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4 ,..,,,,.,,...
5 (1) 13 (2) (1) 16 (2) i -
6 A b stract 38 - ii -
7 1. 200,, /, iii -
8 ,, iv -
9 SLI. (SLI), ,,, ,
10 :,,,
11 S LI < >. (specific lan gu age im pairm ent )...,,. 1), 2 ) 3,4,5,6 )., 7 ) - 3 -
12 ,,,,. 8,9 ),..,.. 4 )..,,.. 10,11 )., 4,12,13 ).,. 12 ),,. 14 ) - 4 -
13 ,. 12 ) (fine - tuning ). 15 ), F urrow Nelson 16 ) Gleitm an 17 ). New port 19 ). 15 ) F urrow 19 ) S eit z St ew art 20 ). P aul Elw ood 14 ). Bondurant 18 ).. Snow 2 1) (sem antic contin gency ). 2 2 ). F arrar 23 ) (recast ), (expan sion ), (topic continu ation ). P aul 14 ) (im it ation ), (expan sion ), - 5 -
14 (ex ten sion ), (referen ce to child activity ), (ex pan sion ) (ex t en sion ). S cherer Olsw an g 7 ) (ex pan sion ). Nelson Denning er 24 ) 22 (com plex reca st ) (topic chan ge ) (im it ation ) (sim ple recast s ) (continu ation ).,,. Conti- Ram sden 8 ) 2:3 (com plex recast s ), Conti- Ram sden 11) 1:10-3:1 (sim ple recast ).. La sky Klopp 4 ) W ulbert 13 ),. W hit e W hit e 27 ), Kay e Charn ey 28 ), F urrow 19. M cdon ald P ein 25 ), Olsen - F ulero 26 ),
15 . Cunin gham 2 9 ),,. Conti- Ram sden F riel- P atti 8 ),,,,. Lasky Klopp 4 ) P aul 14 ),. Sieg el 10 ),,. Conti- Ram sden 2 ),. Rescorla 30 ),..,. 3 ) - 7 -
16 ,,,. (fine - tuning ) (fine- tunin g ),,..,.. 1.? 2.? 3.? 4.? 5.? - 8 -
17 , 8, 2., 3.. Korean Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K - ABC) 3 1). M acun e- Nicolich 32 ) ) 6.,, 34 )., Ling 35 ) / a, u, i., s/. 36 ) - 9 -
18 ) Denv er 3 8 ),.. 1. M ann - W hitn ey U (z= , p =0.87) (z= , p =0.199), (z= , p =0.381).(p> 0.05),
19 1. /, ( ) 33.7 (4.06) 27.2(3.85) 22.1(3.89) 1.15 (0.12) ( ) 19.7(3.23) 26.3 (2.9 8) 24.8 (3.52) 1.14 (0.12) ( )
20 2.., 2....,, Denv er. 40. AIW A T P - V S610 SV - H33.,,,,,,,. ( 2) ,. 2. /, ,
21 ). 200., ,,. Lun d Du chan 15 ). (1 ), )..,. 200,.,,,
22 ,...,,,.,.. (2 ), ).,..,,
23 ) 2), 3) 2. 1)
24 . (1 ) 30% S ackett 4 1). 88.5%. (2 ) 30% S ackett 4 1 ). (MLU ) 87.6%, 84.5%, 88.2%, 91.7%..., 5% M ann - W hitn ey U., M ann - W hitn ey U.,, Spearm an. SP S S
25 . 1.., ( 4) z p - v alue
27 ., 0.05 ( 6) %, 75%, 5.05% 12.6%, 81.8%, 5.6% ( 1) z p - v alu e
28 1. 200,, ( 8)
30 8. z p - v alu e ,,,...,,, 0.05 ( 9)
31 9.,, z p - v alue ,, 0.05 ( 10)..,.,. 10. z p - v alue
32 ( 11). 11. z p - v alu e (p < 0.05) ( 12). 12. z p - v alu e
33 3.,,,,.,, 0.910(p < 0.01) ( 13). 13. N = * * * * * * p <
34 .,,., (3.04) (1.6) 1.44,, (2,74) (1.89) P aul Elw ood 14 ), W hitehur st 4 2 ) MLU.,,
35 , 1.44,.., ).,..,... H offer Bliss 43 ),,.,. Sieg el 44 ),,,,
36 .. Rescorla 3 0 ), 20% 80%. Rescorla 30 ),,,,., Rescorla 30 ),.. Conti- Ram sden 2 ).,,.,
37 .,,,... Sieg el 44 ).,... Bon durant 18 ), Cunnin gh am 29 )... Ev an s S chmidt 4 5 )..,., Ev an s S chmidt 4 5 )
38 ., Bondurant 18 ). Bondurant 18 ) Murray T rev arthan 46 ). H off- gin sberg 47 ) Yoder 48 )..... Siegel 4 4 ). Siegel 4 4 ) 3-5.,
39 .,.,,.,....,,
40 .,,.,.,,...,..,,..,,
41 ,
42 1) ;5: ) Conti- Ram sden G. M atern al recast s an d other contin gent replies t o languag e- im paired children. J Speech H ear Dis 1990;55: ).,, [ ]: ; ) Lasky EZ, Klopp K. P arent - child int eraction s in n orm al an d lan gu age- disordered children. J Speech Hear Dis 1982;47:7-18 5) Girolam ett o L, T ann ock R. Correlat es of drectiv en ess in the int eraction s of father s an d m other s of children w ith dev elopm ent al delay s. J Speech H ear Res 1994;37: ) Bedrosian JL, W an ska S K, Sykes KM, Sm ith A J, Dalton BM. Conv ersational turn - t aking vilolation s in m other - child int eraction. J Speech H ear Res 1988;31: ) S cherer NJ, Olsw ang LB. Role of m oth er s ' ex pan sion s in stim ulatin g children ' s lan gu age production. J Speech H ear Res 1984;27: ) Conti- Ram sden G, F riel- P atti S. M oth er s ' discour se adju stm ent s t o lnagu age- im paired an d non - languag e- im paired children. J Speech Hear Dis 1983;48: ) W ilkin son LC, Hiebert E, Rem bold K. P arent s ' an d peer s ' com m unication to t oddlers. J Speech H ear Res 1981;24: ) Leonard LB. Children w ith specific languag e impairm ent. Lon don : M a ssachu sett s In stitute of T echn ology ; 1998 p ) Conti- Ram sden G, Hutch eson GD, Grov e J. Contin gen cy an d break dow n : children w ith SLI and th eir conv er sation s w ith m others and father s. J Speech H ear Res 1995;38:
