프로메가 2018 겨울이벤트 행사기간 2018년 10월 15일 ~ 12월 14일 *본 행사지에 표기된 금액은 부가세 별도 금액입니다. *단가 계약 및 입찰은 행사에서 제외됩니다.
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1 프로메가 2018 겨울이벤트 행사기간 2018년 10월 15일 ~ 12월 14일 *본 행사지에 표기된 금액은 부가세 별도 금액입니다. *단가 계약 및 입찰은 행사에서 제외됩니다.
2 프로메가 Big Sale과 함께 더 많은 혜택이 온다! EVENT 01 EVENT 02 구매 금액별 상품권 지급! 본 행사지에 있는 제품을 구매하시면 아래 구매 금액별로 상품권을 제공해 드립니다. 스타고객에게 스타벅스 쿠폰을 쏜다! 200만원 이상 구매시 (선착순 70명) CJ 상품권 2만원권 증정 행 스타 아이템을 구매하시고 사 제품 중 별이 표시된 네이버 카페( 구매사유를 설문을 통하여 작성해주세요. 스 타벅스 커피 한 잔을 보내드립니다. 선 착순: 50명 (동일 제품은 중복 적용되지 않습니다.) EVENT 만원 이상 구매시 (선착순 30명) CJ 상품권 5만원권 증정 논문인증 이벤트 연장진행 프로메가 제품을 사용한 국내 연구자 분들의 연구논문을 찾고 있습니다. Material & Method에 프로메가 제품 사용을 표기한 SCI 논문(First Author, 2016년 이후 논문)을 네이버 카페 논문인증 게시판에 올려주세요. 이벤트 유의 사항 *이 벤트는 프로메가코리아 공식 대리점을 통하여 제공됩니다. 신청 방법은 대리점에 문의하십시오 * 행사 기간 내의 주문 내역에 한해 합산이 가능합니다. * 이벤트 경품은 이벤트 기간 종료 후, 일괄 지급합니다. * 회사의 사정에 따라 사은품 또는 공급 방법이 변경될 수 있습니다. 행사기간 참여요건 선물 2018년 12월 14일까지, 선착순 10명 Material & Method에 프로메가 제품 사용을 표기한 SCI 논문 First Author, 2016년 이후 논문 참여하신 분의 성함을 각인한 LAMY 펜 행사기간 2018년 10월 15일 ~ 12월 14일
3 EtBr 을아직사용하신다면? 일회용 Gel extractor 를사용해보세요! 내몸은소중하니깐 ~~~ 15ul minimum elution 이가능합니다!! 프로메가 Steady seller "T-vector"!! A260/A230 ratio 가 으로안정적이고, ethanol 을사용하지않아, NGS 목적에적합합니다. 프로메가 FFPE kit 는 xylene 을사용하지않고, mineral oil 을사용하여파라핀을제거합니다. Mini Midi Maxi EtBr 구매하세요? 위의 X-tracta 를같이추천드립니다!! Cat. No. 제품명소비자가이벤트가할인율 Clean-up A2121 x-tracta Gel Extractor, 25/pack 47,000 24,000 A2122 x-tracta Gel Extractor, 100/pack 146,000 73,000 A9281 Wizard SV Gel and PCR Clean-up System, 50 preps 116,000 58,000 A9282 Wizard SV Gel and PCR Clean-up System, 250 preps 476, ,000 A9285 Wizard SV Gel and PCR Clean-up System, 1,000 preps 1,521, ,000 Cloning A1360 pgem -T Easy Vector System I 252, ,000 A1380 pgem -T Easy Vector System II 422, ,000 A3600 pgem -T Vector System I 207, ,000 A3610 pgem -T Vector System II 380, ,000 M1801 T4 DNA Ligase, 100u 73,000 55,000 M1804 T4 DNA Ligase, 500u 291, ,000 M8221 LigaFast Rapid DNA Ligation System, 30 rxn 126,000 95,000 M8225 LigaFast Rapid DNA LigationSystem, 150 rxn 412, ,000 V3941 X-Gal, 100mg 133,000 67,000 V3951 IPTG, Dioxane-Free, 5g Fibrous tissue에사용가능한 lysis 324, ,000 V3955 IPTG, Dioxane-Free, 1g buffer가별도로들어있습니다. 87,000 44,000 gdna purification A2051 ReliaPrep gdna Tissue Miniprep System, 100 Preps 388, ,000 A2052 ReliaPrep gdna Tissue Miniprep System, 250 Preps 886, ,000 A5081 ReliaPrep Blood gdna Miniprep System, 100 Preps 317, ,000 A5082 ReliaPrep Blood gdna Miniprep System, 250 Preps 725, ,000 A2352 ReliaPrep FFPE gdna Miniprep System, 100 Reactions 465, ,000 A1120 Wizard Genomic DNA Purification Kit, 100 Isolations 240, ,000 A1125 Wizard Genomic DNA Purification Kit, 500 Isolations 600, ,000 A1620 Wizard Genomic DNA Purification Kit, 100 isolations 10ml Solution type 1,481,000 1,185,000 A2360 Wizard SV Genomic DNA Purification System, 50 preps 176, ,000 A2361 Wizard SV Genomic DNA Purification System, 250 preps 728, ,000 Plasmid purification A1330 Wizard Plus SV Minipreps DNA Purification System, 50 preps 103,000 52,000 A1460 Wizard Plus SV Minipreps DNA Purification System, 250 preps 417, ,000 A1222 PureYield Plasmid Miniprep System, 250 preps 631, ,000 A1223 PureYield Plasmid Miniprep System, 100 preps 282, ,000 Vacuum방법에필요한 manifold, A2492 PureYield Plasmid Midiprep System, 25 preps 294, ,000 eluator 그리고 pump까지모두 A2495 PureYield Plasmid Midiprep System, 100 Preps 포함되어있습니다. 1,079, ,000 A2392 PureYield Plasmid Maxiprep System, 10 preps 253, ,000 A2393 PureYield Plasmid Maxiprep System, 25 preps 598, ,000 A6742 PureYield Plasmid Midiprep Start-Up Kit, 100 prep 1,506,000 1,205,000 A6732 PureYield Plasmid Maxiprep Start-Up Kit, 50 preps 1,621,000 1,297,000 Marker G3191 RNA Markers, 50ul 197,000 99,000 G bp DNA Step Ladder, 32.5ug (50 lanes) 192,000 96,000 G bp DNA Step Ladder, 100ug (55 lanes) 192,000 96,000 G bp DNA Step Ladder, 340ug/ml 90ug (52 lanes) 225, ,000 G5711 DNA Ladder, 1kb, 500ul (100 lanes) 203, ,000 G bp DNA Step Ladder, 100ug (100 lanes) 280, ,000 G7521 BenchTop pgem DNA Markers, 250ul 238, ,000 G7541 BenchTop 1kb DNA Ladder, 600ul 224, ,000 G8291 BenchTop 100bp DNA Ladder, 300ul (50 lanes) 198,000 99,000 H5041 Ethidium Bromide Solution, 10ml 70,000 35,000 50% 50% 어머!! 이런건이때사다놓으세요 ~~ 50% 최고성능의 Miniprep kit! 50% 할인가로경험해보세요. 50% 50% 할인할때프로메가마커한번사용해보세요 ~~
4 Dye-based Probe-based RT mix 에는 RNasin Plus RNase inhibitor 가포함되어있어, 따로 inhibitor 처리를하지않아도되요 ~~ 기존에 M-MLV, AMV, ImProm-II 를사용했었다면, 성능과편리성이향상된 GoScript RT mix 를사용해보시는건어떨까요? 이제품은 RT 를 15 분만에할수있는 Great faster 제품입니다!! 요제품은 ~~ One-step RT-PCR 제품입니다 ~ Inhibitor 를사용하시다니!! 철저히 RNA 보호를하시는군요? 그런데 RT mix 에는 inhibitor 가포함되어있어별도로사용할필요가없다는사실!! 을아시나요? Cat. No. 제품명 소비자가 이벤트가 할인율 dntp C1141 PCR Nucleotide Mix, 10mM, 200ul 111,000 78,000 C1145 PCR Nucleotide Mix, 10mM, 1,000ul 428, ,000 U dntp's, 40uMoles each 473, ,000 30% U1511 dntp Mix, 10mM, 200ul 38,000 27,000 U1515 dntp Mix, 10mM, 1,000ul 90,000 63,000 Real-time PCR A6001 GoTaq qpcr Master Mix, 5ml (5 x 1ml) 294, ,000 A6002 GoTaq qpcr Master Mix, 25ml (25 x 1ml) 1,375, ,000 A6010 GoTaq 2-Step RT-qPCR System 200 rxn 624, ,000 A6020 GoTaq 1-Step RT-qPCR System, 200 rxn 684, ,000 A6100 GoTaq Probe qpcr Master Mix, 100 rxn 65,000 46,000 30% A6101 GoTaq Probe qpcr Master Mix, 200 rxn 168, ,000 A6102 GoTaq Probe qpcr Master Mix, 1,000 rxn 731, ,000 A6110 GoTaq Probe 2-Step RT-qPCR System, 200 rxn 400, ,000 A6120 GoTaq Probe 1-Step RT-qPCR System, 200 rxn 253, ,000 Reverse Transcription enzyme A2790 GoScript Reverse Transcription Mix, Oligo(dT), 