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3 i -

4 ..,,,,,.,,, AM OS,,.,,.,,,,,,,....,,,,

5 ... ii... iv... v... v... vi I II III IV ii -

6 V VI VII iii -

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8 v -

9 ,.,, 3,,,, SP S S 10.0, AM OS 4.0.,.,,,,,. 63%.,.. :,,,,, - v i -

10 I. 1.,,. 20,,. (W H O) 88. (UNAIDS ) ,610. UNA IDS 70%,, (, ).. AIDS 1,350 HIV, % (, ),. (, 1993;, 1994;, 1999;, 1999). HIV HIV - 1 -

11 . HIV HIV (,,,,,, 1993; Shon & Jin, 1998).. HIV,,. HIV (, 2000;, 1998).,,. (Beitz, 1998).,,,,, 1.9% 35.4% (, 1996;,,,,, 1994;, 1997;, 1998;, 1998;,, 1999;, 2000;, 2000).. (, 1998), (S ohn & Jin, 1999), (, 2000).,., - 2 -

12 ,,,., (S oet, Dilorio, & Du dley, 1998)..., (Hing son, Berlin, & Heeren, 1990; Leigh, 1990; Leigh, T em ple, & T rocki, 1994)., (T em ple & Leigh, 1992; W ech sler, Dav enport, Dow dall, M oeyken s, & Castillo, 1994).., (Lollis, John son, & Antoni, 1997)..,

13 2.,,,,.. 1). 2)

14 3. 1.,, 3,. 1) (P en der, 1996),. 2) (Cochran, 1990).,. 3), (P en der, 1996),. 2.,,,,,

15 1) ) (Becker, 1974). HIV. 3) (Ajzen & F ishbein, 1980).. 4) (Bandura, 1977).. 5) (Ajzen & F ishbein, 1980)

16 6) 1. 1, ,,, 4,,,,,,

17 II.,,,. 1. (safe safer sex ; Dilorio, P arson s, Lehr, A dam e, & Carlone, 1992; Ran som, 1998), (un safe sex ; Naom i, 1993), (sexu al risk - t aking behav ior ; Lock & F ergu son, 1998; Ab el & Miller, 1997). (safe sex ) HIV, HIV, (DiIorio, 1992). AIDS Dilorio (1992),,,. Ran som (1998) HIV (safer sex b ehavior s ). (W ulfert, W an, & Backu s, 1996; W ulfert & W an, 1993)

18 (un safe sex ) Naomi (1993) (18 ),,,.,, HIV, (Lock, F ergu son, & W ise, 1998). Ab el & Miller (1997). HIV (Basen - Eng quist, & P arcel, 1992; Baldw in & Baldw in, 1988). HIV (Ba sen - Eng quist & T ortolero, P arcel, 1997), AIDS (Jem m ott & Jem m ott, 1991), (Millst ein & M oscicki, 1995).,,. HIV

19 2. 80% (Zim m erm an & Olsen, 1994), (Hing son, 1990). 75% 20%, 1/ 3 (Strunin, 1991) %, 34.2% (Car son, Davis, H altem an, & Stickle, 1993). 10% (Prince & Bernard, 1998), % (Civic, 2000). HIV., ,, 53% 2.5%, 35%, 13% (, 1979) % (4% ) (47% ) (, 1989) (, 1994) 31.2% ( 47.4%, 12.3% ),

20 18.5% ( 19.6%, 1.6% ), 3.3% ( 3 4 ) 22.9% 9.8% %, 7.9%, 21.1%, 9.7%. 43% 28%, 7% (Youn, 1996) %, 51.5% (, 1998)., 5.3%,. Youn (1996) (1998). Youn (1996) , %, 18.4% (, 1998) ( 197, 255 ) (50.76% ), (10% ) (, 1999)

21 ..,,. 1,453 (, 2000) (11.8% ) (3.7% ),,. 11.7% 27.9%, 60.4%. 22.1%,. 39.9% 47.5%, 9.5% 25.6%, 21.1% 23.3% (,,,, ; 1994) % (,, 1999). H (, 1997) % 35.4% % (107 ), 55.1%. 1.9%, 23% 29.9%, 11.2% (, 2000). (, 1998), (, 1997), (, 1996)

