....,,..,,. 19. 1985. IMF.,,,.....
i 1 1 3 1 3 2 4 2 5 1 5 2 6 3 9 4 12 3 15 1 15 2 23 4 37 1 37 2 38 3 39
ii 5 48 1 48 2 (PBDCT) 50 3 (PPA) 60 4 68 5 70 6 73 1 73 2 76 7 80 82
iii < 2-1> 7 < 2-2> 8 < 2-3> 9 < 2-4> 11 < 2-5> 13 < 2-6> 13 < 3-1> (SNDCT) (1983) 19 < 3-2> 22 < 3-3> CN Pq(1997 ) 30 < 3-4> (CAPES) 35 < 4-1> 39 < 4-2> (1995) 39 < 4-3> 40 < 4-4> (1990 1997) 41 < 4-5> (1997) 41 < 4-6> (1997) 42 < 4-7> (1996 ) 42 < 4-8> (1995) 43 < 4-9> 44 < 4-10> (1994) 44 < 4-11> 45 < 4-12> 45
iv < 4-13> 46 < 4-14> (?) 46 < 4-15> 47 < 5-1> 1 53 < 5-2> 2 56 < 5-3> GDP 63 < 5-4> (1987-1996) 63 < 5-5> 64 < 5-6> (1997) 64 < 5-7> (1990 96 ) 65 < 5-8> 65 < 5-9> 66 < 5-10> (1996 ) 66 < 5-11> (1990 96) 67 < 5-12> (1996) 67 < 5-13> 70 < 5-14> 71 < 5-15> 71 < 5-16> 72 < 6-1> 75
v <2-1> 6 <3-1> (1999) 22 <3-2> (1999) 23 <3-3> (MCT) 26
1.,...,.., 1889 Institituto Ad olfo Lutz (1892, ). 100,. 1900 1972. (PND), (PBDCT)
2. 1990 (PPA). 1985 (SEPLAN ), (MCT). (CNPq) (FIN EP). (CNPq),. (CAPES).,.,,.,,,,. 90.,. IMF.,.
1 3 1 1.,.,, 8.,. 1964. 6.4% 5, 1 6.., 1998 IMF,..,.
4 2.,,,..,,,,,. 2,.. 1, 2,. 3, 4, 5. 6, 7,.
2 5 2 1,. 1500., (p au - brasil) 1).. 200. (Joao) 3. 14 (Capitania) 12. 164060, 1822 (Pedro) 1. 1)
6,,. 2 851 1,965 6.4%, (22) 38.7. 2.8%.,. 5 6 33 45, 4,320, 4,328. <2-1> : http :/ / www.odci.gov/ cia/ publications/ factbook/ br.html, 1999. 12
2 7 99%,. 60.8%, 12.6%. 3.5%. () < 2-1> () (100) ( / ) 5,601.3 155.5 1,190.0 913.6 260.7 190.4 44.8 156.3 133.5 8.8 9.6 3.3 9.4 1.9 0.1 8.5 42.0 17.6 124.6 277.9 27.8 99.9 488.0 18.2 : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, IBGE, IPEA, World Bank. 1997. 1995. : : 4616 : : : Mato Gross, Mato Grosso do Sul Goias 1/ 2650 3,000. 1,100m., 2/ 3.,,.
8 < 2-2> () (%) 11.1 45.0 66.6 23.3 10.5 7.1 28.8 42.5 14.9 6.7 42.0 18.2 10.9 6.8 22.1 156.3 100.0 100.0 : KOTRA, 1996,,.. 1996 1 6. 50% 20, 80% 40.. 1,200, 1,000. 55%, ( ) 38%, 6%, 1%. 1, 1/ 3, 30%, 60%..,,,,,,.
2 9 < 2-3> : : : (: Republica Federativa do Brasil : Federative Republic of Brazil) (Brasilia, D.F.) (Distrito Federal) 180 50 26, 1 8,511,965 ( 5, 47.3%, 37 ) 1 6(1996, 5 ) 55%, 38%, 6%, 1% 80%, 11%, (Real : R$) 99. 4. 20 1U$ = 1.60R$ -, -, -,,,,,, 3 1500 300. 1822,. 1889,. 1930-45 (Vargas), 1945. 1964-1985,
10. 1985-1990 (Sarney). 1991 1992 (Fernando Henriqu e Cardoso). 1998 (PSDB) 1, 81 68, 513 378.,.. 26 1.,,, 3, 1988. 4 1. 3 81, 513. 84 2/ 3 1/ 3. 4. 8, 70.,...