50 reactions 326, ,000 A2791 GoScript Reverse Transcription Mix, Oligo(dT), 100 reactions 436, ,000 A2800 GoScript Reverse Transcription Mix, Random Primers, 50 reactions 326, ,000 A2801 GoScript Reverse Transcription Mix, Random Primers, 100 reactions 436, ,000 A5000 GoScript Reverse Transcription System, 50 rxn 326, ,000 A5001 GoScript Reverse Transcription System, 100 rxn 628, ,000 A5003 GoScript Reverse Transcriptase, 100 rxn 187, ,000 A5004 GoScript Reverse Transcriptase, 500 rxn 720, ,000 A3800 ImProm-II Reverse Transcription System, 100 rxn 718, ,000 A3802 ImProm-II Reverse Transcriptase, 100 rxn 198, ,000 A3803 ImProm-II Reverse Transcriptase, 500 rxn 780, ,000 M1701 M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase, 10,000u 99,000 80,000 M1705 M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase, 50,000u 374, ,000 M5101 AMV Reverse Transcriptase, 300u 148, ,000 M5108 AMV Reverse Transcriptase, 1,000u 398, ,000 A3500 Reverse Transcription System 719, ,000 One-step RT-PCR A1701 AccessQuick RT-PCR System, 20 rxn 184, ,000 A1702 AccessQuick RT-PCR System, 100 rxn 707, ,000 RNase inhibitor N2111 RNasin RNase Inhibitor, 2,500u 187, ,000 N2115 RNasin RNase Inhibitor 10,000u 491, ,000 N2511 Recombinant RNasin RNase Inhibitor, 2,500u 162, ,000 N2515 Recombinant RNasin RNase Inhibitor, 10,000u 415, ,000 N2611 RNasin Plus RNase Inhibitor, 2500u 164, ,000 N2615 RNasin Plus RNase Inhibitor, 10,000u 494, ,000 30% 30%
5 유기용매를사용하지않고, mirna 를다양한샘플에서분리정제할수있는제품입니다. 또한 mirna 이외의 small RNA 분리정제용으로도사용할수있어요. 모든 G2 Polymerase 는 30% 할인입니다 ~~ 아시나요? 모든 GoTaq 제품에는 gel loading dye 가포함된 Green buffer 와 loading dye 가없는 Colorless buffer 두종류가들어있습니다. 실험목적에맞게요렇게저렇게사용하세요 ~~ 아 ~~~ 그래서 master mix 가 Green 과 Colorless 두종류였군요? ㅎㅎ Cat. No. 제품명소비자가이벤트가할인율 RT Primer C1101 Oligo(dT) 15 Primer, 500ug/ml 20ug 83,000 67,000 C1181 Random Primers, 20ug 53,000 43,000 RNA purification_dnase M6101 RQ1 RNase-Free DNase, 1,000u 76,000 61,000 RNA purification ReliaPrep RNA Kit의 column은요렇게생겼어요! Membrane의직경이좁아 10-15ul 농축을할수있답니다 ~~ Z6011 ReliaPrep RNA Cell Miniprep System, 50rxn 308, ,000 Z6012 ReliaPrep RNA Cell Miniprep System, 250rxn 1,375,000 1,032,000 Z6111 ReliaPrep RNA Tissue Miniprep, 50 preps 308, ,000 Z6112 ReliaPrep RNA Tissue Miniprep, 250preps 1,375,000 1,032,000 Z1002 ReliaPrep FFPE Total RNA Miniprep System, 100 Reactions 881, ,000 Z6211 ReliaPrep mirna Cell and Tissue Miniprep System, 50 preps 460, ,000 Z3100 SV Total RNA Isolation System (50 preps) 294, ,000 Z3105 SV Total RNA Isolation System, 250 preps 1,307,000 1,046,000 Taq DNA polymerase M7841 GoTaq G2 DNA Polymerase, 100u 49,000 35,000 M7845 GoTaq G2 DNA Polymerase, 500u Routine PCR용폴 ~~ 폴 ~~ 151, ,000 M7848 GoTaq G2 DNA Polymerase, 2,500u 661, ,000 M7801 GoTaq G2 Flexi DNA Polymerase, 100u 49,000 35,000 M7805 GoTaq G2 Flexi DNA Polymerase, 500u 151, ,000 내맘대로 MgCl 2 를조절해야지폴 ~~ M7806 GoTaq G2 Flexi DNA Polymerase, 2,500u 661, ,000 M7808 GoTaq G2 Flexi DNA Polymerase, 10,000u 2,240,000 1,568,000 M7822 GoTaq G2 Green Master Mix, 100 rxn 54,000 38,000 M7823 GoTaq G2 Green Master Mix, 1,000 rxn 448, ,000 편리한 master mix 타입폴 ~~ M7832 GoTaq G2 Colorless Master Mix, 100 rxn 54,000 38,000 M7833 GoTaq G2 Colorless Master Mix, 1,000 rxn 448, ,000 M7401 GoTaq G2 Hot Start Polymerase, 100u 81,000 57,000 M7405 GoTaq G2 Hot Start Polymerase, 500u 잡밴드가많다구요? 252, ,000 M7406 GoTaq G2 Hot Start Polymerase, 2,500u 그렇다면 Hot start 폴 ~~ 1,127, ,000 M7408 GoTaq G2 Hot Start Polymerase, 10,000u 4,200,000 2,940,000 M7422 GoTaq G2 Hot Start Green Master Mix, 100 rxn 90,000 63,000 M7423 GoTaq G2 Hot Start Green Master Mix, 1,000 rxn Hot start 709, ,000 M7432 GoTaq G2 Hot Start Colorless Master Mix, 100 rxn master mix 폴 ~~ 90,000 63,000 M7433 GoTaq G2 Hot Start Colorless Master Mix, 1,000 rxn 709, ,000 M3001 GoTaq DNA Polymerase, 100u 67,000 54,000 M3005 GoTaq DNA Polymerase, 500u 258, ,000 M3008 GoTaq DNA Polymerase, 2500u 1,220, ,000 M8291 GoTaq Flexi DNA Polymerase, 100u 51,000 41,000 M8295 GoTaq Flexi DNA Polymerase, 500u 212, ,000 M8296 GoTaq Flexi DNA Polymerase, 2500u 940, ,000 M7122 GoTaq Green Master Mix, 100 rxn 65,000 52,000 M7123 GoTaq Green Master Mix, 1,000 rxn 543, ,000 M7132 GoTaq Colorless Master Mix, 100 rxn 65,000 52,000 M7133 GoTaq Colorless Master Mix, 1,000 rxn 543, ,000 M5001 GoTaq Hot Start Polymerase, 100u 107,000 86,000 M5005 GoTaq Hot Start Polymerase, 500u 464, ,000 M5008 GoTaq Hot Start Polymerase, 10,000u 6,790,000 5,432,000 M5122 GoTaq Hot Start Green Master Mix, 100 rxn 145, ,000 M5123 GoTaq Hot Start Green Master Mix, 1,000 rxn 1,146, ,000 M5132 GoTaq Hot Start Colorless Master Mix, 100 rxn 145, ,000 M5133 GoTaq Hot Start Colorless Master Mix, 1,000 rxn 1,146, ,000 30%
6 Cat. No. 제품명소비자가이벤트가할인율 Special Taq Target 유전자가 5 kb가넘는다고요? 그렇다면롱 ~ 폴 ~ M4021 GoTaq Long PCR Master Mix 241, ,000 30% M7741 Pfu DNA Polymerase, 100u Mismatching을수정해주는 159, ,000 M7745 Pfu DNA Polymerase, 500u proofreading기능이있답니다 ~~ 586, ,000 Purity 확인은흡광방법으로! 정량은형광방법인 Quantus 로진행하세요 ~ 저는 DNA 에만붙는답니다 ~~ 저는 RNA 에만붙는답니다 ~~ Quantitation E6150 Quantus Fluorometer 2,839,000 2,130,000 E5150 Quantus NGS Starter Package 2,860,000 2,145,000 E2670 QuantiFluor dsdna System NGS Starter는 Quantus와 QuantiFluor ONE dsdna, 377, ,000 E3190 QuantiFluor ssdna System 500rxn 시약이포함된패키지제품이에요 425, ,000 E3310 QuantiFluor RNA System 425, ,000 E4870 QuantiFluor ONE dsdna System, 500rxn ONE 은희석할필요가없는 438, ,000 E4871 QuantiFluor ONE dsdna System, 100rxn 간편한제품입니다 149, ,000 E mL PCR Tubes, 200 pack 104,000 78,000 Restriction enzyme 전품목 50% 할인 제한효소리스트는프로메가홈페이지에서확인하세요 ~~ 으로접속됩니다. 몸에해로운 EtBr 대신사용할수있는 fluorescent dye 에요 ~~ 기존사용하셨던 UV Transilluminator 로확인할수있답니다! Cat. No. 제품명 소비자가 이벤트가 할인율 Biochemical V3121 Agarose, LE, Analytical Grade, 100g 255, ,000 V3125 Agarose, LE, Analytical Grade, 500g 689, ,000 V2111 Agarose, LMP, Analytical Grade, 25g 237, ,000 V2831 Agarose, LMP, Preparative Grade for Large Fragments, 25g 323, ,000 V3841 Agarose, LMP, Preparative Grade for Small Fragments, 25g 209, ,000 H1181 Diamond Nucleic Acid Dye, 500ul 105,000 53,000 50% H5001 Boric Acid, 500g 94,000 47,000 H5003 Boric Acid 1000g 148,000 74,000 H5031 EDTA Disodium Salt 100g 73,000 37,000 H5032 EDTA Disodium Salt 500g 192,000 96,000
