suggests that emotional regulation ability is an important factor in relation of parent attachment and internet addiction tendency. The results implicate that it is necessary to evaluate and intervene in emotional regulation ability in prevention and treatment of internet addiction. Keywords: attachment, internet addiction tendency, emotional regulation, adolescent, mediating effect * This paper is taken in part from the master s thesis of the first author, Department of Psychology, Sungshin Women s University Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Seohyeun Kim, Yong-In Mental Hospital, 940, Jungbu-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Tel: , psy_shkim@naver.com

2 ,, (Young, 1996) (Internet Addiction Disorder: IAD) Goldberg(1996). Young(1996) DSM-IV,,,,,. Young DSM-IV. DSM-5(American Psychiatric Association, 2013) (Internet Gaming Disorder) < >..,. 2014, 5-54, 6.9%, 5.6%, 12.5%, 5.8%, (Korea Agency for Digital Opportunity and Promotion. 2014)., 2011 ( 11)7.9% ( 12) 7.3% ( 13) 6.4% ( 14) 5.6%, ( 11) 6.8% ( 12) 6.0% ( 13) 5.9% ( 14) 5.8% ( 11) 10.4% ( 12) 10.7% ( 13) 11.7% ( 14) 12.5%.,,, (Kim, 2012).,,, (Young, 1996).,, (Lee, Oh, Jo, Hong & Moon, 2001). (Kim, Choi & Yoo, 2010; Ryu, Choi, Seo & Nam, 2004). (Kim, Park, Tak, Kim & Oh, 2013; Lee & Jeon, 2015) (Jo, 2013)..

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5 ,, , 9, 6. Likert 5.. Ok(1997) (Cronbach s α).93, ,.91.. Young(1996) Kim, Lee Oh(2003).,,,,. 20 Likert Young(1998) ,, 80. Kim, Lee Oh(2003) (Cronbach s α).90,.87 (Cronbach s α).90.. Kim(1998) Son(2007), Oh(2010),.,,,, Likert 1-5. Oh(2010) (Cronbach s α).89 (Cronbach s α).89..,,,,,.. (Cronbach s α). Pearson.

6 ., MI(Modification Index) CR(Critical Ratio)., 2 (Bae, 2007).,. sobel. SPSS AMOS (73.6%),, (56.6%) Table 1., Table , , , Young(1998) ,, 80, 86.7%, 13.1%, 0.2% %, (Korea Agency for Digital Opportunity and Promotion, 2014). 422,, 240 (56.9%), 182 (43.1%) 215 (50.9%), 207 (49.1%).,, Table 3. (r=-.22 p<.01)

7 Male (N=240) Female (N=182) N % N % Middle school student High school student chatting, messenger SNS, blog Purpose of internet usage study web searching internet shopping game nasty sites other less than 30 minutes minutes - 1 hour Time of internet usage per day 1 hour - 2 hours hours - 3 hours hours - 5 hours more than 5hours variables M SD Range of measuring points Attachment Emotional Regulation Ability Internet Addiction Tendency , (r=-.18, p<.01), (r=-.22, p<.01). (r=.42, p<.01)

8 Attachment father attachment.94 ** mother attachment.94 **.74 ** 1 2. Internet Addiction Tendency -.22 ** -.18 ** -.22 ** 1 3. Emotional Regulation Ability.42 **.38 **.40 ** -.26 ** Self-Awareness.27 **.24 **.27 ** -.12 *.74 ** Managing Emotions.33 **.31 **.32 ** -.19 **.67 **.35 ** Self-Motivation.33 **.31 **.31 ** -.25 **.76 **.45 **.47 ** Empathy.27 **.24 **.28 ** -.17 **.75 **.44 **.41 **.42 ** Handling Relationships.31 **.29 **.30 ** -.19 **.71 **.46 **.24 **.37 **.48 ** 1, (r=.38, r=.40, p<.01). (r=-.26, p<.01). 5 (r=-.25, p<.01).. ( ) ( ) Figure 1 Figure 2. χ² χ². χ² Hong(2000) GFI (Goodness of Fit), CFI(Comparative Fit Index), TLI (Tucker-Lewis Index), RMSEA(Root Mean Squate Error of Approximation). χ²,, Table 4., RMSEA.074 GFI, CFI, TLI.90.,

9 χ² df P GFI CFI TLI RMSEA Full Mediation Model Partial Mediation Model p<.05 (χ²= 3.101, df=1, p<.05).,.. Table 5., Path Unstandardized β S.E. Standardized β C.R. Attachment Emotional Regulation Ability *** Emotional Regulation Ability *** Internet Addiction Tendency Note. S.E. = Standard Error; C.R. = Critical Ratio. *** p <.001.

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