: *,., (importance).,. 60, 4 -.,, (free-choice paradigm)..,.. * 2010 ( ) (NRF-2010-327-B00838). :,, (136-701) 5 1 Tel : 02-3290-2862, Email : tkhur@korea.ac.kr
(attitude) (Allport, 1935)...,. (Heine & Lehman, 1997)., (Hoshino-Browne, Zanna, Spenser, Zanna, & Kitayama, 2005) (, 2005).,. (impotance).., (Festinger, 1957). (,, ),,, (Harris & Tamler, 1971).. ( ),. (Cooper & Fazio, 1984),, (Collins & Hoyt, 1972; Goethais & Cooper, 1972). (Cooper & Brehm, 1971).
. 40 1990,., (Heine & Lehman, 1997). (analytic) (holistic), (Peng & Nisbett, 1999; Suh, 2002).,, (insufficient justification) (Choi & Nisbett, 1998; Hiniker, 1969). (Kitayama, Snibble, Markus, & Suzuki, 2004). (Hoshino-Browne et al., 2005)...,, (Hoshino-Browne et al., 2005: Kitayama et al., 2004). -, -. - (Hofstede, 1980),. (,, ),,.,,, (Triandis, 1995)..
.,, (,, 1999).,., (Hur, Roese, & Namkoong, 2009)..,,,, (Bem & McConnell, 1970). (self-standard), (Cooper, 2007).,.,,..,, (Hoshino-Browne et al., 2005; Kitayama et al., 2004). -.,.,.
-..,,. (self-perception theory),., (Bem, 1972).,. (attitude importance). Festinger(1957), (dissonance magnitude) (the importance of cognition). (Blanton, Pelham, Dehart, & Carvallo, 2001; Simon, Greenberg, & Brehm, 1995)..,. (attitude strength) (Krosnick, 1988). Boninger, Krosnick, Berent(1995) (,, ) (belief) (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975),,,. (deliberative processing. Fazio, 1990) (Boninger et al., 1995).,,, (Holbrook, Berent, Krosnick, Visser, & Boninger, 2005).,, (Abelson, 1988).? (Key, 1961; Modigliani & Gamson, 1979; Petty, Cacioppo, & Haugtvedt, 1991).,
(self-interest),, (social identification),, (value)..,.,,,,,.,. ( :, :, : ),. K 60., 3. -,,, 20. - Singelis, Triandis, Bhawuk, Gelfand(1995), (1996) (The Individualism Collectivism Scale, INDCOL). 16, 16 32 (1) (7) 7, Cronbach s α=.69, Cronbach s α=.80. (Boninger, Kronsnick, & Berent, 1995). (Krosnick, 1988, 1989),
(? ). ( :?,?,?) -, 4. (free-choice paradigm). Brehm(1956),.,, Hoshino-Browne (2005). 10 ( ) 1 2, 1 5 6. 2.,.,,. (MediaLab). 10. 10,. 10,, 10. 10. 1
,..,, 1 5 6. 10 5 6 (1, 2..) (10, 9..)., ( ),, 2 1.,.. 1 5 6,.. 1 5 6.. 2 1. 1 10 ( ). 2 ( ), 1. 2, 1 2 5 6. 1 2,. 2, (attitude importance).?,?,
?.,, (debriefing). 1 2 1 5 6 2,. -,. (repeated measure),,, (one-way ANOVA), Sheffe (post hoc). (correlation analysis) (multiple regression analysis). *p<.05, ***p<.001 1 5 6 2 (spreading) 1, (t=53.65, p<.001) (t=7.86, p=.01), (t=26.21, p<.001) 1 (5, 6 ) 2 (, ).,,. 1 -
(N=20) 4.68 (.83) 4.74 (.80) 7.35 (1.23)a (N=20) 4.68 (.54) 4.81 (.87) 4.65 (1.50)b.., (F=23.59, p<.001),,. (N=20) 4.53 (.85) 4.36 (.58) 7.30 (1.53)a 2 (r=-.28, p<.05), (r=.41, p<.01). F.34 2.14 23.59 *** 2.40 1.40 2.00 1.49 (1.47) (2.23) (1.75) 1. a, b Sheffe 2. ( ). *** p<.001 1. 1 2..40 ** 1,. 1 2 3 4 3. -.07 -.17 1 4. -10 -.28 *.41 ** 1 * p<.05, ** p<.01..84, VIF 1.22. B β t.00.00.03 -.07 -.20- ** 3.15 ** p<.01 Adj R².17 R².21 F 5.00 **
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The Role of Attitude Importance in Cultural Variations of Cognitive Dissonance Sangyeon Yoon Shinhwa Suh Hyunjeong Kim Taekyun Hur Korea University The recent findings proposed and found that people from Eastern cultures could experience strong cognitive dissonance only when certain conditions, such as other-related choices, normative attitudes, were fulfilled. Even though such interesting findings are intuitively convincing on the basis of common understanding of individualist and collectivist cultures, the psychological mechanisms underlying the cultural variations of cognitive dissonance remain untested. The present study examined the role of attitude importance in cognitive dissonance by using the free-choice paradigm. After completing a pretest of individualism-collectivism scales, 60 college students ranked their preference to 10 items of either beverage or traffic regulations twice. Between the two ranking tasks, they were asked to engage in behavioral selection among their 5 th and 6 th preferred items. They also rated the personal importance of the preference. The results showed that attitude importance was positively correlated with attitude change and it could play a major role in experiencing cognitive dissonance beyond cultural orientation and situational factors. The current findings were discussed in universality of cognitive dissonance across cultures. Key words : cognitive dissonance, cultural perspectives (individualism-collectivism), attitude importance