The influence of perceived service quality on satisfaction and behavioral intention: Empirical evidence from migrants of German sport clubs Doo-Sik Mi

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The influence of perceived service quality on satisfaction and behavioral intention: Empirical evidence from migrants of German sport clubs Doo-Sik Min 1 & Yang-Rea Kim 2 * 1 Korea Sports Promotion Foundation & 2 Korea Institute of Sport Science [Purpose] [Methods] [Results] [Conclusions] Key words:

Table 1. Demographic characteristics (N=438) Gender Age Variables N Frequency(%) Male Female < 18 years 18-25 years 26-35 years 36-45 years 46-55 years > 55 years 258 180 104 119 88 66 27 34 58.9 41.1 23.7 27.2 20.0 15.1 6.2 7.8 Country of Birth Europe Asia Africa America 171 146 66 55 39.0 33.3 15.1 12.6 Period in Germany < 3 years -5 years -10 years > 10 years 37 102 145 154 8.4 23.3 33.1 35.2 Type Team Individual 226 212 51.6 48.4 Fig. 1. The proposed hypothetical model Period in a sport club < 6 mon. -12 mon. -18 mon. -24 mon. > 24 mon. 28 40 54 75 241 6.4 9.2 12.3 17.1 55.0 Frequency Duration per visit Intensity per visit 1-2 per mon. 1 per week 2-3 per week 4-5 per week 6-7 per week < 1h -2h -3h > 3h very light light moderate strong very strong 44 98 242 48 6 12 88 316 22 2 16 188 201 31 10.0 22.4 55.2 11.0 1.4 2.7 20.1 72.2 5.0 0.5 3.7 42.9 45.8 7.1

α α χ χ χ

Table 2. Summary results of the exploratory factor analysis Dimension Items FL V CV α Staff Staff are knowledgeable Staff are reliable Staff are willing to help me ST2 ST3 ST1.858.835.807 22.100 22.100.874 Sport program The contents of sport program are interesting The schedule of sport program is convenient The level of sport program is adequate SP2 SP3 SP1.856.844.630 20.112 42.212.845 Interaction Interacting with members is enjoyable The opportunities to interact among members are provided I can have a nice conversation with members IT1 IT2 IT3.828.826.800 18.411 60.623.830 Physical environment The facility and equipment are well-maintained It is convenient to use the facility and equipment It is easy to access to the facility PE2 PE3 PE1.913.859.602 17.548 78.171.846 α Table 3. Correlations of variables and validity 1 2 3 4 5 AVE CR 1 1.723.911 2.694 *** 1.742.895 3.517 ***.518 *** 1.729.889 4.435 ***.497 ***.587 *** 1.760.903 5.704 ***.680 ***.580 ***.599 *** 1.895.945 6.779 ***.750 ***.630 ***.550 ***.866 ***.870.930

Tale 4. The results of hypotheses testing Path Coefficient t p Result Perceived service quality Satisfaction Staff Satisfaction.370 6.362.000 Support Sport program Satisfaction.234 3.935.000 Support Interaction Satisfaction.120 2.353.019 Support Physical environment Satisfaction.250 5.222.000 Support Perceived service quality Behavioral intention Staff Behavioral intention.176 3.540.000 Support Sport program Behavioral intention.121 2.502.012 Support Interaction Loyalty Behavioral intention.186 4.476.000 Support Physical environment Behavioral intention -.095-2.388.017 Not support Satisfaction Behavioral intention.617 11.845.000 Support Fig 2. The results of structural equation modeling analysis

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