22 (1998),,,,, %, 36.6% (105 ) % (Bar - w orkers ) (14.7% ) (, 1997). 397, 25%, 46%., (Visser & Sm ith, 2000).. (, 2000). (Sh eeran & Abraham, 1994)..,

23 3.,,,,,,,. 1). (Baker, M orrison, Carter, & Verdon, 1996)., (H anna, 1997; Raj & P ollack, 1995; Bak er, 1996), (Raj, 1995; Crit elli & Suire, 1998), (W in good & DiClem ente, 1998), (St. Law ren ce, 1998). Raj & P ollack (1995) 3 Crit elli & Suire (1998) 1:1. W ing ood & DiClem ente (1998) 0-23, St. Law rence (1998).,

24 (OR =1.7, 95% ) (OR =1.6, 95% )(M acalu so, Dem an d, A rt z, & H ook III, 2000). 62%, 18% (Carlos, 1999). 64%, 32%. 26% 48% ( &, 1998). [t (235)=- 4.7, p <.000], (Org anist a, 1997). (Crit elli & Suire, 1998), (Prince & Bernard, 1998) (Civic, 2000). Lock (1998) (Baker, 1996)

25 (Choi, Robert s, Gom ez, & Grin stead, 1999). H arlem 557 [OR =4.96, 95% CI(4.13, 5.79), P < 0.001] (Laraque, M clean, Brow n - P eter side, A sht on, & Diam on d, 1997). (Libbu s, 1995). (Ka shim a, Gallois, & M ccam ish, 1993). (T hom son & Spanier, 1978; F isher, 1979; Herold & M cnam ee, 1982) ,, ( =.73) ( =.43) (T homp son & Spanier, 1978). 230 (F isher, 1979) ( =.44, p <.01).. Davis & Bibace (1999) (P er son al A ssessm ent of Intim acy in Relation ship ; PA IR ) 4.,,. Davis & Bibace (1999). (Hutchin son, 1998),

26 . (Jorgen sen, King, & T orrey, 1980). (DiClem ente, 1991; Lew is, 1997), (Ny am athi, Lew is, Leake, F laskeru d, & Benn ett, 1995). 423 (St. Law ren ce, 1998)..,

27 2 ) (,, 1992),.,,,, (, 1999;, 2000), (, 1999), (,, 1992), (T hom pson & Spanier, 1978; DiClem ent e, 1991). (1999) (26.79% ). (,, 1992)., ( =.42) ( =.23) (T homp son & Spanier, 1978). (DiClem ent e, 1991). 3 (M aticka - T yndale, 1991). (Lew is, M elt on, Su ccop, & Rosenthal, 2000), 759 (V aldiserri, 1989)

28 .. (Basen - En gquist & P arcel, 1992). F isher, Misovich, & F isher (1990), 284.,., (W ulfert & W an, 1995; W ulfert, W an, & Backu s, 1996), (M aticka - T yn dale, 1991), (Basen - Eng quist, 1992)., (Baker, M orrison, Carter, & Verdon, 1996). ( =.28, p < 0.001) (Nguy en, 1996)

29 3 ) (Cochran, 1990)..,,,,,,.,,,,. (, ),,,, (, 1985;, 1998;, 2000).,,,.,, (, 1998;, 1999;, 2000;, 2000), (, 1996)... HIV. HIV HIV HIV HIV (El- Bas sel, Cooper, Chen & S chillin g, 1998)., 290,,

30 ( 6,, ) (Latkin, M andell, Oziem kow ska, Vlah ov, & Celent ano, 1994). 423,, (St. Law rence, 1998). 231 (Lieberthal & Beckm ann, 1997). HIV,..,

