Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp.1-22 DOI: * An Analysis of the Extension of College Students Creativity by Scaffolding in making insights According to Gender and College Majors Purpose: The research was carried out to analyze the extension of college students creativity through the use of scaffolding according to gender and college majors differences. Method: Scaffolding was composed of mediator in making insights on problem solving. Results: The study showed the results which can be summarized as follows. First, a creativity improvement has been demonstrated by experimental groups in some subordinate elements after scaffolding. However, the extension of creativity according to gender and college majors that were given scaffolding improved on different scale. According to the results shown from the construction task in Torrence tests of creativity thinking, it showed the discrepancies in ability of extending creativity between the males and females, humanities and social sciences students or engineering students. Depending on the creativity subordinate elements, moreover the opposite result were analyzed. Conclusion: These results of this study suggest that what's the meaning of scaffolding and the role of it in the extension of student's creativity and that's possibility. Key words : creativity, scaffolding, insight, gender, college majors * 2016. Corresponding Author: Lee, Soon-Joo. Hanbat National University, Dept. of Public Administration, Dukmeongdong, Dae-jeon, Korea, e-mail:
I.... 4.. 21.. Runco(1994) person, process, press, product, persuasion, potential 6p., (,,, 2013). (Csikzentmihalyi, 1989; Hennessey & Amabile, 1988; Sternberg & Lubart, 1999). Vygotsky (Талыз ина, 1984; Чудновский, 1991)., (, 2002), (,,, 2010) (, 1998;,, 2004;, 2009) (,,, 2013.). 2006 (2016a),..
.........,?,?,? II. (scaffolding)..
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142 133 275 127 62 189 61 57 118 330 252 582 1) 창의성검사 Torrance(1974) TTCT(Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking).,,,,. (Fluency), (Originality). (Elaboration), (Abstractness of Title). (Resistance to Premature Closure).,,. 10. 10 10,. 30.,. TTCT.
2) 설정된비계 1994 Обухова Чурбанова(1994)..... 3. (1),,,,.. (2) tv.,,,.. (3).,,,,,. Torrance(1974) TTCT A. TTCT B,
. 10,. 1) 수집된자료처리,, 4 TTCT. Cronbach s α.704. 2) 통계분석방법 SPSS.,., t-., t-. IV. 1) 실험통제집단의사전사후검사에의한창의성신장비교.. < IV-1>.
** p<.01, *** p<.001 t 85.86 13.40 105.76 23.55-9.894 *** 84.04 12.93 83.03 12.14.528 83.76 14.99 88.23 15.01-2.657 ** 99.29 13.08 93.54 14.57 1.807 79.27 25.51 80.05 21.43 -.305 77.86 24.52 80.09 21.89-1.056 105.80 20.56 98.87 16.46 3.628 *** 105.12 11.84 110.12 13.60-1.632 < IV-1>,,,, 4.. (t=-9.894, p<.001) (t=-2.657, p<.01) (t=-3.628, p<.001).,. 2) 전체학생의성별창의성신장 * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001 t 83.93 11.39 100.96 21.81-6.467 *** 88.34 15.38 111.91 24.49-7.715 *** 81.69 14.24 86.16 14.84-2.094 * 86.41 15.67 90.89 14.97-1.644 76.64 28.36 73.86 20.30.798 82.65 21.13 88.00 20.40-1.445 99.93 20.04 93.08 14.26 2.684 ** 113.34 18.86 106.30 16.24 2.414 *
. < IV-2>, t-., (t=2.414, p<.05) (t=-6.467, p<.001) (t=-2.094, p<.05) (t=2.414, p<.01).., (: t=2.684, p<.01, : t=2.414, p<.05). t-, (t=-2.383, p<.05), (t=-3.530, p<.01), (t=-4.362, p<.001).. t * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001 100.96 21.81 2.84 111.91 24.49 3.61 86.16 14.84 1.98 90.89 14.97 2.20 73.86 20.30 2.64 88.00 20.40 3.00 93.08 14.26 1.85 106.30 16.24 2.39-2.383 * -1.609-3.530 ** -4.362 *** 1) 인문사회계열학생의성별창의성신장효과
t 82.93 8.86 106.09 21.62-7.030 *** 91.80 13.71 115.87 25.56-6.861 *** 78.09 8.01 87.75 12.57-3.832 ** 85.54 11.84 90.16 13.67-2.349 * 79.37 27.78 76.84 18.30.552 79.25 23.59 84.38 21.62 -.981 93.03 17.18 94.28 13.60 -.486 113.51 16.97 104.87 14.83 2.584 * * p<05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001 < IV-4> (t=-7.030, p<.001) (t=-3.832, p<.01). (t=-7.030 p<.001) (t=-3.832, p<.01). (t=-6.861 p<.001) (t=-2.349, p<.05). (t=2.584, p<.05). 2) 공학계열학생의성별창의성신장효과 * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<001 t 85.11 13.89 94.88 20.81-2.545 * 81.20 16.64 103.73 20.54-3.686 ** 85.96 18.46 84.29 17.21.512 88.20 21.99 92.40 17.78 -.561 73.40 29.22 70.33 22.27.566 89.66 12.80 95.46 15.71-1.557 108.11 20.40 91.66 15.15 4.129 *** 113.00 22.93 109.26 19.03.648
< IV-5>, (t=-2.545, p<.05). (t=4.129, p<.001). ** p<.01, *** p<.001 t 87.30 12.25 110.90 23.96-9.897 *** 83.71 14.85 98.04 20.91-4.229 *** 81.76 10.68 88.93 13.08-4.421 *** 86.76 19.55 87.19 17.65 -.899 79.31 25.60 80.55 20.20 -.356 79.21 25.69 79.30 23.39 -.025 103.11 19.84 99.49 15.08 1.663 109.85 21.19 97.95 18.49 3.523 ** t-., < IV-6>., (t=-9.897), (1 :t=-4.421, p<.001) (t=-4.229, p<.001). (t=3,523, p<.01). t-,,. (t=2.909, p<.01)..
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