7 SDS PAGE 만들때필요한 chemical 입니다 ~~ 미리미리구비해두세요!! Western blot. washing 할때필요하시죠? 앗!! Induction 해야할시간이에요!! Lag Log Stationary 프로메가에도 G-418 이있답니다 ~~ 모르셨죠? Cat. No. 제품명 소비자가 이벤트가 할인율 H5051 Formamide, 100ml 102,000 51,000 H5052 Formamide, 500ml 218, ,000 H5071 Glycine 500g 126,000 63,000 H5073 Glycine, 1kg 167,000 84,000 H5113 Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate(SDS), 100g 111,000 56,000 H5114 Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate(SDS), 500g 253, ,000 H5115 Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate(SDS), 1kg 549, ,000 V6551 Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate(SDS) Solution, 100ml 64,000 32,000 V6553 Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate(SDS) Solution, 500ml 294, ,000 H5121 Tris-HCl (Tris-Hydrochloride), 100g 85,000 43,000 H5123 Tris-HCl (Tris-Hydrochloride), 500g 196,000 98,000 H5125 Tris-HCl (Tris-Hydrochloride), 2500g 867, ,000 V3111 Acrylamide Molecular Grade, 100g 83,000 42,000 V3115 Acrylamide Molecular Grade, 500g 250, ,000 V3131 Ammonium Persulfate, 25g (APS) 34,000 17,000 V3141 Bisacrylamide, 25g (N,N'-Methylenebisacrylamide) 52,000 26,000 V3143 Bisacrylamide, 125g (N,N'-Methylenebisacrylamide) 162,000 81,000 H5151 Tween 20, 500ml 143,000 72,000 H5152 Tween 20, 100ml 97,000 49,000 H5131 Tris Base, 500g 146,000 73,000 H5133 Tris Base, 100g 46,000 23,000 H5135 Tris Base, 2,500g 558, ,000 H5141 Triton X ml 161,000 81,000 H5142 Triton X ml 79,000 40,000 H5252 Ammonium Sulfate 5kg 228, ,000 50% H5271 Sodium Chloride 500g 60,000 30,000 H5273 Sodium Chloride 1kg 105,000 53,000 H5302 HEPES (free acid), 100g 116,000 58,000 H5303 HEPES (free acid), 500g 471, ,000 H5433 Glycerol, 1000ml 89,000 45,000 S2011 Coelenterazine h, 250ug 193,000 97,000 V3011 PEG 8000 Powder (Polyethylene Glycol), 500g 122,000 61,000 V3151 DTT, 5g (Dithiothreitol) 142,000 71,000 V3155 DTT, 25g (Dithiothreitol) 508, ,000 V3171 Urea, 1kg 105,000 53,000 V3175 Urea, 5kg 344, ,000 V3951 IPTG, Dioxane-Free, 5g 324, ,000 V3955 IPTG, Dioxane-Free, 1g 87,000 44,000 V4221 5M Sodium Chloride, 1,000ml 71,000 36,000 V M EDTA, ph 8.0, 100ml 22,000 11,000 V M EDTA, ph 8.0, 400ml 88,000 44,000 V4251 TBE Buffer, 10X Molecular Biology Grade, 1,000ml 97,000 49,000 V4261 SSC Buffer, 20X, 1L 108,000 54,000 V4271 TAE Buffer, 10X, 1,000ml 91,000 46,000 V4281 TAE, 40X (Tris-acetate-EDTA), 1,000ml 149,000 75,000 V6231 TE Buffer, 1X, 100ml 49,000 25,000 V6232 TE Buffer, 1X, 500ml 194,000 97,000 V7983 Antibiotic G-418 Sulfate, 5g 739, ,000 V8091 Antibiotic G-418 Sulfate Solution, 20ml 232, ,000
8 MTS assay 세포의환원력측정 MTT assay 세포내에존재하는 ATP 측정제품 세포환원력을이용하여최대 72 시간까지 real-time 으로세포의 viability 를발광기법으로측정하는제품입니다. LDH assay DNA 염색하는형광 dye 기법으로최대 72 시간까지 real-time 으로세포독성변화모니터링이가능합니다. PS-Annexin V 결합을 microplate 에서최대 48 시간까지 real-time 으로모니터링할수있습니다. Cat. No. 제품명 소비자가 이벤트가 할인율 Cell Viability Assay G3580 CellTiter 96 AQueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay, 1,000 assays 382, ,000 G3581 CellTiter 96 AQueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay, 5,000 assays 1,260, ,000 G5421 CellTiter 96 AQueous Non-Radioactive Cell Proliferation Assay, 1,000 assays 345, ,000 G5430 CellTiter 96 AQueous Non-Radioactive Cell Proliferation Assay, 5,000 assays 1,140, ,000 35% G4000 CellTiter 96 Non-Radioactive Cell Proliferation Assay, 1,000 assays 374, ,000 G4100 CellTiter 96 Non-Radioactive Cell Proliferation Assay, 5,000 assays 1,110, ,000 G7570 CellTiter-Glo Luminescent Cell Viability Assay, 10ml 160, ,000 G7571 CellTiter-Glo Luminescent Cell Viability Assay, 10 x 10ml 728, ,000 G7572 CellTiter-Glo Luminescent Cell Viability Assay, 100ml 576, ,000 G7573 CellTiter-Glo Luminescent Cell Viability Assay, 10 x 100ml 4,712,000 3,770,000 G9241 CellTiter-Glo 2.0 Assay, 10ml 169, ,000 G9242 CellTiter-Glo 2.0 Assay, 100ml 620, ,000 G9243 CellTiter-Glo 2.0 Assay, 500ml 2,630,000 2,104,000 G9681 CellTiter-Glo 3D Cell Viability Assay, 10ml 173, ,000 G9682 CellTiter-Glo 3D Cell Viability Assay, 10 x 10ml 803, ,000 G9683 CellTiter-Glo 3D Cell Viability Assay, 100ml 624, ,000 G9711 RealTime-Glo MT Cell Viability Assay, 100 reations 213, ,000 G9712 RealTime-Glo MT Cell Viability Assay, 10 x 100 reactions 1,040, ,000 G9713 RealTime-Glo MT Cell Viability Assay, 1,000 reactions 941, ,000 Cytotoxicity Assay G1780 CytoTox 96 Non-Radioactive Cytotoxicity Assay, 1,000 assays 405, ,000 30% G8741 CellTox Green Cytotoxicity Assay, 10ml 159, ,000 G8742 CellTox Green Cytotoxicity Assay, 50ml 580, ,000 G8743 CellTox Green Cytotoxicity Assay, 100ml 923, ,000 G8731 CellTox Green Express Cytotoxicity Assay, 200ul 867, ,000 Apoptosis Assay G8090 Caspase-Glo 3/7 Assay, 2.5ml 181, ,000 G8091 Caspase-Glo 3/7 Assay, 10ml caspase 활성을세포배양상태에서 566, ,000 G8092 Caspase-Glo 3/7 Assay, 100ml 측정하는제품입니다. 2,960,000 2,368,000 G8200 Caspase-Glo 8 Assay, 2.5ml Western blotting으로크기를확인하시고 Caspase-Glo Assay로정확한활성을 181, ,000 G8201 Caspase-Glo 8 Assay, 10ml 측정해보세요! 566, ,000 G8210 Caspase-Glo 9 Assay, 2.5ml 181, ,000 G8211 Caspase-Glo 9 Assay, 10ml 566, ,000 JA1011 RealTime-Glo Annexin V Apoptosis and Necrosis Assay, 100 assays 681, ,000 JA1012 RealTime-Glo Annexin V Apoptosis and Necrosis Assay, 1,000 assays 3,405,000 2,554,000 JA1000 RealTime-Glo Annexin V Apoptosis Assay, 100 assays 585, ,000 JA1001 RealTime-Glo Annexin V Apoptosis Assay, 1,000 assays 2,925,000 2,194,000 G3250 DeadEnd Fluorometric TUNEL System, 60 reactions 780, ,000 G7130 DeadEnd Colorimetric TUNEL System, 40 reactions 768, ,000 G7360 DeadEnd Colorimetric TUNEL System, 20 reactions 557, ,000 * Assay 제품명앞의바색깔에따라흡광, 발광, 형광 assay 기법을확인하실수있습니다.
