Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp.25-46 DOI: * A Study on the Research Trends of College Students' Leadership in Korea Purpose: analyze college students' leadership researches in Korea and draw the implications for the desirable directions Method: we searched and analyzed 53 articles published from 2005 to 2014. According to the frame of analysis based upon previous research, we have categorized college students leadership into three parts: models, main subjects, and methodology. Results: First, the studies on college students leadership were more focused on the self-leadership model, more than 38 percent of the analyzed articles. Second, in terms of the research subjects, development of college students' self-leadership program, the relationships between college students' self-leadership and self-efficacy/problem-solving ability etc. were covered repeatedly. Third, quantitative research methods were much more employed than qualitative research methods in college students' leadership studies. Conclusion: Through this study, several suggestions on the direction for future research were identified as follows. First, it is needed to conduct multiple researches and various models of college students' leadership. Second, A study of the concept and theory of college students' leadership is conducted systematically. Third, the classification by theoretical studies on the college students' leadership needs to be refined. We should proceed to the other theoretical frames more than from self-leadership theory. Key words : college student, leadership, research trends * (2 ). Corresponding Author: Joo, Chul-An, Pusan National University, Dept. of Education, Busandaehakro, Jangjeondong, Busan, Korea, e-mail:
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