Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp DOI: A Study on the Seco
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1 Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp DOI: A Study on the Secondary School Teachers' Perceptions of the Teacher Leadership and the Feasibility of the Teacher Leadership in China Purpose: The purpose of this study was to check the level of teacher leadership in China and to explore the policy directions for the feasibility of the teacher leadership. Method: The TLSS(Teacher Leadership School Survey) by Katzenmeyer & Moller(2009) was used to explore teachers perceptions. The primary data for this study were obtained from 253 secondary teachers in China. Results: The perceptions of the teachers about teacher leadership were somewhat positive(m=3.35). They perceived the collegiality of the seven categories of teacher leadership as the most positive factor. Conclusion: The positive perception of the collegiality and the positive environment would affect the teacher leadership positively. However, school administrators are required to recognize the importance of the shared leadership and set the school conditions for professional leadership. A professional learning community(plc) could be suggested as a way for the teacher leadership development. Key words : teacher leadership, teacher leadership in China, TLSS Corresponding Author: Joo, Chul-An. Pusan National University, Dept. of Education, Busandaehak-ro 63 beon-gil, Geumieong-gu, Busan, Korea,
2 . 20 (Smylie, Conley & Marks, 2005). - (, 2011)., (, 2015).., (PENG, C.,, 2015).,,. (Danielson, 2006; Dylan, 2016; Mulford & Silins, 2003; Philip, 2012) (O Connor & Boles, 1992)..,, - (Team-Member Exchange) (,,, 2016;,, 2013;,, 2012).,, (, 2008)., (,, 2012). Katzenmeyer Moller(2009) TLSS (2011). (2011).
3 . 2004, 2006 (, 2006;, 2006).., (, 2008;,,, 2014;,, 2009)., (, 2010;, 2011;,, 2010)., (,, 2016;,, 2012;,, 2017).. (,, 2016;,, 2012). (Harris et al., 2013; Roland, 2001; Zepeda, Mayers, & Benson, 2013)... (), (), () ()... (shared leadership), Gronn(2000).
4 . Lieberman(1992). 16 Copland (Copland, 2003). (Stone, Horejs, & Lomas, 1997).., (Smylie, 1995), (Blase & Anderson, 1995), (Stone, Horejs, & Lomas, 1997).,., (Dylan, 2016; Leithwood & Jantzi, 1998), (Mary & Pamela, 2013)., (Crowther, 2003as cited in Muijs & Harris)., (Katzenmeyer & Moller, 2009; Ovando, 1996; Fackler & Malmberg, 2016)., (Sickler, 1988; Weiner, 2011), (O Connor & Boles, 1992)., (Harris et al., 2013) (, 2008; Philip, 2012).. (, 2009;,,, 2016),, (,, 2015). (, 2010), (, 2014)... Smylie(1995) Paul Bredeson, Renee Clift, Robert Crowson, Michael Fullan, David
5 Hansen, Kenneth Leithwood, Ann Lieberman, Karen Seashore Louis, R. Bruce McPherson Joseph Murphy. Stone, Horejs Lomas(1997). Gunter(2006), Danielson(2006),. Katzenmeyer Moller(2009),,. de Villiers Pretorius(2011), Eargle(2013), Struyve, Meredit Gielen(2014), Hairon, Goh Chua(2015), Wilson(2016) Katzenmeyer Moller(2009). Katzenmeyer Moller(2009) 7. Katzenmeyer Moller(2009) 7 (developmental focus), (recognition), (autonomy), (collegiality), (participation), (open communication), (positive environment). (developmental focus). (recognition),. (autonomy). (collegiality). (participation).
6 (open communication). (positive environment)... 4,,,.,. (), (), (), () , 253. < -1>. n %
7 ( ) n % (Teacher Leadership School Survey: TLSS). TLSS(Katzenmeyer & Katzenmeyer, 2005), (Wills, 2015). TLSS (developmental focus), (recognition), (autonomy), (collegiality), (participation), (open communication), (positive environment) , (,,,, ). (,, 2012) TLSS,.. TLSS Cronbach s α.98, Cronbach s α
8 < -2> TLSS , Cronbach's α
9 ( ) Cronbach's α ,, 48, SPSS 24.,.,..
10 . < -1>. N M SD (M=3.49),,., (M=3.11).,,,,,,. 1) 전문성개발 < -2>.
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16 7) 긍정적환경 < -8>. M SD (1.6) (5.1) (46.6) (31.2) (15.4) (4.0) (19.8) (38.7) (24.9) (12.6) (4.0) (13.8) (39.5) (31.2) (11.5) (8.3) (16.2) (39.5) (24.1) (11.9) ,, (4.7) (13.4) (41.9) (26.1) (13.8) , (4.3) (14.6) (39.9) (29.2) (11.9) (1.6) (8.3) (41.5) (33.2) (15.4) (M=3.54) (M=3.53)., (M=3.15)...,. 7
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