2 11 < 2-4> (4, 1 ) Fernando Henrique Cardoso (, 95. 1. 1 ) - 81 (8 ) - 513 (4 ) 9 7 ( ), 11 15 () 1945. 10. 24 3(,, ) 29 5(19 5, 5, 5 ). <> (Administracao Federal e Reform a d o Estado) (Agricultura e d o Abstecim ento) (Ciencia e Tecnologia) (Com unicacao) (Cultura) (Educacao e do Desporte) (Extraordinario de Politica Fundiaria) (Fazenda) (Indu stria, Com ercio e Turism o) (Justica) (Meio Ambiente dos Recursos Historicos e da Amazonia Legal) (Minas e Energia) (Planejam ento e Orcam ento) (Previdencia e Assistencia Social)
12 (Relacoes Exteriores) (Sau de) (Trabalho) (Transporte) (Exercito) (Marinha) (Aeronautica) <> (Banco Central do Brasil) (Banco do Brasil S/ A) (Banco N acional de Desenvolvim ento: BNDES) (Em presa Brasileira de Telecom unicacoes S.A.: Em bratel) (Empresa Brasileira de Turism o: Em bratur) (Instituto N acional da Propriedade Indu strial: IN PI) (Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.: Petrobras) (Dep artam ento de Aeronautica Civil: DAC) 4,., 16 17, 18, 19. 19
2 13,,. 1970 7% 1980. 1980 1987. 1980 1990,,.,,..,. < 2-5>, < 2-6>. < 2-5> 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 96 (10 ) 651,6 658,3 654,7 687,0 727,2 757,9 778,8 95 (10 US$) 605,2 611,4 608,1 638,0 675,4 703,9 723,3 (%) - 1.03-0.54 4.92 5.85 4.22 2.76 : 1995 1$ = 0.918 : (MCT) < 2-6> : 100 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 64.5 70.0 71.0 74.1 73.1 : 10. : (MCT)
14.. 1. 1964.. 1999 IMF.... 1995.., 7 756..,,.... 20103 200. CVRD (Com pania Vale do Rio Doce) 20%. 98,,,.
3 15 3 2,,. 3... 1,. 2) 1900 1972 : 1972 1985 : 1985: 2) : - Carl J. Dahlman and Claudio R. Frischtak, National Systems Supporting Technical Advance in Industry: The Brazilian Experience" in National Innovation systems: A comparative Analysis (eds) Richard R. Nelson, 1993 - (1983),
16 1. (1900-1972) 1822, 1892(Institituto Ad olfo Lutz). (1934 ),, (1916 ), (Getulio Vargas Foundation (1944 ), Brazilian Society for the Advancem ent of Sciences(1948 ), 1951 (CN Pq; Conselho N acional de Pesquisas, N ational Research Council), 1952 (BNDE; Banco N acional do Desenvolvim ento Econom ico, N ational Developm ent Bank), 1962 (CN EN ).. 1940. ( : ),. 1964,. (PIN), (PND), (PBDCT),., 1967 (FIN EP)(BNDE), 1972 (STI)., 1974 (CN Pq) (CN Pq: Conselho N acional de Desenvolvim ento Cientifico e Tecnologico: N ational Council for Scientific and Technological Developm ent)., (COPPE- VFRJ)
3 17. (UN ICAMP: University of Campias in S~ao Paulo).., 1950., 1951 (CNPq),.., 1960 (FAPESP). FAPESP CNPq (Bahia, Gu anabara, Rio Grand e do Sul, Minas Gerais ).. 1967 (CNPq) 1 (I PBDCT) 5. 1968 (CN Pq).. (FN DCT) (BN DE)(FUN TEC) (CN EN )
18 2. (1972 1985) 1972.. 1 (I PBDCT). 1973 7 1 (I PBDCT)., (SEPLAN ) (CN Pq). 1974 (SEPLAN ) (CNPq). (SEPLAN), (CN Pq) (SEPLAN) (PBDCT).. (CN Pq) (CNPq)., (SNDCT). (SNDCT) 1975 1, (PBDCT) (SEPLAN ). (PBDCT) (PBDCT) (FN DCT), (SEPLAN) (FIN EP)
3 19. 1985. 1983 < 3-1>. < 3-1> (SNDCT) (1983) / SNDCT () PBDCT () FNDCT () FUNTEC ( ) :,, 1983 SEPLAN () CNPq () FINEP () BNDE ( ) 3. (1985) 1985 (SEPLAN ). 1985 (MCT),. 1985.. 1985 3 (MCT),,. (CNPq) (FINEP). 10 1999. 80 90
20.. (1990-1992 ). 1994 97., 1997.... 1998 1999...... (FINEP).. (FNDCT)..,.
3 21.. 4..,,,. 80 (SNSCT),,.. () - (CCT) - (MCT) (, ) - (CN Pq) - (CAPES) - (FIN EP) - (SEBRAE) - - - (SEN AI) 651. 55 48. 893.
22 < 3-2> 893 55 48 651 : : (MCT), 1999 < 3-1> <3-2>.. 25%.. <3-1> (1999) (CCT) (MCT) (FINEP) (CNPq) (CAPES)
3 23.. 1/ 5 (FAPESP). <3-2> (1999) () 2 80%... 1985 3 (MCT),. (MCT).
