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The Consensual Qualitative Research on Academic Counseling Experiences of Natural Science and Engineering College Students Chonbuk National University Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. This study is to explore the natural science and engineering college students' needs about academic counseling. The research participants were 10 natural science and engineering students who had taken the academic counseling during fall semester of 2011. They performed semi-structured written interview via e-mail and face to face interview. The contents of interview questions were their expectations and needs on academic counseling, main experiences in the counseling, and effects after the counseling. The transcripts of the interviews were analyzed as per CQR(consensual qualitative research) procedures. The results were as follows: The natural sciences and engineering college students who had participated academic counseling wanted integrated services for problem-solving in psychological academic problem and major specific career planning. They got psychological, academic, and career exploration services as counselors' warm response, recognition, encouragement, psychological testing, getting information, referral etc. The participants reported positive changes in their academic behavior, career development, way of thinking, emotion as the effects of academic counseling. They wanted individually customized academic counseling, systematic service to solve their problems without wasting time. These results suggest that one should prepare psychological counseling competence, academic counseling skills, and career counseling abilities to be a competent academic counselor for college students. Key words : college students, academic counseling needs, CQR