31 4 ), 90% (, 1998,, 1999), (, 1999). (Hin g son, 1990),, 35% (M eilm an, 1993), (But cher, M annin g, & O ' Neal, 1991) ,391 (, 1997). HIV (F rom m e, D ' amico, & Katz, 1999; O 'Leary, 1992; Raj & P ollack, 1995), (W ech sler, Dav enport, Dow dall, M oeyken s, & Castillo, 1994)., (O 'Leary, 1992; Piom bo & Piles, 1996). (Cooper & Orcutt, 2000; T emple & Leigh, 1992). (Desiderat o & Craw ford, 1995). (Raj & P ollack, 1995), (M cn air, Cart er, & W illiam s, 1998;, 1996; W ech sler, 1994)

32 (M cnair, 1998), (Millstein & M oscicki, 1995). (25.9% ) (, 1996). (W ech sler, 1994).. (S enf & Price, 1994), (Lew is, 2000). (,, 1999).,,,,, (, 1998).. (Leigh, 1994). Leigh & St all (1993).,,,.,, (Halpern - F elsher, Millstein, & Ellen, 1996; Leigh & St all, 1993; Cooper, Skinner, & George, 1990)

33 .,... (Leigh & St all, 1993).,. Leigh (1994).,,,

34 5 ) (Beck er, 1974), (Catania, 1990).,,. HIV (W atkin s & Akam at su, 1993; Det zer, 1995),. HIV (Laraqu e, 1997; Raj & P ollack, 1995; M cdonald, 1990), HIV (M cdon ald, 1990). AIDS AIDS (Pleck, S on en stein, & Ku, 1990; Christ, Raszka, & Dillon, 1998) (DiClem ent e, 1991; Prince & Bernard, 1998; Strunin, 1991)., AIDS (Pleck, 1990). HIV (Christ, 1998) HIV (P endergra st, DuRant, & Gaillard, 1992)., 1,919 (83% ) (31% )

35 HIV (72% ) (Prince & Bernard, 1998) AIDS (Strunin, 1991). AIDS (Catania, 1992; DiClem ent e, 1991), (M oore, Harrison, Kay, Deren, & Doll, 1995; Hin g son, 1990; M aticka - T yn dale, 1991; Goldm an & H arlow, 1993). HIV, 189,, (M oore, 1995). AIDS (Hin g son, 1990). (M aticka - T yn dale, 1991), HIV (Goldm an & H arlow, 1993). Gold, Karmiloff- Sm ith, Skinn er, & M orton (1992) HIV. (M aticka - T yn dale, 1991), HIV (S obo, 1995). (P ilkin gt on, Kem, & Indest, 1994; St. Law ren ce, 1998; Civic, 2000)., ,, AIDS HIV (Pilkingt on, 1994)

36 (St. Law rence, 1998), AIDS (Ny am athi, 1995).. 6,035 85% (,,, 1994). 83% HIV (, 1993)., HIV (, 1998).. (S ohn & Jin, 1999). (, ) (, 2000)., (, 2000)

37 6 ),, (Pros & Con s ; Grim ley, Riley, Bellis, & Prochaska, 1995) (W ulfert & W an, 1995)..,, (Libbu s, 1995). (Brafford & Beck, 1991), (M acdonald, 1990)., (Vin cenzi & T hiel, 1992). 126 Stew art (1991) 50%,,,,,. (, 2000), (, 1996).,

38 (, 1998).,. (AT C, Attitu de T ow ard Condom ),,,, 45% (Brow n, 1984). S acco (1991) (CA S ; con dom attitude scale) (10, =.89), (6, = ), (4, = ) ,, 3,.82, 44% (Hann a, 1999). H elw eg - Lar sen & Collin s (1994) UCLA 5,,,,. Un ger & M olin a (1999) 291 ( =.65), ( =.65), ( =.57), ( =.64), ( =.68). W ulfert & W an (1995) ( =.94), ( ), ( =.81), ( =.85) 4, 70.1%.. (O 'Donnell, S an Dov al, Duran, & O 'Donn ell, 1995), (Cat ania, 1992; Cole & Slocumb, 1995; Carson, 1993; P en dergrast, 1992; Raj & P ollack, 1995; Valdiserri, 1989; Detzer, 1995)

