,,.,., 117,.,,.,.,,... (Corresponding Author): /, (142-700) 49 60 / Tel : 02-944-5026 / E-mail : hsumi@hanmail.net
(, trauma). (PTSD; Posttraumatic Stress Disorder). 1980 3 (DSM-III).. 5 (DSM-5),,,, (American Psychiatric Association, 2013)..,. Allen(2005),,,. (impersonal trauma),,,,. (interpersonal trauma).,,,,,. (attachment trauma) (, 2014 ).., (Terr, 1991; Wolfe & Jaffe, 1991).,, (, 2008;,, 2012; Cloitre et al., 2005; Lopez & Heffer, 1998; Wind & Silvern, 1992).,,,, (, 2005;,, 2015;,, 2013; Malinosky-Rummell & Hansen, 1993). (ADHD), (PTSD), (Sugaya et al., 2012)., 13 (Maercker et al., 2004), (Santa Ana et al., 2006)... van der Kolk(2005)
,,. van der Kolk(2005) (Developmental trauma disorder; DTD), (van der Kolk, 2005; van der Kolk & Courtois, 2005).. Harter(1999) (deleterious effects on self-system)., (I-self), (Me-self), (self-conscious emotion), (self-punitive behavior), (false-self) (, 2011 ). (2011),,,. Courtois Ford(2009)., (I-self)?., (self-awareness) (self-reflection), (self-continuity), (self-integration), (self-agency). (Me-self), (Allen, 2001). Allen(2001),,,,. (self-regulation),. (2011) (under-regulation), (over-regulation), (self-destructive behavior). (relational self).,. (onset age),.,...,.
.,. Hagenaars, Fisch van Minnen(2011).,.,. (2011) 2. Roberts(2013).,,.,,,.,..?,. (moderating variable).. (Hagenaars, Fisch, & van Minnen, 2011; Roberts, 2013),.,,. Baron Kenny(1986), (moderating variable)., (mediating variable).,, () ().,,.,. :,
,,.,.,, 237.,, 117.. 117 26 (22.2%), 91 (77.8%), 20 50 40.38 (SD=9.38). 19, 66. 1. Foa, Cashman, Jaycox Perry(1997) (Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale: PDS) (2005).,. (2011) PDS (12) 17 (Trauma Checklist).,,,,,,..,,,, (%) 26 22.2 91 77.8 20 14 12.0 30 36 30.8 40 46 39.3 50 21 17.9 47 40.2 32 27.4 36 30.8 2 1.7
,.,,. (Impact Event Scale- Revised: IES-R). Horowitz, Wilner Alverez(1979) (intrusion), (avoidance), (hyperarousal) (IES), Weiss Marmar(1997) 15 22. 0 ( ) 4 ( ) 5 Likert. (1999)..961. (2011) (Traumatized Self-System Scale: TSSS). (2011) Harter(1999). (,,,, ), (, -, - ), (,, ). 58 24, 15, 15, 4, 0 4 5 Likert..,.685,.813,.668,.868,.874,.896,.808,.775,.709,.899,.845,.787..,. 237..,, 117.,,,.,. Baron Kenny(1986) (hierarchical regression analysis). SPSS 20.0., 1
, 2 3,., (General linear model). 2(Trauma Checklist).,,, () 3 21 11.55 (3.79) 6 19 14.00 (3.01) 19 35 24.43 (5.44) () 17 51 32.11 (9.00) (,, ) 10 34 24.14 (5.89) ( :, ) 3 27 14.72 (7.19) ( :, ) ( :, ) 7 20 5 20 14.14 (4.81) 12.25 (4.82) 18 5 ( :, ) 6 18 10.91 (3.12),,, 3 20 10.69 (4.00),, 3 25 5 16 10.49 (4.76) 12.34 (2.91) (),,, 22 55 34.23 (9.06)
. 3 21, 19-35. 18 (15.4%). 54 2, (Trauma Checklist) (),,, 1.,,. ( 1). 3. 6 21 ( 18%). 7~12 48 ( 41%). 13~18 30 (25.6%). 18 3. 6, 7 12, 13 18, 19,. 14 12 11 13 12 10 8 9 8 9 8 8 7 6 4 2 3 1 4 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 0
6 (N=21) 7~12 (N=48) 13~18 (N=30) 19 (N=18) (IES) 31.05 (26.75) 29.50 (22.56) 20.07 (17.42) 20.44 (19.35) 10.86 (5.31) 10.56 (3.29) 8.73 (2.45) 7.44 (2.20) 7.57 (3.19) 7.35 (3.09) 8.67 (3.61) 5.56 (2.20) 9.48 (4.21) 10.48 (5.46) 9.63 (3.96) 10.44 (4.96) 9.10 (4.19) 8.97 (4.06) 7.28 (2.32) 8.50 (3.50) 9.71 (5.99) 9.23 (4.43) 8.40 (3.37) 7.22 (3.06) 48.10 (22.00) 47.21 (16.35) 43.87 (14.02) 36.00 (10.04) 10.67 (6.54) 10.13 (4.63) 8.93 (3.47) 7.11 (2.45) - - 11.76 (6.02) 11.43 (6.38) 11.63 (4.18) 11.81 (5.79) 10.27 (4.53) 9.27 (4.15) 9.50 (3.60) 7.89 (1.71) 33.86 (18.24) 33.56 (12.11) 28.47 (10.44) 24.50 (6.05) 9.86 (4.95) 9.79 (5.42) 9.50 (3.77) 7.28 (3.39) 10.90 (4.61) 13.62 (4.94) 11.19 (5.17) 13.65 (3.44) 10.67 (4.87) 12.17 (3.69) 9.44 (4.49) 10.83 (3.00) 34.38 (13.36) 34.63 (11.55) 32.62 (8.61) 27.56 (8.96) 11.14 (4.09) 10.85 (4.03) 9.27 (4.57) 8.61 (3.07) 127.48 (54.55) 126.15 (39.58) 115.52 (33.76) 96.67 (24.17)