24 1. (MCT). 1985 3 (MCT). (CN Pq), 1984 (CTI), (FIN EP).,. 1989(Ministerio d e Desenvolvim ento Indu strial, Ciencia e Tecnologia)., 1990 3, (IN PA), (IN T), (INPE). 1992 (SEPIN).,,,,,. 1987,,,,,.. <3-3> 1999. 4 (,,, ),,, 4
3 25.. 4 (CNPq) 10.. <>,, <>, <>,, < >,
26 <3-3> (MCT) (CNPq) CNPq ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (FINEP). 1) (CCT) (CCT: Conselho N acional de Ciencia e Tecnologia) 1996 1..,,,..,,,
3 27,,,, 7. 2) (CTN Bio).,., DNA (Com issao Tecnica nacional de Biosseguranca) 1995 1. 36. 8,,,,, 2, 1,.,,,,,,,,. 2. (S EPLAN) (SEPLAN : Secretaria de Planejam ento, Planning Secretariat). SEPLAN 1974 5 (Miniplan; Ministry of Planning and General Coordination),,.. - - (PBDCT),, (
28, ) -,, -, (BNDE), (FIN EP), (IPEA), (CNPq), (IBGE).,,. 3. (CNPq). (CN Pq: N ational Research Council) 1948 UN ESCO. 1964 12.. 1974, (CNPq: N ational Council for Science and Technological Developm ent). (SEPLAN). 1985 (SPELAN ). CNPq. 1997 CN Pq
3 29.. CNPq,.,. CN Pq.,,. 10.,. IBICT. IBICT,,... CNPq, CNPq,. CNPq. (CCT) 30 (CNPq),
30 15. 10 (INPE), (INPA), (INT), (CTI), (CBPF), (CETEM), (IBICT), (IMPA), (LN A), (LN CC), (LNLS), (MAST), (MPEG), (ON).. CNPq.,,,,,, -,,,. CNPq. < 3-3> CNPq(1997 ) 74.34% 7.78% 4.82% 10.56% 2.50% : Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional/ Ministerio da Fazenda 4. (FINEP) (FIN EP: Financiadora de Estud os e Projectos S/ A,
3 31 Finacier of Stu dies and Projects) 1965 (BNDE) 1967,,,.. (FNDCT),,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,. (FIN EP). - - - (),...,,,,
32., 1996 5. 10,.,. 3,500..,,., 23.. (FNDCT ) (FNDCT: Fundo N acional d e Desesenvolvim ento Cientifico e Technologico, N ational Fund for Scientific and Technological Developm ent) (FIN EP). (FN DCT) 19731 (I PBDCT). (FNDCT) (CEPED: Center for Research and Developm ent) (CTA : Aerospace Technical Center)
3 33 (IPT: Technological Research Institute) (Petrobras: Brazilian Petroleum Com p any) (Sao Carlos, Cam pinas, Brasilia, Catholic University) (OAS),,, (PN TE). (CEPED: Research and Developm ent Center, Bahia) (CETEC: Technological Center of Minas Gerais) (CETEC/ FJP: Technological Center of the Joao Pinheiro Foundation, Minas Gerais) (IPT: Technological Research Institute, Sao Paulo) (ITEP: Technological Institute of the State of Pernam buco) 5. (CAPES). (CAPES: Fundacao Coordenacao de Ap erfeicioam ento d e Pessoal d e N ivel Su p erior: Coordin ation of Personn el for College Education) 1951. 1992...
34, (Conselho Sup erior). CAPES CAPES (Conselho Tecnico - Cientifico).,, (Diretoria de Adm inistracao), (Dirtoria de Program as),, (Diretoria de Avaliacao)...... 1975,. 42, 17..,,,,,., (CAPES),,.
3 35 < 3-4> (CAPES) : US$ 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 12,578 110,311 106,379 110,993 195,601 280,331 362,551 372,590 369,547 13,309 5,591 14,365 13,636 20,946 33,923 44,672 38,576 43,026 PADCT - - - - 3,687 2,220 10,116 8,204 2,639 - - - 258 515 1,607 2,262 3,073 1,712 - - - 176 62 120 75 106 234 2,490 1,879 1,816 2,535 5,384 7,406 5,634 6,085 8,156 141 78 516 415 2,088 780 844 1,035 138,518 117,859 122,560 128,114 226,610 327,695 426,090 429,478 426,349 : (CAPES) < 3-4>. 80% 10%. 6. (IPEA) 1967 (IPEA: Instituto de Planejam ent Econom oco e Scial, Economic and Social Planning Institute) (SEPLAN ).,.. (IN PES: Institute of Econom ic and Social Reseach of the IPEA) (IPLAN : Planning Institute of the IPEA)
36 7. (IBGE) (IBGE) 1967 (SEPLAN ). 1973 5, (IBGE),,,,,. 10,. 8. (BNDE) (BN DE) 1952 1971. (SEPLAN).,,,,,,. 9. (STI) (STI: Secretaria de Tecnologia Indu strial, Secretary of Indu strial Technology) (1972 ). (STI),,,. (STI) (INT), (IN PI), (INMETRO).
4 37 4... 1 1549 (Jesuit Mission), 200..,. 1808,,,,.. 1822, 1823
38.. 20.. - Rio De Janeiro (1920) - Minas Gerais (1927) - Porto Alegre E Sao Palulo (1934) 1950. (CN Pq) (CAPES).,. 2 1993 4 2. 1991 1993, (< 4-1> ). < 4-2>, 83%,.,.. 1993 1% 3.5%.,, 3.2, 3.0, 3.6%.