39 (Jem m ott & Jem m ott, 1992; P leck, S onen st ein, & Ku, 1990; Rich ardson, Beazley, Delan ey, Lan gile, 1997).,,, 3, ( =.23, p<.02) ( =.26, p <.01) (Jem m ott & Jem m ott, 1992)., (Pleck, 1990) (Rich ardson, 1997)., ( =.38, p.01) (Cole & Slocumb, 1995), (Cat ania, 1992) (Car son, 1993) (P en dergrast, 1992), ( =-.244, P <.05), 13.5% (Raj & P ollack, 1995). 759 (V aldiserri, 1989) ), 2), 3), 4), 5)

40 (Det zer, 1995)., (S acco, 1991; O 'Leary, 1992). (St. Law rence, 1998), (S obo, 1995),,, (Kline, Klin e, & Oken, 1992). (Baker, 1996) (Helw eg - Lar sen & Collin s, 1994). (M atick a - T yndale, 1991),,, (Jem m ott & Jem m ott, 1991)..,

41 7 ), (Ban dura, 1977).,, (M ahon ey, T hom b s, & F ord, 1995; Brien, T h om b s, M ahoney, & W alln au, 1994) (Rosenth al, 1991; M ahon ey, 1995), (Basen - En gquist, 1994). HIV,,. Lev in son (1986).,,,,, (sex uality ),. (W ulfert & W an, 1993),.,,. Brafford & Beck (1991) 28 (Condom U se S elf- Efficacy S cale; CUSES )

42 ., Brien (1994) ), 2) ; 3), 4) 4. 3.,, 3 (Cecil & Pinkert on, 1998),,, (O 'Leary, 1992). 308 ( =.86), ( =.77), ( =.68) 3, =.86 (Hale & T rumb ett a, 1996). W ulfert & W an (1995) 1,,, 3 ( =.82) 7. Hanna (1999) ( =.77), ( =.72), ( =.78) 3, =.85. M arin, T schann, Gom ez, & Greg orich (1998) 1, ,,,,,

43 5.,,,, 4, 4 (Murphy, Multhauf, & Kalichm an, 1995).,. (O 'Leary, 1992), (Basen - Eng quist & P arcel, 1992; Colon, W iatrek, & Ev an s, 2000; Jem m ott & Jem m ott, 1992) (Basen - Eng quist & P arcel, 1992; Kasen, V aughan & W alt er, 1992; H ann a, 1999; Dilorio, Dudley, S oet, W atkin s, & M aibach, 2000; W ulfert & W an, 1993; Ran som, 1998; Cecil & Pinkert on, 1998; H ale & T rum betta, 1996)., ,720 HIV (Basen - En gquist & P arcel, 1992) (Colon, 2000). 109 (Jem m ott & Jem m ott, 1992)., 5% (Basen - Eng quist & P arcel, 1992) ,,,, 5 (Kasen,

44 1992) ( ) (, ) (F =17.3, df=191, p =.000), (F =3.9, df=195, p =.048), (F =12.5, df=181, p =.001) (H anna, 1999) ,380, (Dilorio, 2000). 350,,,,.. (W ulfert & W an, 1993) (Gert eisen, 1997). (r =.219), (r =.341), (r =.395), (r =.244), 35%. Cecil & Pinkert on (1998) ( =.18, P <.05), ( =.22, p <.001) 3 ( =.15,

45 p<.05). ( =.26, p<.001) 3 ( =.17, P <.05) ( =.13, P <.05). 308,, (3 :,, ) 13% (R =.13), 3, (H ale & T rumb ett a, 1996). (F (1, 352)=17.54, p<.0001), (F (1, 406)=1.57, p =.21). (Organist a, 1997). O 'Leary (1992). (M arin, 1998)..,.,

46 8 ) (Ajen & F ishbein, 1980)..,,,. (Basen - Eng quist & P arcel, 1992; Basen - Eng quist, T ortolero, & P arcel, 1997; Kv alem, 2000), (Basen - Eng quist, 1992; Ry e, 1998), (W ulfert, W an, & Backu s, 1996). 9 1,720,, (Basen - En gquist & P arcel, 1992) % 55% (Rich ardson, 1997). (Basen - Eng quist, 1997), (Kv alem, 2000), (W ulfert, 1996)., 2, (Ry e, 1998)