9 빠르고 편리하며 정확하게 caspase 1 활성을 microwell plate에서 측정하실 수 있습니다. Cat. No. 제품명 소비자가 이벤트가 할인율 Inflammation Assay G9951 Caspase-Glo 1 Inflammasome Assay, 10ml G9952 Caspase-Glo 1 Inflammasome Assay, 5 x 10ml 630, ,000 2,675,000 2,140, ,000 Oxidative Stress Assay V6611 GSH/GSSG-Glo Assay, 10ml 716,000 V6612 GSH/GSSG-Glo Assay, 50ml 2,870,000 2,296,000 세포 내에 남아있는 GSH를 측정하는 제품입니다. V6911 GSH-Glo Glutathione Assay, 10ml 589, ,000 V6912 GSH-Glo Glutathione Assay, 50ml 2,300,000 1,840,000 ROS 중에서 가장 안정적인 형태 H2O2를 측정하는 제품입니다. G8820 ROS-Glo H202 Assay, 10ml 540, ,000 G8821 ROS-Glo H202 Assay, 50ml 2,260,000 1,808,000 G2930 Griess Reagent System 237, ,000 세포 내에 존재하는 총 GSH와 생성된 GSSG를 측정하는 제품입니다. NO2- (Nitrite) 측정하는 제품입니다. 시료 내에 존재하는 NAD(P) & NAD(P)H 혹은 각각의 NAD(P), NAD(P)H를 측정하는 제품입니다. Energy Metabolism Assay G9071 NAD/NADH-Glo Assay, 10ml 651, ,000 G9072 NAD/NADH-Glo Assay, 50ml 2,647,000 2,118,000 G9081 NADP/NADPH-Glo Assay, 10ml 651, ,000 G9082 NADP/NADPH-Glo Assay, 50ml 2,647,000 2,118,000 J6021 Glucose-Glo Assay, 5ml Assay, 50ml J6022 Glucose-Glo RealTime-Glo Annexin 발광을 이용한 간단한 방법으로 대사산물을 측정하는 제품으로 세포, 조직, 혈청 등에 존재하는 대사산물을 측정할 수 있습니다. J5021 Lactate-Glo Necrosis AssayAssay, 5ml Inflammation Apoptosis Assay V Apoptosis and 540, ,000 2,290,000 1,832, , ,000 J5022 Lactate-Glo 50ml A No-Wash, One-StepAssay, Method for Real-Time Apoptosis Detection J7021 Glutamate-Glo Assay, 5ml 2,484,000 1,988, , ,000 This simple, non-lytic assay allows real-time monitoring of apoptosis J7022 Glutamate-Glo Assay, 50mlprogression, without the need for multiple plates, 2,484,000 1,988,000 complicated processing, or specialized detection equipment. A multimode plate reader capable of detecting luminescence and fluorescence is the only instrument required. J8021 Glutamine/Glutamate-Glo Assay, 5ml 641, ,000 The RealTime-Glo Apoptosis and Necrosis Assay measures exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) on the outer leaflet 2,844,000 2,276,000 binding is detected with a simple luminescence signal, and necrosis is detected with a fluorescent DNA binding dye. 504, ,000 J8022 Glutamine/Glutamate-Glo Assay, 50ml of the cell membrane during the apoptotic process, and loss of membrane integrity during secondary necrosis. Annexin V Glucose가 세포 안으로 흡수되는지를 확인하는 제품으로 실험을 위해 glucose 유사체 (2DG)를 사용합니다. J1341 Glucose Uptake-Glo Assay, 5ml Continually Monitors Cell State Repeated measures of luminescence and fluorescence from the same10ml well during compound exposure allow determination J1342 Glucose Uptake-Glo Assay, of compound potency using far fewer plates and less reagents than endpoint assays. J1343 Glucose Uptake-Glo Assay, 50ml Well tolerated by a variety of cultured cell types. 871, ,000 3,485,000 2,788,000 Allows real-time measurement of the dose and time-dependent magnitude of apoptotic progression. Can be multiplexed with other assays to gain more information on mechanism of toxicity. Plate-Based and Scalable Since the reagent is added directly to cells in culture, the assay can be conducted in microplate formats without onerous washing or processing steps. RealTime-Glo Annexin V Apoptosis & Necrosis Assay Easy to Use Simply add assay reagent to cells at plating or dosing and read repeatedly. Healthy Cell LgBiT Annexin V Early y Ap Apoptosis pop ptosis SmBiT Secondary Necrosis NanoLuc Luciferase Annexin V Necrosis Detection Reagent Phosphatidyl Serine Glo 제품은 lysis 기능이 시약 내에 이미 포함되어 있는 별도의 lysis 단계가 필요 없는 homogenous 방법으로 발광 signal이 긴 제품입니다. PS confined to inner leaflet Cell membrane intact PS translocation to outer leaflet Cell membrane intact PS on inner and outer leaflet Cell membrane compromised Luminescence (RLU) negative Fluorescence (RFU) negative Luminescence (RLU) POSITIVE Fluorescence (RFU) negative Luminescence (RLU) POSITIVE Fluorescence (RFU) POSITIVE RealTime-Glo Annexin V Assay Principle. The detection reagent contains two Annexin V fusion proteins containing complementary domains of NanoLuc luciferase (Annexin V-LgBiT and Annexin V-SmBiT). The Reagent also contains a cell impermeant, profluorescent DNA dye. Luminescence remains low until PS exposure brings the annexin fusion proteins close together, forming a functional luciferase. A fluorescent signal is generated upon loss of membrane integrity during late stage apoptosis. RealTime-Glo Annexin V Assay 원리 Detection 시약에는 NanoLuc luciferase의 complementary domain을 포함한 두 개의 Annexin V fusion protein (Annexin V-LgBiT & Annexin V-SmBiT)이 포함되어 있습니다. 또한 세포막을 투과하지 못하는 pro-fluorescent DNA dye도 포함되어 있습니다. 발광 (luminescence)은 PS와 Annexin V fusion 단백질이 결합(functional luciferase 형성)할 때까지 낮게 유지됩니다. 형광 (fluorescent signal)은 late apoptosis 단계에서 세포막 손실에 의해 생성됩니다. * Assay 제품명 앞의 바 색깔에 따라 흡광, 발광, 형광 assay 기법을 확인하실 수 있습니다.