-.204 * -.266 ** -.240 ** -.274 ** -.270 ** -.285 **.517 **.508 **.461 **..508 **.551 **.848 **.652 **.805 **.953 **.681 **.783 **.937 **.648 **.752 **.906 ** * p<.05 ** p<.01 4.,.. Baron Kenny(1986), 5. 3,.,. 2. ( 3-12 ) ( 13-54 ), β t R 2 R 2 F 1 (A).588 7.684 ***.345.345 59.046 *** 2 3 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B).555 -.169.855.050 -.414 7.246 *** -2.207 *.373.028 32.978 *** 6.381 ***.467.415.042 *** 26.006-2.818 **
.,,.,.., (131.60) (96.56), F=50.600, p<.001., (126.55) (108.30) (F=5.933, p=.016).,,,, ( 6, 7, 8, 9).,,.,. 6,., (49.72) (36.06), F=46.013, p<.001., (47.48) (40.92) ( F=4.616, p=.034).., (34.13) (24.44), F=37.325, p<.001., (33.65) (26.98)
β t R 2 R 2 F 1 (A).532 6.654 ***.283.283 44.269 *** 2 3 (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001.499 -.162.814.046 -.391 6.186 *** -2.004 *.308.025 24.739 *** 5.481 ***.405.346.037 *** 19.363-2.503 * β t R 2 R 2 F 1 (A).572 7.388 ***.328.328 54.588 *** 2 3 (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001.546 -.127.866.084 -.397 6.949 *** -1.620 *.343.016 29.003 *** 5.997 ***.751.382.038 *** 22.623-2.612 * β t R 2 R 2 F 1 (A).457 5.443 ***.209.209 29.624 *** 2 (A).417 4.952 *** (B) -.195-2.316 *.246.036 18.072 *** 3 (A) (B) (A) (B).566.097 -.185 3.570 *** -.791- 12.483 *** * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001
β t R 2 R 2 F 1 (A).546 6.871 ***.298.298 47.210 *** 2 3 (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001.511 -.172.823.036 -.388 6.390 *** -2.147 *.327.028 26.677 *** 5.623 ***.317.364.037 *** 20.769-2.521 * (F=8.277, p=.005). 8. 9,., (36.59) (27.80) (F=42.381, p<.001)., (34.55) (30.68) (F=3.517, p=.063).,,. (,, 2012;,, 2014; Terr, 1991; van der Kolk et al., 2005; Wolfe & Jaffe, 1991)....,, 117,..,,..,.
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Moderating Effect of Onset-age on the relationship between Interpersonal Trauma Impact and Traumatized Self-System Seoul Cyber University Traumatic event has a malicious effect on human mind. Especially, interpersonal trauma experiences such as physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual violence could have a critically negative effect on self-system development. This study investigated the moderating effect of trauma onset-age and tried to test the hypothesis that early onset of traumatic experience would have more serious effect on traumatized self-system. For this purpose, data were gathered from 117 voluntary college students, all of whom reported their early traumatic experience including physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual violence. Correlational analysis and regression analysis showed that not only trauma impact but also trauma onset-age have a significant effect on traumatized self-system. And the moderating effect was confirmed by the method of hierarchical regression analysis, which means that there were significant interacting effect between trauma impact and trauma onset-age. Analysis of interaction showed that only when the trauma impact was strong, the onset-age of traumatic experience had negative effect of self-system damage. The result of this study is suggestive of differential psychological intervention along with the trauma onset-age. Lastly, the limitations of this study and suggestions for future study were discussed. Key words : Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Trauma Impact, Traumatized Self System, Onset age, Moderating Effect