47 4.,,.,,,, (Rosen stock, 1974). A IDS,,, (Basen - Eng quist, 1992; Hin g son, 1990). 122, (Lollis, 1997; Hiltabiddle, 1996). Ban dura (1986).,,,, (Levin son, 1986;, 1997;, 2000;, 1999). (Jem m ott & Jem m ott, 1992, H anna, 1999, H ale & T rum bett a, 1996; Dilorio, 2000)

48 ,., (Ajzen & F ishbein, 1980).. Ajzen (1985). (Bak er, 1996) (Richardson, 1997; Ry e, 1998), (Richardson, 1997; Ry e, 1998)., (Baker, 1996)..,,,

49 III.. 1., < 1>.,.,. < 1>

50 ,.,,..,,. (Ajen & F ishbein, 1980),..,, (Cooper, 2000; Raj & P ollack, 1995; O 'Leary, 1992; P iomb o, 1996). (Pleck, 1990; DiClem ente, 1991)., (Pilkingt on, 1994). (Rich ardson, 1997; Cole, 1995). (M aticka - T yndale, 1991), (Laraque, 1997). (Basen - Eng quist, 1992; Dilorio, 2000). (W ulfert & W an, 1995), (Basen - En gquist, 1992; W ulfert, 1996). < 2>


52 3.. 1) (1 ) 1:. 2) (3 ) 2:. 3:. 4:. 3) (3 ) 5:. 6:. 7:. 4) (3 ) 8:. 9:. 10:

53 5) (5 ) 11:. 12:. 13:. 14:. 15:. 6) (7 ) 16:. 17:. 18:. 19:. 20:. 21:. 22:

54 IV , ,... 1) 2) 1 3) 4)

55 3. A ( 134, 90, 30 ), (focu s ) V arim ax,.30, (eigen v alu e) , Cronbach ' s =.76, % 1, %

56 , Cronbach ' s =.76, 50% , Cronbach ' s alpha =.62 50% 1, % % 4, Cronbach ' s = % 1.. AM OS 4.0, (Gerbin g & A nder son, 1988).. GF I, A GF I, RMR, NF I, NNF I, PNF I, / (df), RM SEA. 1, 1 3, 1 2. / (df)=1.91, GF I=0.95, A GF I=0.93, RMR =0.046, NF I=0.95, NNF I=0.96, PNF I=0.72, RM SEA = Cronbach ' s alpha

57 B. 1) 1 1 5,. 2),, 3 5 (5 ) (1 ) Cronbach ' s alph a.77. 3), 2 5 (5 ) (1 ). 2 10, Cronbach ' s alph a.75. 4), 1,,,,

58 5) /, 2 5 (5 ) (1 ), Cronb ach ' s =.66,. 6). 6 5 (5 ) (1 ), Cronbach ' s = Cronbach ' s.85,.82. 7). ( ), 4 5 (5 ) (1 ), Cronbach ' s =.70,. Cronbach ' s.76,.68. 8) W ulfert & W an (1995) 3 5, 7,. Cronbach ' s =

59 9) 1, 1 5. Cronbach ' s =.93,,

60 ,.,, ). 2). 3),. 4), , %

61 3 211 (33.4% ), (17.3% ), 3 36 (5.7% ), 3 67 (10.6% ), 4 60 (9.5% ), 1 43 (6.8% ), 1 17 (2.7% ), 3 44 (7% ), 2 44 (7% ) ) SP S S 10.0 W in Program. 2) P ear son s Correlation. 3) Cronbach ' s alph a. 4) Varim ax Rotation SP S S 10.0 W in P rogram, (Confirm at ory F act or Analy sis ) P C AM OS 4.0 W in Program. 5) P C AM OS 4.0 W in Program