10 Firefly luciferase assay NanoLuc luciferase assay Firefly & Renilla (control) Dual luciferase assay Firefly & NanoLuc Dual luciferase assay Stress signaling pathway 관련 response element 가포함된 pre-designed firefly luciferase vector cytokine signaling pathway 관련 response element 가포함된 pre-designed firefly luciferase vector MCS 포함된 firefly luciferase vector Cat. No. 제품명 소비자가 이벤트가 할인율 Luciferase Assay E1500 Luciferase Assay System, 100 assays 142, ,000 E1501 Luciferase Assay System, 10-Pack, 1,000 assays 919, ,000 E4030 Luciferase Assay System with Reporter Lysis Buffer, 100 assays 144, ,000 E6110 ONE-Glo Luciferase Assay System, 10ml 202, ,000 E6120 ONE-Glo Luciferase Assay System, 100ml 1,300,000 1,040,000 E8110 ONE-Glo EX Luciferase Assay System, 10ml 202, ,000 E8120 ONE-Glo EX Luciferase Assay System, 100ml 1,170, ,000 E8130 ONE-Glo EX Luciferase Assay System, 10 x 10ml 1,400,000 1,120,000 E2510 Steady-Glo Luciferase Assay System, 10ml 149, ,000 E2520 Steady-Glo Luciferase Assay System, 100ml Glo 시약은 cell lysis 기능이 1,100, ,000 E2610 Bright-Glo Luciferase Assay System, 10ml 기질시약에포함되어있어 189, ,000 E2620 Bright-Glo Luciferase Assay System, 100ml lysis 단계를별도로 1,130, ,000 N1110 Nano-Glo Luciferase Assay, 10ml 진행하지않아도되며 207, ,000 N1120 Nano-Glo Luciferase Assay, 100ml luciferase와기질이반응하여 1,175, ,000 생성된발광이오래유지됩니다. N1130 Nano-Glo Luciferase Assay, 10 x 10ml 1,410,000 1,128,000 E1910 Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System, 100 assays 302, ,000 E1960 Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System 10-Pack, 1,000 assays 1,929,000 1,544,000 E1980 Dual-Luciferase Reporter 1000 Assay System, 1,000 assays 1,778,000 1,423,000 E2920 Dual-Glo Luciferase Assay System, 10ml 334, ,000 E2940 Dual-Glo Luciferase Assay System, 100ml 1,990,000 1,592,000 N1610 Nano-Glo Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System, 10ml 315, ,000 N1620 Nano-Glo Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System, 100ml 1,816,000 1,453,000 N1630 Nano-Glo Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System, 10 x 10ml 1,956,000 1,565,000 Firefly Luciferase Vector E3641 pgl4.37[luc2p/are/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E3651 pgl4.38[luc2p/p53 RE/Hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E3661 pgl4.39[luc2p/atf6 RE/Hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E3751 pgl4.41[luc2p/hse/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E4001 pgl4.42[luc2p/hre/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E4121 pgl4.43[luc2p/xre/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E4131 pgl4.40[luc2p/mre/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E3671 pgl4.48[luc2p/sbe/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E4041 pgl4.47[luc2p/sie/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E4141 pgl4.45[luc2p/isre/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E4651 pgl4.52[luc2p/stat5re/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E1340 pgl4.33[luc2p/sre/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E1350 pgl4.34[luc2p/srf-re/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E4111 pgl4.44[luc2p/ap1 RE/Hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E4611 pgl4.49[luc2p/tcf-lef RE/Hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E8471 pgl4.29 [luc2p/cre/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E8481 pgl4.30[luc2p/nfat-re/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E8491 pgl4.32[luc2p/nf-kb-re/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6651 pgl4.10[luc2] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6661 pgl4.11[luc2p] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6671 pgl4.12[luc2cp] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6681 pgl4.13[luc2/sv40] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6691 pgl4.14[luc2/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6701 pgl4.15[luc2p/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6711 pgl4.16[luc2cp/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6721 pgl4.17[luc2/neo] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6731 pgl4.18[luc2p/neo] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6741 pgl4.19[luc2cp/neo] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000
11 MCS 포함된 firefly luciferase vector firefly control luciferase vector Nuclear receptor luciferase vector Renilla control luciferase vector NanoLuc control luciferase vector NanoLuc fusion protein reporter vector Cat. No. 제품명 소비자가 이벤트가 할인율 E6751 pgl4.20[luc2/puro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6761 pgl4.21[luc2p/puro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6771 pgl4.22[luc2cp/puro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E8411 pgl4.23[luc2/minp] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E8421 pgl4.24[luc2p/minp] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E8431 pgl4.25[luc2cp/minp] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E8441 pgl4.26 [luc2/minp/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E8451 pgl4.27[luc2p/minp/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E8461 pgl4.28[luc2cp/minp/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E5011 pgl4.53[luc2/pgk] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E5061 pgl4.54[luc2/tk] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E1360 pgl4.36[luc2p/mmtv/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E1370 pgl4.35[luc2p/9xgal4uas/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E1380 pfn26a(bind) hrluc-neo Flexi Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E1390 pbind-er(alpha) Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E1581 pbind-gr Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E1330 pmirglo Dual Luciferase mirna Target Expression Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 Renilla Luciferase Vector E6881 pgl4.70[hrluc] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6891 pgl4.71[hrlucp] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6901 pgl4.72[hrluccp] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6941 pgl4.76[hrluc/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6951 pgl4.77[hrlucp/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6961 pgl4.78[hrluccp/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6971 pgl4.79[hrluc/neo] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6981 pgl4.80[hrlucp/neo] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6991 pgl4.81[hrluccp/neo] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E7501 pgl4.82[hrluc/puro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E7511 pgl4.83[hrlucp/puro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E7521 pgl4.84[hrluccp/puro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6911 pgl4.73[hrluc/sv40] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6921 pgl4.74[hrluc/tk] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 E6931 pgl4.75[hrluc/cmv] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 NanoLuc Luciferase Vector N1001 pnl1.1[nluc] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 N1011 pnl1.2[nlucp] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 N1021 pnl1.3[secnluc] Vector, 20ug NanoLuc gene은 secretion 형태의 560, ,000 N1031 pnl3.1[nluc/minp] Vector, 20ug secnluc을포함한 3가지종류입니다. 