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Mediating Effect of Ambivalence in Emotional Expression on the Association between Dysfunctional Metacognition, Depression among Military Soldiers Sangji University This study is aimed to examine whether or not a cognitive variable, dysfunctional metacognition and a emotional variable, ambivalence in emotional expression play together in affecting depression. Dysfunctional metacognition refers to adjusting and evaluating one's thoughts in a negative and unreasonable manner. Ambivalence in emotional expression refers to the conflict between the desire to inhibit the expression of the emotion one experienced and the desire to expresse it. For this purpose, this study administered dysfunctional metacognition scale, depression scale and ambivalence in emotional expression scale with 330 military soldiers in the north region of Gyeonggi-do, and analyzed the mediating effect using hierarchical multiple regression. The results showed that ambivalence in emotional expression has a partial mediating effect on the association between dysfunctional metacognition, depression. These results suggest that for the soldiers who receive counseling for depression during military service, it is necessary to change dysfunctional metacognition into functional one as well as help them express their emotions rather than inhibit them. Key words : dysfunctional metacognition, depression, ambivalence in emotional expression