62 V. 1. < 1> %, 67.5% %, %, % %, %, %, %. 24.9%, 12.4%, 14.3%, 48.5%. 63.5%, 28.4%, 4.9%. 12.5% % %, 7.0%. 25.5%, 23.9%, 9.0%. 6.2%, 33.9% 40%. 33.8%, 65.6%. 10.3% 1, 16.2% 2, 39.1%

63 < 1> (n =631) (% ) (% ) : 315 (49.9) 26 (4.1), 111(17.6) ( ) 3-4 / 79 (12.5) 205 (32.5) 1-2 / 244 (38.7) 2-3 / 124 (19.7) (21.5) 1 / 80(12.7) (43.5) 5-6 / 30(4.8) (24.3) 44 (7.0) 17 (2.7) 4 (.6) 1 96 (15.2) 218 (34.5) (25.8) 151(23.9) (25.0) 253 (40.1) (33.9) 9 (1.4) 157 (24.9) 213 (33.8) 78 (12.4) 1 65 (10.3) 90(14.3) 2 102(16.2) 306 (48.5) (39.1) 4 (.6) 401(63.5) / 179 (28.4) 31(4.9) 19 (3.0) 1(0.2)

64 2. < 2> %, %, % %, %, % , % % % % %, 18.7%, 8.7%, 6.4%. 94.3% 52.8%, 25.2%, 12.7%, 8.9% %, 25%, 18.1%, 6.3% %, 27.4%, 17.7%, 10% %, 25.8%, 20.7%, 14.6% %

65 < 2> (n =631) n (% ) n (% ) n (% ) 173 (84.8) 348(83.5) 521(83.9) (n =621) 31(15.2) 69(16.5) 100(16.1) n (% ) 204 (100) 417(100) 621(100) 188 (92.2) 390(91.8) 578 (91.9) (n =629) 16 ( 7.8) 35( 8.2) 51( 8.1) n (% ) 204 (100) 425(100) 629 (100) 18 12( 6.4) 65(16.0) 77 (13.1) (n =592) (12.3) 63(15.6) 86 (14.5) (20.3) 77(19.0) 115 (19.4) (31.0) 85(21.0) 143 (24.2) (15.5) 31( 7.7) 60(10.1) ( 8.0) 32( 7.9) 47 ( 7.9) 22 12( 6.3) 52(12.8) 64 (10.8) n (% ) 187 (100) 405(100) 592(100) 93 (49.7) 280(69.3) 373 (63.1) (n =591) 35 (18.7) 54(13.4) 89 (15.1) 47 (25.1) 55(13.6) 102(17.3) 6 ( 3.2) 6( 1.5) 12( 2.0) 0( 0 ) 4( 1.0) 4 ( 0.7) + 6 ( 3.2) 5( 1.2) 11( 1.9) n (% ) 187 (100) 404(100) 591(100) 1 59 (29.5) 102(24.1) 161(25.8) (n =624) 51(25.5) 144(34.0) 195 (31.3) 36 (18.0) 93(21.9) 129 (20.7) 35 (17.5) 56(13.2) 91(14.6) 19 ( 9.5) 29( 6.8) 48 ( 7.7) n (% ) 200(100) 424(100) 624 (100) *

66 3.,,,,,,,, < 3>. < 3> (n =631) SD r k j j a a a a a j h b b d d d d d f f f f f f A M OS, < 4>

67 - 58 -

68 5. AM OS 4.0, M axim um Likelihood (ML ). < 5>,,,., / df, GF I(Goodn ess of F it In dex ), RMR (Root M ean S qu are Residual), RM SEA ( Root M ean S quare Error of Approx im ation ), NF I(N orm ed F it In dex ), NNF I(N on - n orm ed F it In dex ), A GF I(A dju sted Goodnes s - of- F it index ), PNF I(P ar sim oniou s Norm ed fit in dex ), CF I(Com parativ e F it In dex ).. < 5> (n =631) (df) GF I RMR RM SEA A GF I NF I NNF I PNF I CF I (p - v alu e) / df 557(226) (H 0 ) Cov arian ce M atrix F itt ed Cov arian ce M atrix (Joreskog & S orbom, 1993). 0.05,. 200 (, 1996),. ( / df)

