- - - Table 1. SSP 절차와내용 1, 30. 2, 3,, 2. 3, , 3. 5, , ,

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1 KISEP Review Article Korean J Child & Adol Psychiatr 15:28~39 애착의평가 THE MEASUREMENT OF ATTACHMENT 이경숙 * Kyung Sook Lee, Ph.D. * 요약 중심단어 영유아기의애착평가 1. 낯선상황절차 (SSP;The Strange Situation Procedure) Department of Rehabilitation, Hanshin University, Osan

2 - - - Table 1. SSP 절차와내용 1, 30. 2, 3,, 2. 3, , 3. 5, , ,

3 - Table 2. 비조직 / 비정향적애착유형분류도식 1.? a.. b.? 2. a. b. 3 D-like D. 3..,, D. disorganization disorientation Sequential Display of Contradictory Behavior Patterns 2. Simultaneous Display of Contradictory Behavior Patterns 3.,,, Undirected, Misdirected, Incomplete, and Interrupted Movements and Expressions 4.,, Stereotypies, Asymmetrical Movements, Mistimed Movements, and Anomalous Postures 5.,, Freezing, Stilling, and Slowed Movements and Expressions 6. Direct Indices of Apprehension regarding the parent 7. Direct Indices of Disorganization or Disorientation

4 2. 애착 Q-Set(AQS;Attachment Q-Sort) 유아 / 아동기애착평가 1. Cassidy- Marvin의애착유형체계

5 Table 3. 애착문제아동을의미있게구분해주는애착 Q-set 문항예 , PAA(Preschool Assessment of Attachment) - 3. Main과 cassidy의유치원연령아동의애착유형

6 4. 인형놀이 (Doll play) 를통한애착유형 Table 4. 그림에나타난싸인에따른가족그림체크유형 A C / Aor C / /D,, - 5. 가족그림검사를통한애착유형 아동기 / 청소년기애착평가 1. IPPA(Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment)

7 청소년기 / 성인기애착평가 1. 성인애착면접 (AAI;The Adult Attachment Interview)

8 Table 5. 성인애착유형 AAI 과영유아애착유형의관련성 애착과관련된성인의심리상태 AAI 안정 / 자율 FSecure/Autonomous... Grice. 무시 DsDismissing..,. Grice. transcripts. 몰입 EPreoccupied. /.,., dadadada. Grice. transcripts,. 미해결 U/dUnresolved/disorganized.,.. Ds, E F. 유아의낯선상황행동 SSP 안정 BSecure 회피 AAvoidant...,,..... 저항 CResistsnt.,.... 비조직 / 비정향 DDisorganized/disoriented.,,.. A, B C

9 2. 낭만적애착을측정하는애착양식질문지 (ASQ:Attachment Style Questionnaires) Table 6. A A I 문항내용 01..,, , ??? 06.,,? a? b? c? 07..? 08.? 08a.? 09.?. 10.?? 11.? 12.,?? 13.,? 13a.,? 13b.? ? 16.? 17.? ? 19.? 20.?

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