560, ,000 N1041 pnl3.2[nlucp/minp] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 N1051 pnl3.3[secnluc/minp] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 N1061 pnl2.1[nluc/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 N1071 pnl2.2[nlucp/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 N1081 pnl2.3[secnluc/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 N1091 pnl1.1.cmv[nluc/cmv] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 N1101 pnl1.3.cmv[secnluc/cmv] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 N1111 pnl3.2 NF-kB-RE[NlucP/NF-kB-RE/Hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 N1411 pnl3.2.cmv Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 N1441 pnl1.1.pgk[nluc/pgk] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 N1501 pnl1.1.tk[nluc/tk] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 N1351 pnlf1-n[cmv/hygro] Vector, 20ug 560, ,000 N1361 pnlf1-c[cmv/hygro] Vector, 20ug 세포내에서의 HIFA와 NRF2 560, ,000 N1371 pnlf1-secn[cmv/hygro] Vector, 20ug 단백질의 turnover를 560, ,000 NanoLuc fusion으로 N1381 pnlf1-hif1a[cmv/neo] Vector System 790, ,000 확인하실수있는 vector입니다. N1391 pnlf1-nrf2[cmv/neo] Vector System 790, ,000
12 동일한 transcript 로부터 NanoLuc & firefly luciferase 가발현되는 vector 입니다. Chemical screening 시에 false positive 를줄이실수있는 vector 시스템입니다. 낮은독성의 transfection reagent 이며특히 FuGENE HD 는단백질발현율이높은제품입니다. 높은 transfection 효율의 DNA 전용 transfection reagent 입니다. in vivo imaging 실험시에사용되는 firefly luciferase 기질입니다. Mass Spec Grade 제품인 Trypsin Gold 와 rlys-c mixture 제품으로 proteolysis 기능이증가되어재현성높은실험결과를제공합니다. Cat. No. 제품명소비자가이벤트가할인율 Coincidence Reporter Vector N1461 pnlcoi1[luc2-p2a-nlucp/hygro] Vector, 20ug 710, ,000 N1471 pnlcoi2[luc2-p2a-nlucp/minp/hygro] Vector, 20ug 710, ,000 N1481 pnlcoi3[luc2-p2a-nlucp/cmv/hygro] Vector, 20ug 710, ,000 N1491 pnlcoi4[luc2-p2a-nlucp/pgk/hygro] Vector, 20ug 710, ,000 Transfection E2311 FuGENE HD Transfection Reagent, 1ml 612, ,000 E2312 FuGENE HD Transfection Reagent, 5 x 1ml 2,775,000 2,082,000 E2691 FuGENE 6 Transfection Reagent, 1ml 562, ,000 E2692 FuGENE 6 Transfection Reagent, 5 x 1ml 2,370,000 1,778,000 E2693 FuGENE 6 Transfection Reagent, 0.5ml 338, ,000 E4981 ViaFect Transfection Reagent, 0.75ml 408, ,000 E4982 ViaFect Transfection Reagent, 2 x 0.75ml 679, ,000 in vivo Imaging E1602 Beetle Luciferin, Potassium Salt, 50mg 271, ,000 30% E1603 Beetle Luciferin, Potassium Salt, 250mg 554, ,000 E1605 Beetle Luciferin, Potassium Salt, 1g 845, ,000 50% P1041 VivoGlo Luciferin, In Vivo Grade, 50mg 279, ,000 30% P1042 VivoGlo Luciferin, In Vivo Grade, 250mg 567, ,000 P1043 VivoGlo Luciferin, In Vivo Grade, 1g 966, ,000 50% Protease V5111 Sequencing Grade Modified Trypsin, 5 x 20ug 133, ,000 V5113 Sequencing Grade Modified Trypsin, Frozen, 5 x 20ug 66,000 53,000 V5117 Sequencing Grade Modified Trypsin, 1 x 100ug 119,000 96,000 V5280 Trypsin Gold, Mass Spectrometry Grade, 100ug 179, ,000 V5072 Trypsin/Lys-C Mix, Mass Spec Grade, 1 x 100ug 251, ,000 V5073 Trypsin/Lys-C Mix, Mass Spec Grade, 5 x 20ug 271, ,000 V1671 rlys-c, Mass Spec Grade, 15ug 217, ,000 V1061 Chymotrypsin, Sequencing Grade, 25ug 109,000 88,000 V1062 Chymotrypsin, Sequencing Grade, 100ug 336, ,000 V1621 Asp-N, Sequencing Grade, 2ug 245, ,000 V1651 Glu-C, Sequencing Grade, 50ug 245, ,000 V1881 Arg-C, Sequencing Grade, 10ug 345, ,000 V4831 PNGase F, 500 units 208, ,000 V3021 Proteinase K, 100mg 187, ,000 2nd Antibody W4011 Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), HRP Conjugate, 300ul 163,000 82,000 W4021 Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), HRP Conjugate, 300ul 165,000 83,000 ECL Solution W1001 ECL Western Blotting Substrate, 250ml 248, ,000 W1015 ECL Western Blotting Substrate, 500ml 344, ,000 35% 50%
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Apoptosis Products Apoptosis & Necrosis * Apoptosis (programmed cell death) 세포가유전자에의해제어되어죽는방식의한형태 * Necrosis 화상과타박, 독물등의자극에의해생체세포, 조직이일부가죽거나죽어가는상태 Apoptosis & Necrosis Apoptosis Active cell death DNA cleaved,
cdna의신장반응이저해된다. 이와같이 AMV 유래 RTase 와 MoMLV 유래 RTase 는모두일장일단을가지나필자는 MoMLV 유래 RTase 를선호한다. 또두효소는최적 ph, 최적염농도등에서도차이가있으므로주의해야한다. 최근 Myers 등은 RTase 활성과 PCR
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PCR FlashGel System 2013. 04. 24 PCR 2013. 04. 24 순서 1. PCR 이란 2. PCR 실험의기본조건 3. PCR 효소선택가이드 4. Hot Start PCR의원리 5. PCR 실험시 Troubleshooting 6. PCR 장비 _TP350 소개 PCR(Polymerase Chain Reaction) PCR 이란? -
성공적인 Western Blot 을위한 Total Solution 기간 : 2013 년 4 월 22 일 ~ 6 월 14 일 Mini-PROTEAN Tetra & Power Supply 구매시, 전기영동 Plastic 소모품, Acrylamide/Bis Solution
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Production of Recombinant Proteins For Further Information, Please Contact Neurogenex Co., Ltd. Biotechnology Incubating Center "Golden Helix" Seoul Natl' Univ. Seoul 151-744, Korea TEL 82-2-875-8998 FAX
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EZ-LDH Cell Cytotoxicity Assay Kit Cat. No. DG-LDH500 DG-LDH1000 FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES. 1 ( 주 ) 대일랩서비스부설두젠생명공학연구소 Product Description Apoptosis 혹은 necrosis등에의하여죽거나손상된세포에서방출되는
l l l l l l l l l Lee, Geon Kook None This project was designed to establish the Tumor Bank of National Cancer Center in 2000. From the first tumor sample in 2000, the total of tumor and tumor-related
01 Automated Protein Expression and Purification Using ExiProgen Selection Guide 267 ExiProgen EC Protein Synthesis Kit 268 ExiProgen EC-Maxi Protein
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실험 Set Up Guide 실험주제 Real Time PCR 실험원리 Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qrt-pcr) 은 1992년에도입되어생명공학에응용되기시작하였이기술은잘알려져있는 PCR기법을개량한것이다. PCR은핵산의효소증폭을이용하며, 극히적은양
실험 Set Up Guide 실험주제 Real Time PCR 실험원리 Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qrt-pcr) 은 1992년에도입되어생명공학에응용되기시작하였이기술은잘알려져있는 PCR기법을개량한것이다. PCR은핵산의효소증폭을이용하며, 극히적은양의시료를대량으로증폭할수있다는장점과그과정이간단하여 Cloning, Sequencing 등의기본기술로응용되었다.
