The Effect of Cosmetic Companies CRM Activities on Relationship Benefits, Relationship Commitment and Brand Switching Reduction Intention Department of Fashion Design, Sungkyunkwan University Lecturer : Seona Hwang Professor : Sun Jin Hwang <Abstract> This study examined the relations among CRM activities of cosmetic companies, relationship benefits, relationship commitment, and brand switching reduction intention. The participants consisted of 399 women over the age of 20. The results of this study were as follows: First, CRM activities were perceived as a concept of sub-components, and the customers recognized the relationship benefits and commitments. Second, CRM activities did not make a positive effect on brand switching reduction intention. Third, CRM activities had a positive influence on relationship benefits, and the relationship benefit affected the brand switching reduction intention positively. Fourth, CRM activities created a positive effect on relationship commitment, and also the relationship commitment had a positive effect on brand switching reduction intention. Lastly, relationship benefits had a positive effect on relationship commitment and it was precedent variables. CRM(CRM activities), (relationship benefit), (relationship commitment), (brand switching reduction intention), (two-step approach) Corresponding Author : Sun Jin Hwang, Department of Fashion Design, Sungkyunkwan University, MyungRyun Dong 53, Jong Ro Gu. Seoul, 110-745, Korea Tel: +82-760-0515 E-mail: * * 2010-97 -
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