69 , (, 1996) GF I (, 1996). 0 1, GF I (RMR ). (RM SEA ). RM SEA RMR.05 RMR 0.063, RM SEA.048. A GF I GF I 0.9, A GF I NNF I Bentler & Bonn ett (1980) (, 1999), NF I NNF I PNF I Jam es (1982) (par sim oniou s index ) NF I, 0.6 (,, 2000). PNF I

70 CF I (J reskog & S rbom, 1993) < 3> < 6>. ( =0.11, CR = 3.79), ( =0.37, CR = 3.62), ( =- 0.08, CR = ), ( =0.63, CR = 3.90). ( =0.68, CR = 4.20), ( =- 0.14, ), ( =0.28, CR =2.18), ( =0.33, CR =2.50), ( =0.48, CR =3.52), ( = CR =90). ( =0.36, CR =3.50), ( =0.48, CR =4.52), ( =- 0.12, CR =- 2.94). GF I, A GF I, NF I, NNF I, CF I.90(Bentler & Bon ett, 1980), P NF I ,

71 < 6>, C.R.(=t ), SM C ( n = ) ( ) S.E. C.R. SM C * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P <0.05 C.R.: Critical Ratio(Estimate/ S.E.)

72 3-63 -

73 6. 1 )..,, (J reskog & S rbom, 1993).., 3 (, 1990). (M odification In dex ), C.R.(t ).,. (C.R. or t )..,,

74 2 ) < 7>. / df 2. GF I, A GF I, CF I 0.943, 0.925, , RM SEA RMR , PNF I (, 1999).. ( 7 ). CF I RM SEA. CF I 0.01, RM SEA (Bentler & Bon ett, 1980). CF I , RM SEA < 7> (df) GF I (p - v alu e) / df A GF I RMR RM SEA NF I NNF I PNF I CF I 557(226) (211) * ) *

75 7. < 4> < 8>.. < 8> (n =631) ( ) S.E. C.R. SM C ** ** ** ** * ** ** ( ) ** ** ** ( ) ** ( ) ( ) ** ** ** 1) SE 2) C.R. = / SE 3) * P <.05, **P <.01 4) ( )

76 . ( =- 0.13, C.R.=- 2.97**). ( =0.26, C.R.= 4.21**). ( =0.25, C.R.=2.17*), ( =0.49, C.R.=4.06**), ( = 0.13, C.R.=2.91**). ( =0.14, C.R.=2.89**).. ( =0.44, C.R.=4.20**), ( =0.53 C.R.=4.89**).. ( = C.R.=- 3.76**). ( =0.23, C.R.=4.45**). ( =0.58, C.R.=5.12**), ( =0.38, C.R.=3.85**). ( =0.57, C.R.=6.49**), ( =0.27, C.R.=4.48**). 63%

77 < 4>

78 8., < 9>,. ( =- 0.13), ( =0.26). ( =0.49), ( =0.25), ( = 0.13). ( =0.14). ( =0.53) ( =0.44), ( =- 0.15). ( = 0.23). ( =0.48), ( =0.31), ( =0.58) ( =0.38). ( =0.44), ( =0.33), ( =0.16), ( =0.10). ( =0.27) ( =0.57)

79 < 9> ( ) (n =631) (t ) 0.13* 0.13* 0.49* 0.49* 0.25* 0.25* ( ) 0.14* 0.14* * P < * 0.53* 0.44* 0.44* ( ) 0.23* 0.23* ( ) * * * * 0.26* 0.26* 0.48* 0.48* 0.31* 0.31* 0.58* 0.58* 0.38* 0.38* 0.44* 0.44* 0.33* 0.33* 0.16* 0.16* 0.57* 0.10* 0.67* 0.27* 0.27*

80 9.. 1 ) 1:. ( =- 0.13, C.R.=- 2.97). 2 ) 2:. ( =0.26, C.R.=4.21). 3:.. 4:

81 3 ) 5:.. 6:. ( =0.44, C.R.=4.20). 7:. ( =0.53 C.R.=4.89). 4 ) 8:. ( =0.25, C.R.=2.17). 9:. ( =0.49, C.R.=4.06). 10:. ( =0.13, C.R.=2.91)