01 Automated Protein Expression and Purification: ExiProgen Selection Guide 3 Protein Synthesis Kit ExiProgen EC Protein Synthesis Kit 4 ExiProgen EC-
Automated Protein Expression and Purification: ExiProgen TM Manual Protein Expression and Purification: AccuRapid TM & MagListo TM Preparation of Template DNA for Protein Expression Protein Service Protein
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Bio-Rad 할인행사, 비엠에스와함께하세요! 성공적인 PCR 실험을위한 Total Solution! 기간 : 2012 년 10 월 15 일 ~12 월 14 일 Gel Documentation System 과개인용 PCR 을특별한가격으로만나보세요! 버튼클릭한번만으로이미지획득까지! Gel Doc EZ system "UV tray 포함 " 스마트한개인용 PCR
Selection chart of Bioneer s cdna synthesis products Categories Application Product cdna Synthesis Kits One step RT-PCR Kits One step RT-qPCR Kits RTa
Selection chart of Bioneer s cdna synthesis products Categories Application Product cdna Synthesis Kits One step RT-PCR Kits One step RT-qPCR Kits RTase 표준 cdna 합성 높은효율의 cdna 합성 복잡한 2 차구조 RNA 의 cdna 합성
Mass-production of Four Specific Proteins Originated from Deformed Wing Virus, Honeybee-viral Pathogen Joo-seong Lee, Giang Thi Huong Luong and Byoung-Su Yoon* Department of Life Science, College of Natural
Statistical Data of Dementia.
Screening of Prolyl Endopeptidase Inhibitors from Medicinal Plants. Lee Si-young, Lee Jung-han, Paik Young-Sook College of Environment and Applied Chemistry, Kyung Hee University. Statistical Data of Dementia.
Title: Biacore getting started kit 를이용한 KD 값도출방법 목차 1. 실험목적 2. 실험개요와필요한시약및소모품 2.1 실험개요 2.2 필요한시약및소모품 3. 실험방법과결과 3.1 ph-scouting for pre-concentration
Title: Biacore getting started kit 를이용한 KD 값도출방법 목차 1. 실험목적 2. 실험개요와필요한시약및소모품 2.1 실험개요 2.2 필요한시약및소모품 3. 실험방법과결과 3.1 ph-scouting for pre-concentration 3.2 Immobilization 3.3 Regeneration scouting 3.4 Interaction
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Glutathione Excellose handbook - Purification of GST fusion proteins - Looking for more detail Purification protocol? - Glutathione Excellose Spin Kit - Glutathione MiniExcellose - Glutathione Excellose
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Surpass the limit of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) PCR Enzyme Guide High Fidelity PCR 효소 범용적인 PCR 효소 특수목적을위한 PCR 효소 - Epigenetics - Multiplex PCR - Direct PCR High Fidelity PCR 효소 - NGS targeted sequencing,
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2017 비엠에스 할인행사 행사기간 : 2017년 4월 24일 ~ 6월 23일까지 300만원이상구매시 VELP Vortexer CLASSIC Vortex mixer Protein Gel Protein 정량 / IP 시약 Antibody Western Blot Buffer 소모품 500 만원이상구매시 VWR Heat Block or Manual Pipette
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TAKARA 1. PCR 2. qpcr 2014. 02. 13. 최유미 DNA? DNA 생물체 > 기관 > 세포 >DNA DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) 세포내에서생물의유젂정보를보관하는물질 구성 : Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine 종특이적, 개체특이적 PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
2018 ASF Standard Operation Procedure 아프리카돼지열병진단개요 : - African swine fever, Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals. Chapter2.
2018 ASF Standard Operation Procedure 아프리카돼지열병진단개요 : - African swine fever, Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals. Chapter2.8.1. OIE 2012 ver. - EU ASF reference lab CISA-INIA(Spain)
- 3 - 1 10. 10. 12 1. 12 2. 12. 13 2 14 2.1 14 2.2 17 2.3 18 2.4 19 2.5 21 (1) 21 (2) DNA 23 (3) 24 (4) 16S rrna 25 (5) (Polymerase chain reaction, PCR) 26 (6) PCR Primer 27 2.6 28. / 28-4 - (1) Bioaerosol
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Glutathione Excellose handbook - Purification of GST fusion proteins - Looking for more detail Purification protocol? - Glutathione Excellose Spin Kit - Glutathione MiniExcellose - Glutathione Excellose
이 발명을 지원한 국가연구개발사업 과제고유번호 G1111700300320000000000000 부처명 한국환경산업기술원 연구사업명 토양지하수오염방지기술개발사업 연구과제명 시데로포아(Siderophore)의 대량생산을 통한 토양 및 지하수의 친환경 중금속 제거기술 개 발
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전기영동 실험목적 기본적인분자실험장비인피펫, 저울, 원심분리 기, vortex mixer 사용법숙지 전기영동과정을통해서 DNA 크기비교 여러가지피펫종류들 Basic type P2 white tip P10 white tip P20 yellow tip P100 yellow tip P200 yellow tip P1000 blue tip Multi-channel pipette
Chapter 26
11 주 RNA 합성 11.1 DNA-dependent synthesis of RNA: Bacteria에서의 transcription l RNA polymerase (5 subunits로구성 : 2α, β, β, σ) l 효소에의한 RNA 합성의특징 - Complementary sequence to template DNA - RNA chain의합성방향 : 5
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316 Research in Plant Disease Vol. 21 No. 4, (Seo, 2009). Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay(ELISA) Reverse Transcription- Polymerase Chain Reaction(R
식물병연구 Research Article Open Access Res. Plant Dis. 21(4) : 315-320(2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.5423/rpd.2015.21.4.315 Reverse transcription Loop-mediated isothermal amplification Soybean mosaic virus Detection
BIONEER CORPORATION Preface 본책자는포스트게놈시대의생명공학연구실의필수적인연구장비인 ExiProgen 에관한설명서입니다. ExiProgen 은무세포 transcription, translation 반응과 magnetic affinity purification 을이용하여 DNA 로부터다양한단백질들을전자동으로합성하고고순도로정제할수있어생명공학의획기적인발전을가져올수있는신개념의장비입니다.
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Chapter 3 단백질의탐구및단백체학 (3) 겔거르기 (Gel filtration) chromatography: 크기에의한분리 - Resin: 다공성구슬 = Sephadex, Sepharose, Biogel = Bead size: 100 mm - 원리 : 분배 (partition) chromatograph = 분배 : 용질이이동상 (mobile phase)
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LC-MS 단백질분석을위한 SDS-PAGE staining protocol 및주의할점 Proteomics Core Facility 2017.12.28 Contents LC-MS 분석의뢰용 protein SDS-PAGE staining 시주의할점 Coomassie Blue R-250 을이용한 gel staining (general protocol) Coomassie
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Real Time PCR 목차 1. PCR 및 Real Rime PCR 원리 2. Real Time PCR 검출방법 3. Real Time PCR 정량방법 4. Takara Real Time PCR 시약 5. 금일실험내용 Polymerase Chain Reaction Taq DNA Polymerase - Thermostable DNA polymease from
목차 1. 서론 줄기세포의간세포분화능평가시고려사항 간세포분화능평가시험법 분
세포치료제시험정보집 7 줄기세포치료제의 간세포분화능평가시험 2015. 4. 30. 식품의약품안전평가원 차세대줄기세포기반제제평가연구사업단 목차 1. 서론 --------------------------------------------- 1 2. 줄기세포의간세포분화능평가시고려사항 --------------- 2 3. 간세포분화능평가시험법 -----------------------------
미생물분류는형태적특징, 생리 생화학적성질과상태, 화학분류학적성질과상태등을이용하여구분하는것이일반적이지만, 이와같은방법을이용하면많은시간을필요로한다. 또한분류가힘든경우나, 정확하지못한결과를얻는경우도있다. 최근미생물분류에도분자생물학적인방법을이용하여, 미생물이가지고있는 DNA를
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(Establishment and Management of Proteomics Core Facility) 1 sample running on SDS-PAGE Gel (10well) 163570 10 16357 1D size marker 225500 100 2255 Buffer(20X, 500ml) 119900 20 5995 Staining
ExiProgen His-tagged Protein Purification Kit 사용설명서 Version No.: 1.0 ( ) Please read all the information in booklet before using the kit 바이오니아 대
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Short ommunication Journal of piculture 33(3) : 221~226 (218) DOI: 1.17519/apiculture. Detection of Sugar ane (Saccharum officinarum)-specific Gene from Sugar and Sugar-honey younghee Kim,
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Simple, Fast, Powerful SMARTer Solution for NGS 다카라코리아바이오메디칼 1 페이지 표지분석 NGS Library 제작시의어려움을, SMARTer 기술로극복! FFPE Sample 과같은 Low input, degraded RNA 로부터 Sequencing 을가능하게! Single Cell sample 로부터 Library
pheophytin Jukart.. 서론 재료및방법 . 650 nm (10). 3. 124 15 3 68 2 3 124 2, 3, 43 5, 5 23 (5). 4. 5 4 5 53. 650 nm (10),..,. 16 pheophytin Jukart.. IC 50 1mg/ml.. pheophytin Jukart.. IC 50 1mg/ml.