4 39 < 4-1> 1991 1993 (Literacy) 2 57,842 166,917 3,628,285 51,917 89,291 1,655,609 193,700 1,295,965 29,203,724 11,811 29,380 3,770,230 : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, IBGE and World Bank 84,366 197,206 4,196,419 50,646 75,713 1,584,147 195,840 1,344,045 30,548,879 12,556 273,539 4,183,847 < 4-2> (1995) ( ) () 83 93 60 >95 87 83 90 73 >95 91 83 92 67 >95 89 : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, IBGE and World Bank 3 1. 1930. 1934. 1940 (CBPF)
40. 1967 1968,.. 1980. 1990.. < 4-3> 1991 1993 893 873 133,135 137,156 1,565,056 1,594,668 83 116* 964 1,159* 450 616* 29,351 43,274* 54,174 62,613* :. (*) 1995 : MInistry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, IBGE and World bank. 1995 67 127..,.. ()
4 41.. 2.,, 10%. < 4-3>,. 1997 1,273, (267 ), (< 4-4>, < 4-5> ). < 4-4> (1990 1997) 1990 493 11 492 996 1991 514 11 499 1,024 1993 523 16 550 1,089 1995 566 23 593 1,182 1997 599 31 643 1,273 : (CAPES) < 4-5> (1997) 167 94 261 131 85 216 143 63 206 267 188 455 157 66 223 108 66 174 176 84 260 43 29 72 42 14 56 1,273 674 1,923 : (CAPES)
42,. < 4-6> (1997) 2,276 98 2,318 1,642 99 1,661 1,837 97 1,893 2,199 92 2,381 1,701 95 1,798 947 89 1,069 1,871 97 1,922 639 97 658 64 80 80 267 95 280 13,143 96 14,060 : (CAPES) < 4-7> (1996 ) (%) 454 361 308 114 79 65 28 23 21 15 54 29.8 23.7 20.2 7.5 5.2 4.3 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.0 3.5 1,522 100 : (CAPES)
4 43.. 29.8%,,,. 68.5%, 3.5%. 10.8%. 2... 1995 14, 4. < 4-8> (1995) (1) (2) 14,580 (10.5%) 113,923 (81.7%) 10,966 (7.9%) 139,470 (1). (2),,. : National Science and Technology Indicators 1990-96, (MCT) < 4-9> 1996 1. 10.
44 < 4-9> : 1 29.5 2.3 26.4 38.2 26.1 24.5 44.7 : http :/ / www.cnpq.br/ gpesq2/ 1. 1994 86% 5%.... (< 4-10> ). I II < 4-10> (1994) (a) 106 16 88 210 (b) (%) (c) (%) (c)/ (b) 28,181 (77) 1,744 (5) 6,792 (18) 36,717 (100) 17,345 (86) 923 (5) 1,879 (9) 20,147 (100) IES : I : II : : CNPq (http :/ / www.cnpq.br/ gpesq2/ ) 62 53 28 (c)/ (a) 163 58 21 55 96 80%.
4 45 < 4-11> ( ) (%) - - 56,760 32,652 17,062 7,046 62,613 119,373 82 - - - - 7,632 4,704 5,041 8,765 39 43 5.5 3.0 3.0 6.5 26,142 18 145,515 100 : Brito Cruz (CCT,1997), :, (1999) 1) < 4-12> (%) 2) :, % 26,799 9,389 36,168 20.5 13.5 16.5 14.7 12.4 22.3 : 1) 14,308. 2). : Diretorio Grupos de pesquisas a CNPq(1995) < 4-12>, 36,168 74% 26%.,., 14.7%...
46.. (%) 16 32 12 11 14 < 4-13> 49,497 280,482 895,894 296,981 125,392 (%) 142 (2.0) 714 (10.0) 5,031 (69.0) 1,080 (15.0) 304 (4.0) ( ) % % 853 4,052 23,495 5,438 1,706 : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, CNPq/ MCT 2.4 11.4 66.1 15.3 4.8 33 200 1,224 246 72 1.8 11.3 69.0 13.8 4.1... < 4-14> (?) 1986 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 939 2,154 2,455 2,843 2,737 2,418 2,132 12,689 26,542 30,586 34,991 38,218 42,002 49,908 13,628 28,696 33,041 37,834 40,955 44,420 52,040 : CNPq/ SUP/ COOE < 4-14>. 1992. 64% 95%
4 47. 1995 8,892 2,497. (< 4-15> ).. 1997 29%..... < 4-15> / (IMPA) / 7 (CBPF) / 6 (ON) / 5 (INPE) (INPA) Remore Sensor / / / / / / / / / / : 14 (CAPES), 76 7 : Ministerio da Ciencia e Tecnologia, Ciencia & Tecnologia A nos 90: a Decada do Crescimento, novembro de 1998. 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 4 3 3
48 5,,. 5.. 1 1950-60,,,. (CN Pq). 1960-63 1963 63-65 3.. 1960. (Autonom ou s policy)
5 49.,., 1.2%. 1,000 2.. 1964 3 1964-1966.,.. 1950 1968. 1968-70 (PED), 1971.. 1970(PN D). 1973-1985,, (PPA: Plano Pluri- Anu al, Multiyear Plan for Science and Technology). 19501995. 195070,. 1960-1967 :,.
50 1968-1971 :. 1970:... 1980-85 : (CNPq). (CNPq),. 1985 : (MCT). 1986-90 :. 1991-95 :. 2 (PBDCT) 1. 1(I PBDCT: 1973 1974) (PN D) (PBDCT). 1972 1 (I PND).. 1 (I PND : 1972 1974).