82 5 ) 11:. ( =0.31). 12:. ( =0.48). 13:. ( =0.58, C.R.=5.12). 14:.. 15:. ( =0.38, C.R.=3.85). 6 ) 16:.. 17:. ( =0.33)

83 . 18:. ( =0.44). 19:. ( =0.16). 20:.. 21:. ( =0.57, C.R.=6.49). 22:. ( =0.27, C.R.=4.48). 1:. ( =0.14, C.R.=2.89). 2:. ( =0.23, C.R.=4.45)

84 . 3:. ( = C.R.=- 3.76)

85 V I.. 1.,.,,,,,,,,,,.., (, 1990).... (df)=424 (211), p =0.000, / df=2.011, GF I =0.943, A GF I =0.925, RMR =0.057, NF I=0.936, NNF I =0.960, RM SEA =0.040, PNF I=0.781, CF I=

86 63%... 1) (Basen - Eng quist & P arcel, 1992; Ba sen - Eng quist, T ort olero, & P arcel, 1997; Kv alem, 2000; Boy er, 2000), (Basen - Eng quist, 1992; Ry e, 1998), (W ulfert, 1996). (Ajzen & F ishbein, 1980). (P en der, 1996) (Cat ania, 1990), (Grim ley, P rocha ska, V elicer, & Proch aska, 1995). (Ry e, 1998)

87 2 ). (Basen - En gquist & P arcel, 1992; Colon, 2000; Jemm ott & Jem m ott, 1992) (Dilorio, 2000; W ulfert & W an, 1993; Brafford & Beck, 1991; Brien, 1994; M ahoney, 1995; O 'Leary, 1992; S acco, 1991) Bandura. (, 199) (, 1998) (, 1995), (, 1997) (, 1994),.,, (Brien, 1994; Cecil & Pinkert on, 1998; H anna, 1999; H ale & T rumb ett a, 1996)..., (W ulfert & W an, 1995)

88 .,..,. 3 ). (M aticka - T yn dale, 1991; S ohn, 1999;, 2000; Cat ania, 1992; DiClem ent e, 1991; M cku sick, Coat es, M orin, P ollack, & Hoff, 1990). (Baldw in & Baldw in, 1988; Goldm an & Harlow, 1993)... (2000). HIV

89 (H erold & M ew hinn ey, 1993; M aticka - T yn dale, 1991). W ein stein (1980)... (, 1998)., (, 2000)... HIV

90 4 ). (Ajen & F ishbein, 1980; Ajzen, 1985),. (Baker, 1996), (Richardson, 1997), (Ry e, 1998), (Basen - Eng quist, 1992). (H anna, 1999; W ulfert & W an, 1995; Helw eg - Lar sen & Collin s, 1994; S acco, 1991).. W ulfert & W an (1995).,

91 5 ).,.,,,.. (Desiderat o & Craw ford, 1995; Cooper & Orcutt, 2000)... AIDS (F rom m e, 1999; O 'Leary, 1992; Raj & P ollack, 1995).,. 3..,

92 (Piom bo & Piles, 1996; O 'Leary, 1992).. (S enf & P rice, 1994; Lew is, M elt on, Succop, & Rosenth al, 2000; Leigh & St all, 1993;,, 1999;, 1998;, 2000). Leigh & St all(1993)......,.,

93 6 ). (Klin e, 1992), (F ullilov e, 1990). Kashim a (1993)..,,. Kashim a (1993)...,

94 7 )...., (St. Law rence, 1998).. (Det zer, 1995).,

95 8 ),. (DiClem ent e, 1991; M aticka - T yndale, 1991; Lew is, 2000; V aldiserri, 1989). W ulfert & W an (1995) W ulfert (1996). M aticka - T yn dale (1991). (, 2000). (1999). (W ulfert & W an, 1995).. (St. Law rence, 1998; M aticka - T yn dale, 1991)

96 ,.,,.,. 2.,,. 1),,..,

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