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GE Healthcare Life Sciences 재교육프로그램 실험장비활용을위한재교육이필요하신고객님을위해본사의 Applications Specialists 가여러분의실험실로방문해서재교육서비스를제공해드립니다. 교육참여인원은가급적 3 명이내로제한해야의미있는 Hands-on 교육이될수있음을알려드립니다. 장비의보증기간이만료되었고, 서비스계약이체결되어있지않은고객님께는소정의교육비가부과됩니다.
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- 1 - ,,,,,,,, (), BOD,,,,,,,,, - 2 - - 3 - 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) - 4 - - 5 - (Analytical Spectrum) 1 Biosensors 2 Electro Analysis 3 Environmental 4 Drug Discovery 5 Food Quality and Safety 6 Gas and Liquid-phase
Chapter 6. Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 세포대사에서뉴클레오타이드 (nucleotide) 의기능은무엇인가? Objective 유전체학 (genomics) 과단백체학 (proteomics) 기본개념이해 재조합 DNA 기술 (recombin
Chapter 6. Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 세포대사에서뉴클레오타이드 (nucleotide) 의기능은무엇인가? Objective 유전체학 (genomics) 과단백체학 (proteomics) 기본개념이해 재조합 DNA 기술 (recombinant DNA technology) 란? - 효소의보조인자, 대사중간산물구성성분, 유전정보함유등
기관고유연구사업결과보고 작성요령 2001 ~ 2004 2005 ~ 2007 2008 ~ 2010 2001 ~ 2004 2005 ~ 2007 2008 ~ 2010 1 2/3 2 1 0 2 3 52 0 31 83 12 6 3 21 593 404 304 1,301 4 3 1 8 159 191 116 466 6 11 (`1: (1: 16 33 44 106
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EZ TM 5 /3 RACE PCR Kit Instruction Manual Korean Ver. Kit for 10 reactions Cat.# EZ025 EZ TM 5 /3 RACE PCR Kit Table of Contents I. 제품설명... 3 II. 원리... 4 III. 제품구성... 7 IV. 염기서열정보... 8 V. 주의사항... 8 VI.
Ver.3(KR) All about Real-Time PCR 8-11, Munpyeongseoro, Daedeok-gu, Daejeon 34302, Republic of Korea Tel: (Korea) (International) +
20170402 Ver.3(KR) All about Real-Time PCR 8-11, Munpyeongseoro, Daedeok-gu, Daejeon 34302, Republic of Korea Tel: (Korea) 1588-9788 (International) +82-42 - 930-8777 Email: sales@bioneer.com Real-Time
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Interchapeter B : 핵산생물공학기술 (part A) Recombinant DNA techniques - 전기영동 - 제한효소 - 클로닝 - 대장균을이용한단백질대량생산 Agarose mesh DNA 분리기술 : Agarose Gel Electrophoresis ( 수평형 ) _ + DNA is negatively charged from the phosphate
2018-09-11 Ver.4 (KR) 8-11, Munpyeongseo-ro, Daedeok-gu, Daejeon, 34302, Republic of Korea Tel: (Korea) 1588-9788 (International) +82-42-930-8777 Email: sales@bioneer.com Real-Time PCR Reagents Selection
분 기 보 고 서 (제 47 기) 사업연도 2014년 01월 01일 2014년 03월 31일 부터 까지 금융위원회 한국거래소 귀중 2014년 5월 30일 제출대상법인 유형 : 면제사유발생 : 주권상장법인 해당사항 없음 회 사 명 : 파미셀 주식회사 대 표 이 사 : 김
목 분 기 보 고 서...1 대표이사 등의 확인...2 I. 회사의 개요...3 1. 회사의 개요...3 2. 회사의 연혁...4 3. 자본금 변동사항...7 4. 주식의 총수 등...9 5. 의결권 현황...10 6. 배당에 관한 사항 등...10 II. 사업의 내용...12 III. 재무에 관한 사항...30 IV. 감사인의 감사의견 등...34 V. 이사의
TaKaRa Catalog 2011/2012 Catalog 사용에대해서 / 총목차 Instrument PCR Real Time PCR cdna 합성 Cloning RNA DNA 추출 / 정제 각종효소 Primer Library RNA interference (RNAi) 유전자도입 Stem Cell 연구 Epigenetics 관련 전기영동관련제품 단백질발현 분석
2002 14 C Inventory An Estimation of 14 C Inventory on Each Unit of Wolsong NPP,,, 103-16 14 C 14 C Inventory 14 C Inventory 14 C 14 C, [Inventory] = [ 14 C ] - [ 14 C ] 14 C 14 C 13 C, 14 N 17 O [ 13
February 2009 No.06 Roche Diagnostics Korea Co., Ltd. Focus Tech EDITORIAL February 2009 No.06 Contents Editorial 03 Focus 04 Product 10 Talk 12 Tech 14 Activity 19 Style 22 February 2009 No.06 02 03 FOCUS
-, BSF BSF. - BSF BSF ( ),,. BSF -,,,. - BSF, BSF -, rrna, BSF.
1. 2010 6 1, 2 4 Ⅰ,Ⅱ 2013,, -,. - Human Cell.. -,., Biosand Filter(BSF) - BSF Main Filtering (Biofilm) BSF, BSF ( ),. -, BSF BSF. - BSF BSF ( ),,. BSF -,,,. - BSF,. -. -. -. - 2. BSF -, rrna, BSF. 2. -
sirna 실험은잘됐는데... 그러면이제유전자의기능을완전히억제하고싶은데... 1 화 : CRISPR 은손쉽다 CRISPR 에게맡겨봐! 내게염기서열만알려주면 knock out 을시켜버릴게! Gene editing( 게놈편집 ) 을이용하면특정유전자의기능을완전히 knock-
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Original Article Journal of Apiculture 31(2) : 121~131 (2016) The Most Rapid Detection Method against Korean Sacbrood Virus using Ultra-Rapid Reverse-Transcription Real-Time PCR (URRTRT-PCR) Sang-Hyun
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전자회로 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 김영석 충북대학교전자정보대학 2012.3.1 Email: kimys@cbu.ac.kr k Ch3-1 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 3.1 Ideal iode 3.2 PN Junction as a iode 3.4 Large Signal and Small-Signal Operation
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Pharmacotherapeutics Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee Univ
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Introduction 신뢰성 있는 결과 높은 품질의 제품을 생산하기 위해서는 제품의 공정 시스템이 중요 품질관리실험실은 품질보증과정에서 매우 중요한 역할 분석시스템은 품질관리실험실의 매우 중요한 요소 분석시스템의 결과를 기본으로 하여 제품의 품질을 결정 R&D 실험실
적정의 올바른 분석방법 Kopack Seminar May 2012 Agenda Introduction Risks and Measures Summary 1 1 Introduction 신뢰성 있는 결과 높은 품질의 제품을 생산하기 위해서는 제품의 공정 시스템이 중요 품질관리실험실은 품질보증과정에서 매우 중요한 역할 분석시스템은 품질관리실험실의 매우 중요한 요소
슬라이드 1
식물생명공학유전자분석의 Tool Lab of Plant Resources & Biotechnology 조준형교수 Dept. of Biological & Environmental Science 상영바이오관 4 층 403 생물의기본단위인세포는다양한종류의 biomolecule 로이루어져있다. 식물세포의경우아래물질로구성. 세포벽 : 다당류셀룰로스등세포막 ( 세포소기관막
Y 1 Y β α β Independence p qp pq q if X and Y are independent then E(XY)=E(X)*E(Y) so Cov(X,Y) = 0 Covariance can be a measure of departure from independence q Conditional Probability if A and B are
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