5 51 8 10% 3.1% 10% (PIN), (PIS),,,,,, 10 $ 1 179,240Cr$ 1,750Cr$. 1.,,,,,. 1 (I PN D:1972 1974) 1 (1973 1974). 11., 1 (I PBDCT) 5 1 Cr$ 1 1973 1973 19 5 8Cr$, 1974 42 6 7Cr$. 1,,.,, (FN DCT)
52. 1. 1972-74 GNP. (CN Pq) 460 120,. 1 (I PBDCT).. 1. - - (,, ) (,,, ), (,,, ), -,,, - - - -,,
5 53. 1 < 5-1>. (UN DP, OAS)..,,.. < 5-1> 1 1. - - - 2. - - 3. - - - - - - 4. - - - - 5. () : Cr$, 1973 1973 1974 (%) 306 393 699 177 224 401 144 138 252 16.4 15 31 46 196 154 42 551 238 209 4 51 33 16 212 182 17 7 6 220 173 47 865 241 257 3 107 41 16 264 234 14 9 7 416 327 89 1,216 479 466 7 158 74 32 476 416 31 16 13 10.0 28.0 11.1 93 110 203 4.7 6. 439 484 923 22.0 7. 117 93 210 4.9 8. 44 80 124 2.9 1,958 2,309 4,267 100.0 : CNPq, I PBDCT, 1976
54. 11%.. 22%..,. 2. 2(II PBDCT: 1975 1979) 1975-79 2 (II PN D)., (Gradu ate Program). 1970,,,,.,. 1980. 2 (II PND : 1975 1979). 1 (I PND), 10
5 55 (,,, ) ( ) ( ), 2(II PBDCT) (CN Pq) 2 (II PN D: 1975 1979) 1 7,470 Cr$(US$ 2,490 )220 Cr$. 1974, 2 2(II PBDCT: 1975 1979) 5 25 US$., 2 1975 1977 3, 400 US$ ( 75 77). 1 4 5US$ 8 US$,. 2. CNPq... -,, - ( )
56 -,, - - -. 2< 5-2>. 1. - - - - 2. - - - - < 5-2> 2 : Cr$, 1973 1975 1976 1977 US$ 681 371 832 485 866 579 2,379 1,435 261 158 223 55 224 81 167 68 614 204 67 22 32 42 52 126 14 835 198 196 192 249 1,075 266 220 309 280 1,147 274 232 315 326 3,057 738 648 816 855 336 81 71 90 94 3. 1,424 1,492 1,652 4,567 502 4. - - - 5. - - - - - - 6 - CNPq - 7. - - ( ) - - 842 682 62 98 578 40 103 173 124 27 111 1,870 348 1,522 610 101 90 27 392 1,043 860 107 76 518 50 105 79 117 43 124 2,011 412 1,569 700 104 98 36 462 1,224 1,023 130 71 573 72 109 78 125 50 139 2,018 390 1,718 679 119 102 36 422 3,109 2,565 299 245 1,669 162 317 330 366 120 374 5,989 1,150 4,839 1,989 324 290 99 1,276 342 282 33 27 183 18 35 36 40 13 41 658 126 532 218 36 32 10 140 6,840 7,671 8,248 22,759 2,500 : CNPq, II PBDCT, 1976
5 57 2 1. 2,,,.,,,, (NUCLEBRAS), 3 1 5 8US$.,,,, (CN Pq),. 36 7US$., (CNPq) 32 2 US$. 1 4US$,,,.,, 1. 1.. 3. 3(III PBDCT: 1980-1985) 1(I PBDCT)2(II PBDCT).. 7,. 3 (III PBDCT: 1980-1985) 2. 3
58,.. 3 (Develop - m ent of Scientific Cap acity) (Technological Autonom y).. -,,,.,,,,. (CN Pq)
5 59 (CCT) (CCT),.. 3. 3...... 1, 2 3. 3,,,,.,,,,
60,,,,.,,. 3 (PPA) 1. 1980... 1985 21.,..,,.. (MCT)., 1950 (CN Pq).,..
5 61,,,,,.. (PPA: Multiyear Plan)1990 95 1 1996 99 2. (PPA) (Multiyear Plan for Science and Tech - nology). 1990 2 PPA (1996 1999 ) 1 PPA (1990 1995 ) 3 PPA 2000-2003. 2. 1996 1999 2. - 1999 GDP 1.5%. -. -. -. -. -. 2
62,,,. 2000-2003 3. -,,. -. -. -. -... - - (fiancing) - - 3. 3, 1),,, 2), 3), 4), 5). 3 14,002. 2000, 2,959, 2001, 3,248, 2002 3,683, 2003 4,111 10%. 5,331. 2000, 1,108, 2001, 1,147, 2002 1,410, 2003 1,666.
