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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp.377-397 DOI: - K * The Analysis on the Casual Model between Higher Education Learning Outcomes and the factors - Focusing on a private, small-scale provincial university Purpose: This study aimed to examine the elements that universities should focus on to strengthen the quality of their high-level education and achieve growth as small-scale competitive universities. To this end, the study conducted an analysis of the factors that impact the learning outcomes of small-scale, provincial university. Method: With a pool of 600 students presently attending a small-scale, four-year university located in Busan, this study analyzed the factors that impact the learning outcomes using a structure equation model analysis and multi-group SEM. Results: First, the study found that the level of satisfaction toward the quality of lectures had a statistically significant impact on students self-directed learning ability and academic achievement, students interaction with professors and academic ability and class attitude. Their participation in non-curriculum programs significantly impacted their self-directed learning ability, their attitude toward classes and their learning outcomes. Second, self-directed learning ability significantly impacted their attitude toward classes and their learning outcomes, while their attitude toward classes significantly impacted their learning outcomes. Third, There was a significant difference between the humanities, social sciences and the science, nature sciences. Conclusion: Small provincial universities need to collaborate with community organizations, exchange with other universities, organically cooperate among members of the campus, and carefully designed policies and institutions. Key words : Learning outcomes, Self-directed learning ability, Interaction with Professors, Quality of Lectures * 2018. Corresponding Author: Yoon, Hae-Rim. Kosin University, Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, 194 Wachi-ro, Yeongdo-Gu, Busan, Korea. e-mail:

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(%) 182 30.3 418 69.7 421 70.2 115 19.2 32 5.3 24 4.0 8 1.3 435 72.5 165 27.5 521 86.8 ( ) 79 13.2 306 51.0 294 49.0 2 203 33.8 3 186 31.0 4 210 35.0 600 100.0,, (,, ) 1, 2,,.,.,,,,,,,,.,,,, (,, ),. (NASEL) (,,,, 2017;,, 2016) (, ), ( ), (, ), (, ) 4

10., (GOMS) (,,,, 2016;,, 2017), ( ), ( ), ( ) 3 9 (,,,, ). NASEL,, 3,,, 3., (CTL),. 5, Cronbach s α, Cronbach s α..,,, 10.928,, 9.918, 2.769,, 3.900, CTL, 3.730, 3.779.,,., () 2., (multi-group SEM)., (, 2009). RMSEA.06 (Hu & Bentler, 1999), TLI.9 (Tucker & Lewis, 1973), CFI.9 (Bentler, 1990)

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