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46 Abs trac t Co mpa ris o n betwee n mo the rs ' s ty le s of co nve rs atio n w ith S LI and no rma l c hildre n Eu n-mi Pa rk Graduate P rog ram in Sp eech P athology, Y ons ei Univers ity (Directed by Professor Eun - Sook P ark ) M atern al lin guistic input play s an im portant r ole in child ' s lan guag e aquisition an d dev elopm ent. But SLI(specific lan guag e im pairm ent ) children ' s delayed language developm ent can lead to m other s ' inappropriate conv er sation style, w hich m ight also influ en ce the lan guag e dev elopm ent of the children. From the per spective of this view, it can be as sum ed that the comm unicative behavior s of SLI children ' s m others m ay be different from m others of norm al children. T he purpose of our study is that SLI children w ere com pared with norm ally developing children similar in MLU, and it w as inv estigated whether m others of SLI children differed from m other s of norm ally developing children in comm unicative features like MLU, sem antic contingency and directiv e m ode. It w as also ex am ined whether SLI children differed from MLU - m atched norm al children in frequency of utterances and sem antic contingency. T he results w ere a s follow s
47 1. T here w ere no significant group differences on m other s ' MLU. Also, th ere w er e n o statistical significan ce in the m oth er - child M LU differ ence. 2. SLI children ' s m other s utterances w ere m ore noncontingent to childr en ' s utt eran ces, b ehav ior s an d focu s of play. An d they pr odu ced significantly few er responses to children ' s utterances. 3. T here w as no differences betw een tw o m other s ' groups in any item s of dir ectiv e m ode. A nd th e fr equen cy of t ot al question s an d inform ation - seeking question s is not significantly differed betw een tw o m others ' groups. 4. W hen children ' s comm unicative features w ere compared, SLI children show ed m ore noncontingent utterances than norm al children. 5. T here w as a high correlation betw een m others ' noncontingent utterances and children ' s noncontingent utterances. And there w as a high correlation betw een m other s ' no respon ses and children ' s noncontingent utterances. F rom these results, SLI children ' s m other s show ed m ore m other - lead comm unicative features than norm al children ' s m other s. How ever, SLI children ' s utterances also w ere m ore noncontingent than norm ally developing children. T herefore the comm unication betw een m other s and children m ay be in a reciprocity not in one- w ay. M ajor clinical application of this study is in the education for m others aft er ob servin g the inter action s b etw een m oth er s and children. S ur ely it can lead t o better pr ognosis. A nd a str on g point of this study is th at SLI childr en and n orm ally dev elopin g childr en ar e not ag e- m atch ed but language- m atched, that m akes possible to interpret m ore ex actly
48 F inally, further studies should control the siblings w hose language m ight affect s SLI children ' s langua ge dev elopm ent. M or e con cret e an aly sis of contingent utterances is needed, and the m ean tim e of play of the m others and the children in a day should be further investigated. k ey w ord s : SLI(specific language im pairm ent ), m others ' inappropriate conv er sation style, s em antic contin g ency, recipr ocity
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