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,,.. 93 33 (61.2) (21.7) <3-6> (oral sex ) 8 6 (5.3) - (4.0) ( :,%) 2 10 152 (1.3) (6.0) (100.0) : 2001 (p. 15) 4 ) <3-7> 703(53.1%), 351 (26.5%), 140(10.6%), 97 (7.3%). <3-7> ( :,%) 703 (53.1) 351 (26.5) 97 (7.3) 140 (10.6) 17 (1.3) - 16 (1.2) 1,324 (100.0) : 2001 (p. 16) - 39 -

5 ) 3-8134 3626.9%, 2619.4%. 2417.9%, 21, 15.7%. (,,, ) 36 (26.9) 3-8 (,, ) 24 (17.9) ( :,%) ( ) 21 (15.7) 14 (10.4) 26 (19.4) : 2001 (p. 16) 13 (9.7) 134 (100.0) (2) <3-9> 1,686(80.1%).,, 49(2.3%), 38(1.8%). - 40 -

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(3) <3-12>, 2,1051,098(52.2%),, 691(32.9%). 142(6.7%), 138(6.6%). 1,098 (52.2) <3-12> ( :,%) 142 309 10 372 138 36 2,105 (6.7) (14.7) (0.5) (17.7) (6.6) (1.7) (100.0) : 2001 (p. 23) 4. (1) 2,105 1,84087.4%, 1,676(79.6%). 51(2.4%), 50, 48(2.3%),. - 43 -

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. " " (orders of protection).. (3) (Cr imin al L aw s ). (. ) (., )..,...,, (cross- ex amination),,.... 56) - 50 -

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A BS T RA CT T h e A ct u al Con dit ion of Child A bu s e an d It s Im pr ov in g M easur es M ajoring in Social W elfare Dep. of Public Policy T he Gr aduate School of Policy and Busines s Administr ation Dankook Univer sity Chang - gu Kang Directed by Pr of. Gi- yong Jo In modern societies, nuclear and poor families ar e incr easing gr adually due to the change in v alues, along with the changes like indu strialization and urbanization. With the change of social structur e, now there ar e many cases that children ' s parent s liv e apart and div or ce, so this condition can bring about child abu se and also hav e a negative effect on child ' s normal social, intellectual and emotional dev elopm ent. T hu s abused children ' s violence, w hich is a learned behavior fr om their family, can be connected to the violence in school and society, and can heighten the violence index of - 87 -

society, follow ed by abu sing children of them selves again, show ing a viciou s circle linked to the effect of inheritance betw een generation s. T he cau se of abu sing child is clas sified into sev eral per spectiv es as follow s: psy chopathic per spectiv e centering upon characteristics of parent s ' char acter; dev elopmental per spective cent ering upon characteristics of childr en them selv es; socio- psychological per spective cent ering upon dealing w ith char act eristics of hom e and socio- cultural aspect ; and ecological per spectiv e emphasizing the interrelation ship of the influence of family. Owing t o these cau ses of child abuse, childr en ar e most likely to hav e feeble- mindedness, speech disorder, and serious emotional and psy chological aft ereffect s. Accor ding to statistics of T he Ministry of Health- Welfar e, the number of cases of child abu se of our country in 2002 rose to 2478 cases, show ing an increase of 370 cases ov er last year - - 2105 cases in 2001. It may mean that child abu se is on an incr easing tr end on account of the indiffer ence to bringing up childr en as home str ess is on the rise due to financial difficulties and marit al tr ouble. Under this tr end, effort s to eradicat e child abu se should be made continuou sly, and society w her e children ' s individuality is respected should be made by finding problem s fr om trials and error s. T hu s countermeasures again st child abu se can be clas sified into those for prevention, those for tr eatment, legal counterm easur es, those for - 88 -

supporting administr ativ e sy stem, and those for social support, and they can be ex amined as the follow ing : Fir st, it is neces sary to publicize and educate in the aspect of the prevention of child abu se. Gener ally child abuse is cau sed by the r ole of parent s, char act eristics of parent s ' character, v alues, and the incr ease of tr ouble betw een hu sband and wife becau se of financial difficulties of family, and it is required to educate and publicize the prevention of child abuse through mass m edia of society. Second, measures for the impr ovem ent of it s tr eatm ent ar e needed. Abu sed childr en m ay hav e em otional, behavioral and cognitive disor der, so opportunities t o form children ' s fundamental tru st and intimat e per sonal relationship thr ough facilities for the protection and treatment of abu sed children should be offer ed. T hird, m easur es for legal impr ov ement ar e needed. F or the m easur es of child abu se, above all more concr ete and comprehen siv e concept on child abu se should be defined in the children ' s w elfar e law as soon as possible. Also, to uproot it, legal obligation to r eport it once it is found should be set up, and punishm ent rules to lay a heavy bur den to per son s in case they do not notify the police of it should be str engthened. F ourth, measures for administrativ e support are needed. Financial support is requir ed in case studies on child abu se in the lev el of gov ernm ent and in developing a service program for the pr ev ention - 89 -

and cure of it. Besides, m or e profes sional and effectiv e services should be made by establishing the cooperation sy st em with the r elevant agencies for the offer of service related to child abu se. Fifth, m easur es for the impr ov ement of social support are r equired. F or it s tr eatment, hom e visiting service and day nur sery service to solv e the problem s of par ent s and home if it is found that a child is abu sed should be performed to vit alize community services, and it is neces sary to increase social w orker s to impr ove the quality of the services. T o prevent child abu se through these m easur es for it s improv ement, it is r equisit e to deal w ith the problem s positiv ely and systematically. In this way, w elfare system to protect children ' s character like adult s should be established by considering national con sciou sness about it and w orking for the healthy rearing of childr en and the promotion of their right s. - 90 -