5 63 3. 1990. GDP. 10 GDP1%. < 5-3> GDP :, % 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 GDP 651,589 658,315 654,733 696,977 727,184 757,899 778,820 865,886 6,426 6,305 5,485 6,625 8,857 9,074 9,540 10,768 GDP 0.99 0.96 0.84 0.96 1.22 1.20 1.22 1.24 : Indicadores Nacionais de C&T, 1990-97, MCT, 1998 GN P1987-1996 1%. < 5-4> (1987-1996) (A) GNP % (B) (A/ B) 1987 3,194,179 567,055,930 0.56 1988 3,166,711 525,789,410 0.60 1989 2,729,305 536,500,870 0.51 1990 2,111,934 483,778,520 0.44 1991 1,989,216 492,447,720 0.40 1992 1,516,012 488,794,360 0.31 1993 2,122,015 503,722,860 0.42 1994 2,287,065 573,345,560 0.40 1995 2,277,937 664,692,960 0.34 1996 2,179,591 684,035,050 0.32 : COOE/ SUP/ CNPq- Brazilian MOST : US$
64 < 5-5> PPA (%) : PPA (%) 9,430 153,390 6.15 2,630 96,346 2.73 4,925 305,573 1.61 3,847 291,823 1.32 14,355 458,963 3.13 6,477 388,169 1.67 : (MCT). 90(8,972 : 99 4 1$ = 1.60 ).,, 1$ = 1 144., 34.7%, (28.9%), (19.8%).,,. < 5-6> (1997) (%) (), : (MCT), 1999 19.8 4.1 3.6 1.7 7.2 28.9 34.7 100,,.
5 65.. 19901996. < 5-7> (1990 96 ) : 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 668.9 130.0 2,002.0 693.6 131.7 2,009.1 574.0 133.0 1,613.9 803.4 135.7 2,132.9 1,385.1 140.0 3,131.7 2,048.9 144.3 3,166.6 2,196.3 151.5 3,136.5 2,801.2 2,834.4 2,320.9 3,070.2 4,656.8 5,359.8 5,484.4 : National Science and Technology Indicators 1990-96, MCT < 5-8> : 96, 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1,433.5 340.6 4,655.4 1,432.8 344.5 4,528.4 1,256.8 347.8 3,880.5 1,595.3 354.9 4,675.0 2,697.3 366.1 5,794.2 2,884.9 977.3 5,812.2 2,949.1 396.3 6,194.9 6,429.6 6,305.7 5,485.1 6,652.2 9,074.4 9,074.4 9,540.3 :. : National Science and Technology Indicators 1990-96, MCT,,..
66 < 5-9> : 95, 100 US$ 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1,339.3 3,071.6 1,560.7 1,335.2 3,026.7 1,494.6 1,170.7 2,933.7 990.0 1,489.2 3,625.2 1,038.8 2,734.0 4,090.2 1,402.2 2,911.4 4,111.2 1,405.4 3,039.3 4,307.5 1,513.9 5,971.6 5,856.5 5,094.4 6,153.3 8,226.5 8,428.0 8,860.8 : 1995, 1995 (1 US$ = 0.918 ) : National Science and Technology Indicators 1990-96, MCT 61%. (MCT) < 5-10> (1996 ) (MAA) (MEC) (PR) (MAER) : % (MS) 40.6 20.9 20.7 6.6 2.7 2.5 6 : CNPq/ MCT 65%. (FIN EP) 4%,.
5 67 < 5-11> (1990 96) : 96 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 4,665.4 4,528.4 3,880.5 4,675.0 5,794.0 5,812.2 6,194.9 6,926-1) 3,434.3 904.9 1,664.4 1,031.9 33.1 3,379.2 806.6 1,472.5 1,043.6 56.5 2,744.4 586.8 1,060.1 1,053.5 44.0 3,304.8 996.7 1,173.6 1,075.1 59.4 4,324.6 1,240.0 1,534.6 1,109.0 459.0 4,371.9 1,297.5 1,510.3 1,142.9 421.2 4,536.0 1,313.5 1,503.8 1,200.5 518.2 5,079 1,557 1,602 1,340 578 - - - 1,021.1 400.0 621.1 1,433.5 453.2 974.2 6.1 340.6 340.6 1,149.3 521.1 628.2 1,432.5 453.1 964.6 15.1 1,136.0 501.9 634.2 1,256.8 397.4 751.5 107.9 1,370.2 723.1 647.1 1,595.3 504.4 923.6 167.2 1,451.4 783.9 667.6 2,697.3 619.9 1,879.9 197.5 1,440.3 752.3 688.0 2,884.9 607.1 2,048.5 229.3 1,658.9 936.3 722.6 2,949.1 683.0 2,038.0 238.1 1,847 - - 3,398 759 2,191 448 442 442 344.5 344.5 347.8 347.8 354.9 354.9 366.1 366.1 377.3 377.3 396.3 396.3 6,429.6 6,305.7 5,485.1 6,625.2 8,857.4 9,074.4 9,540.3 10,767 :. : Indicadores Nacionais de C&T, 1990-97. MCT, 1998 (CN Pq), (EMBRAPA), (CAPES).. < 5-12> (1996) (CNPq) : CNPq/ MCT (EMBRAPA) (CAPES) : % 25 21 17 37
68 4 1. 19501990.. (Sp ecific Instrum ents).. - :, - : -, :. -, : (N onspecific Instrum ents).,.. - :, -
5 69 - : - :, - 2. (PADCT: Program a de Apoio ao Desen - volvim ento Cientifico e Tecnologico) 1984. 1,,,,,,,, 9. 2 2. 3 1997 5,,,. (PRON EX: Program a de Ap oio aos N ucleos d e Excelencia) 1996 4 10.. PRON EX (PPA, 1996 1999)., (CNPq), (CAPES), (FINEP),,,,,.
