,,.. 400,,,,,,.,,, -, -, -., 3.. :, Tel : 010-9540-0640, E-mail : sunney05@hanmail.net
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, 400. 2012 7 2 2012 8 15 400 381. 12, 369. (Positive Affectivity and Negative Affectivity Schedule: PANAS) (2003)., 10 5. (Cronbach'α).90. Ryff(1989) (Psychological Well-being Scale: PWBS) (2001). PWBS 6 46 Likert 6 (2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 33, 34, 36, 40, 41, 45, 46). 6 -,,,,,. (Cronbach'α).84. Rogers (1997), (2001). 4 8(7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 18, 23), 6(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), - 5(10, 11, 15, 16, 17), - 4 (19, 20, 21, 22) 23. 6.85. Diener (1984) (1999) (Satisfaction with life scale: SWLS). 5, 6...83. SPSS WIN 18.0 AMOS 19.0..
,,,,,,,.,,, -, / -, / / -. < 1> N % N % 20 78 21.1 5 1.4 30 201 54.5 31 8.4 40 90 24.4 246 66.7 224 50.7 79 21.4 69 18.7 8 2.2 30 8.1 76 20.6 27 7.3 92 24.9 15 4.1 59 16.0 4 1.1 18 4.9 1 9 2.4 42 11.4 1 ~3 68 18.4 4~6 101 27.4 7~10 107 29.0 11 84 22.8 33 8.9 94 25.5 225 61.0 55 14.9 27 7.3 233 63.1 9 2.4 27 7.3 41 11.1 9 2.4 34 9.2 17 4.6 16 4.3 9 2.4 81 22.0 212 57.5 1 126 29.2 2 186 50.4 67 16.8 5 1.4 3 40 10.8
.,,,. (F=15.35, p=.001), (F=7.89, p=.001), (F=3.02, p=.018). 20 30 40 1 1-3, 4-6, 7-10, 11..,,. * p<.05, *** p<.001 (SD) F 20 30 40 1 2.68(0.86)a 3.25(0.93)b 3.42(0.91)b 2.38(0.80)a 1-3 2.93(0.89)b 4-6 2.93(0.95)b 7-10 3.39(0.88)c 11 3.44(0.93)c 2.93(0.68)a 3.34(0.82)b 3.22(0.95)b 2.83(1.06)a 3.00(0.54)a 3.10(0.78) 3.05(0.83) 3.24(0.94) 3.06(1.02) 2.63(0.72) 25.70 2 12.85 15.35 *** 26.51 4 6.62 7.89 *** 10.67 4 2.66 3.02 * 4.95 4 1.24 1.38
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.,,,. (F=4.76, p=.009), (F=3.43, p=.009), (F=7.12, p=.001), (F=6.13, p=.001). 20 3-40. 1 1-6, 7.,,,.,. ** p<.01, *** p<.001 (SD) F 20 30 40 1 2.27(0.31)a 2.18(0.28)b 2.14(0.23)b 2.35(0.38)a 1-3 2.21(0.29)ab 4-6 2.25(0.30)ab 7-10 2.15(0.26)b 11 2.13(0.25)b 2.28(0.30)a 2.13(0.28)b 2.17(0.26)b 2.29(0.26)a 2.66(0.55)c 2.15(0.33)a 2.25(0.29)b 2.15(0.27)a 2.24(0.27)b 2.58(0.44)c 0.76 2 0.38 4.76 ** 1.09 4 0.27 3.43 ** 2.19 4 0.54 7.12 *** 1.91 4 0.47 6.13 ***
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Influence on the Life Satisfaction of the Negative Emotions, Psychological Well-being and Empowerment of Mothers from Multicultural Families Oh, Ok Sun Dept. of Education, JeJu National Univ. Lecturer This study was designed to look into whether there is any mediated effect of psychological well-being and empowerment on the path of the negative emotions of mothers from multi-cultural families turning into the life satisfaction and tried to demonstrate empirically factors to mitigate the decline in the life satisfaction due to negative emotions of mothers from multi-cultural families. In addition, we verified the differences of psychological factors according to the characteristics of the sociology of population of mothers from multi-cultural families. For this, the survey was conducted with 400 mothers from multi-cultural families across the nation. The results are as follows. First, in case of negative emotions, there were differences among groups depending on ages, years of marriage and educational background. In case of psychological well-being and empowerment, there were differences among groups with different age, years of marriage, their own or their spouse's educational background. Second, as a result of looking into the path through which negative emotions turned into life satisfaction, there were the path effects between negative emotions and empowerment, between negative emotions and life satisfaction, and between psychological well-being and life satisfaction. This means that dealing properly with negative emotions can have positive impacts on the three dimensions of psychological well-being, empowerment, and eventually the life satisfaction. This study is meaningful in that it took psychological factors of mothers from multi-cultural families into consideration and the results can be used as useful data to come up with political measures for mothers from multi-cultural families in the future. Key words : mothers from multi-cultural families, negative emotions, psychological well-being, empowerment, life satisfaction