70 1 1999-2000 2 1998-2001 3 1999-2002 1997-2002 < 5-13> : 97 98 99 : (MCT) 77 94.20 34.00 20.00 20.00 252 85 62.60-21.50 13.50 310 43 32.30 - - 11.00-162 188.80 34.00 41.50 44.50 562 < 5-13>1997856,200. 199843, 4 3,200. 22%, 27%, 39%, 12%. 5.,,.. 1%. 90.
5 71,. / (%) < 5-14> : 5 86-90 87-91 88-92 89-93 90-94 91-95 92-96 18,850 14,478 0.54 20,193 15,933 0.58 24,738 18,044 0.63 29,266 19,745 0.67 34,099 21,451 0.71 : National Science and Technology Indicators 1990-96, MCT 40,612 23,307 0.74 48,406 25,200 0.78. 90. < 5-15> 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 6,735 10,706 17,441 6,513 3,620 10,133 5,224 3,740 8,964 6,287 3,450 9,737 5,719 3,429 9,148 7,010 3,895 10,905 7,021 4,628 11,649 722 1,127 842 1,303 1,569 N/ A N/ A : N / A : National Science and Technology Indicators 1990-96, MCT..
72 < 5-16> : 95US$ 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 156.39 247.62 173.03 239.47 301.84 222.85 192.78 288.55 249.75 418.63 298.61 680.04 473.62 972.14 / 0.63 0.72 1.35 0.67 0.60 0.44 0.49 + 404 412 525 481 668 979 1,446 : N / A : National Science and Technology Indicators 1990-396, MCT
6 73 6 1.. 1918 46, 1956 50 1963 1970 6. 1997 1243,625 369. 1963.. - 1963. 5. - 1967. 10. - 1989. 9. - 1991. 11. - 1992. 12. - 1995. 9. - 1997. 11. - 1997. 12.
74. 90. < > - 1990. 5. - 1991. 11. - 1992. 6. - 1992. 11. IPU - 1993. 1. - 1994. 8. - 1995. 1. - 1995. 8. - 1996. 5. - 1996. 9. - 1999. 3. < > - 1990. 12. Jose N eri da Silveira - 1991. 8. Francisco Rezek - 1995. 8. Dhorothea Werneck - 1995. 8. Cicero Lucena - 1997. 9. Pereira - 1998. 10..,,,,,, (SLAB),,,,,,,.
6 75 < 6-1> : US$ 94 95 96 97 98 84 15.2 15.0 17.1 17.9 10.2 13.9 13.0 12.4 6.9 18.6 29.1 28.0 29.5 24.8-1.8 1.3 2 4.7 11.0 :, 1998,. 97. 12 30, 367$, 20 119US$. 97. < > - (Petrobras), 4 2, (99. 6-2000. 4) (RFCC: Revam ping of Fluid Catalyst Cracking) 2 127, - 2 72 < A sia > - Asia 97. 8., ( ) - 5, 6Towner Topic 99 10
76 < > - CVRD50:50 Pellet - Espirito Santo, 220 < > - CTV, VTR, Au dio (110) - 98. 4., 2 < LG> - CTV, VTR, - ( 130 ) (40) 2. 1985 7.,,,. 1991 4,,,,. 1 ( ), (CNPq), (FIN EP) KTDC,. 2 94 4,
6 77. 1991 8.,,,,... 21.. 21,. 96 9, (21 ). 97 7, 1, 97 11, 2. 98 5 3. 10,,,,. 97 7, 1, 97 11, 2. 98 5, 3. 1999 10 21.
78,,,.. - 200, 51,000. (FIN EP),. 21,., 1999 Carlos Lucena Mario Ripp er. 1999 5 21. (FIRA) 1999 99 8., 1 2. (KOICA) 1993 199640, 3..,,,,.
6 79.,.,,,..
80 7,. IMF..,,,,,. 19. 1972. (PND), (PBDCT). 1985 (SEPLAN),. 1985, (CN Pq) (FIN EP). (CN Pq),.
7 81 1990 (PPA). 1 1990-1995 21996-1999.,,,,..,.,..,,.,.,.,...
82, 2, 1977., 21,, 1999,,,, 1999, Korea- Brazil Cooperation in S&T an Exploration, 1997.,, :, 1983. Christian Anglade and Carlos Fortin, the state and Capital Accumulation in Latin America, V.1, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, The Macmillan Press Ltd. 1985 CNPq, Federal Expenditures on Science & Technology, 1995, III PBDCT Distrito Federal, Brazilian Exhibitions and fairs calendar, 1997 Dahlman, Carl J. and Frischtak, Claudio R. National Systems Supporting Technical Advance in Industry: The Brazilian Experience in National Innovation systems: A comparative Analysis (eds) Richard R. Nelson, 1993 Geraldo Nunes, S&T Policies and High level Personnel training in Brazil, 1998. Meyer- Stamer, New Departures for Technology Policy in Brazil, Science and public Policy. Vol 22, 1995, No.5, pp 295-304 Ministry of External Relations, Brazil basic outline, 1995 Ministry of S&T, National Science & Technology Indicators 1990-1996, 1997 Office for Pubic Information and Affairs, Texts in From Brazil, 1997 Robert R.Kaufm an, The politics of economic adjustment policy in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico, Policy Sciences 22:395-413, 1989 SEPlAN, II PBDCT
SUMMARY 83 Summ ar y Title The N ational Innovation System and Science and Technology Policy of Brazil Major Pa rticipa nts Project Lead er : Deok Soon Yim, Ph.D., Science and Technology Policy Institute Particip ants : Chan - Kyun Park Abstract This research exam in ed th e n ation al innovation system an d science and technology policy of Brazil. Brazil is relatively strong in the airplane, IT indu stries, space technology, and bio- technology. H ow ever, It seem s that Brazil has w eakness in indu stry - research - acad em y linkages and S&T m anp ow er. It w as su ggested that both Korea and Brazil could m aintain Win - Win type of S&T cooperation by exch an gin g research ers an d collaboratin g in R&D. Resea rch Background a nd Objectives In this changing days, science and technology em erge as the m ost im p ortant factor w hich determines the national comp etitiveness. The glottalization forces u s to analyze the national innovation system of
84 other countries and their S&T policies. In this context, it is of im p ortance to review Brazil, w hich represent south Am erica and has strong com p etitiveness in the fields of sp ace technology, airplane indu stry. This research w ill serve the basic needs of Korea' s S&T cooperation p olicy w ith Brazil. Research Contents Brazil started to set up research instituters like Institituto Adolfo Lutz from late 19 century. Even though Brazil recognized the im p or - tance of science and technology at the earlier days, the und erdevelop ed econ om y h ave kep t S&T activities at th e m inim al level. Relatively developed S&T system can be attributed to the establishm ent of Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT). As the m ain governm ent body of Science and Technology in Brazil, MCT designs and im plem ent the S&T policies of Brazil and coordinate the activities of CN Pq an d FIN EP. M any research organiz ation s are under the MCT and CNPq. On the other hand, Ministry of Education support the gradu ate stu dies of Braziln stud ent throu gh CAPES. Brazil has im plem ented the national developm ent (PN D) and basic S&T plan (PBDCT) gives direction for S&T policies. The m odern and p lann ed S&T advancem ent started w ith th e PN D in 1972. Th e SEPLAN, an econom ic planning and im plem enting body in govern - m ent, had coordinated the S&T activities too. In 1985, MCT w as established and becam e the focal point of S&T developm ent since then. The education environm ent of Brazil is not favorable and only the upper class are eligible for the good education opportunities. In addition, the num ber of researchers are very low com pared to other advanced countries.
SUMMARY 85 Korea h as been coop erating w ith Brazil in m any resp ects su ch as trade, culture, science and technology, investm ent, and tourism. Especially the cooperation in S&T becam e very active in 1990s throu gh joint comm ittee on econom y and S&T. Conclusions a nd Suggestion This research review ed the national innovation system and S&T p olicies of Brazil including the history of S&T and education system. It is obviou s that Brazil understands the im portance of S&T and allocated m uch resource even in the period of econom ic difficulties. The complem entality of econom ic structure and developm ent history will m ake the coop eration betw een Korea and Brazil m utu ally beneficial. Finally, it is su ggested that Korea and Brazil should enlarge their coop eration in the fields of space and airplane technology, bio- technology, and IT areas.
86 Cont ent s Executive S umma ry 1 Cha pte r 1. Introd uction 3 Section 1. Research Objective 3 Section 2. Research Methodology 4 Cha pte r 2. S ocio-e conomic Ba ckgro und 5 Section 1. Historical Background 5 Section 2. Society and Geography 6 Section 3. Political Background 9 Section 4. Econom ic Background 12 Cha pte r 3. Scie nce a nd Te chnology Syste m 15 Section 1. H istory of Science an d Techn ology 15 Section 2. Governm ental Bodies and Activities 23 Cha pte r 4. Ed uca tio n S yste m a nd Ma npowe r 37 Section 1. Education History 37 Section 2. Educational Institute 38 Section 3. University and Manpow er 39
CONTENTS 87 Cha pte r 5. S &T Policy a nd Investme nt 48 Section 1. H istory of S&T Policies 48 Section 2. Basic Plan for S&T (PBD CT) 50 Section 3. Multiyear Plan for S&T (PPA) 60 Section 4. S&T Policies and Program s 68 Section 5. Level of Brazilian S&T 70 Cha pte r 6. Coo pe ra tion Be twe e n Kore a a nd Bra zil 73 Section 1. Econom y 73 Section 2. Science and Technology 76 Cha pte r 7. Conclus ion 80 Refe re nce s 82
99 09 2000 3 2000 3 275 B/ D (02)589-2200 TEL 2272 4081 3 / FAX 2269 1990 2000,,,, <>,, 1999,, 1998,, 1996,, 1997,, 1999 <> Restructuring Framew ork,, 1999,, 1999 PCB,,, 1998 (),, 1997.
99 09 2000 3 2000 3 395-70 26 27 (02)3284 1800 1994 5 235 431 TEL 2272 4081 3 / FAX 2269 1990 1999,,,, <>,, 1999,, 1998,, 1996,, 1997,, 1999 <> Restructuring Framew ork,, 1999,, 1999 PCB,,, 1998 (),, 1997.