상담학연구 : Vocational Identity Status Assessment(VISA-K) 412 Porfeli et al., (2011) (Vocational Identity Status Assesment: VISA),, (2014) VISA-K,,,,, 6.

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,,,,. (,,, ).. (30.3%), 18 (4.4%), 13 (3.2%), 10 (2.4%). 101 (24.5%), 130 (31.6%), 173 (42%), 5 (1.2%), 3 (0.7%). (156 ), (256 ), 1 90 (21.8%), 2 148 (35.9%), 3 17 (4.1%), 4 157 (38.1%)., 10 4 3 (http://goo.gl/forms/ bkdxwg628d), 441 412. 192 (46.6%), 54 (13.1%), 125 (Vocational Identity Status Assessment: VISA-K) Porfeli et al., (2011) (Vocational Identity Status Assessment, VISA),, (2014) VISA-K. (Career Exploration), (Career Commitment), (Career Reconsideration), 6. (In-Breath Career Exploration), (In-depth Career Exploration), (2014) (2015) 10,19,23, 4,5,6,11, 1,2,3,14, 7,9,12, 8.17.20,22, 15,16,26,

(Career Commitment Making), (Identification with Career Commitment), (Career Self-Doubt), (Career Flexibility). 27 5 Likert 1 () 5 ( ). (Cronbach α) 1. (VISA-K) AMOS, Chi-square(χ 2 ) 888.656, NFI(normed fit index).768, CFI(comparative fit index).832. (Trait Anxiety Scale) Spielberger, Grosuch & Lushene(1970) (Trait anxiety: ) (state anxiety: ). 20, 4. Spielberger.86 -.95,.89 -.91,, 1978 Cronbach s α.86. (1999). Cronbach α.89. Radloff(1977), (1992) Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). CES-D, 4, 16, 20. (2006) Cronbach α.89, (2013) Cronbach α.91. Cronbach α.91. (Ego Identity Scale) (1996). 6,,,,, 48 (2002). 2 ( ) 3 (,, ) 13. (2002).86,.73,.73..82,.77,.73. (Self Efficacy Scale) (1997) 6 (2012) 5.

,, 3. (2013) Cronbach s α.76,.86,.82,.87. Cronbach s α.62,.86,.85,.86. IBM SPSS Statistics 21.. (Cronbach s α). 4 412 VISA 6 2.,,,,,, (One Way ANOVA). Pearson, 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. 1 2..54 ** 1 3..53 **.49 ** 1 4..29 **.31 **.58 ** 1 5. -.45 ** -.45 ** -.22 ** -.07 1 6. -.20 ** -.11 *.06.21 **.33 ** 1 7. -.24 ** -.28 ** -.20 ** -.13 **.44 **.03 1 8. -.16 ** -.25 ** -.06.02.38 **.02.72 ** 1 9..49 **.33 **.37 **.16 ** -.33 ** -.19 ** -.11 *.02 1 10..41 **.35 **.49 **.40 ** -.42 **.05 -.59 ** -.37 **.33 ** 1 12.51 17.82 17.88 14.11 14.72 14.48 46.84 41.39 25.95 68.44 2.95 3.12 3.11 2.51 3.74 3.01 9.12 10.45 3.39 9.33 * p<.05, ** p<.01

., VISA,,,,,,. VISA 4 (: ),..,.. VISA,,,,, 6. VISA 2. 1 Wards (Squared Eulidean). (Agglomeration schedule). 2 K-., VISA Porfeli et al., (2011) 6,,, (2014) VISA- K 6 6 6 6. 1 52 (13.3%), 2 110 (28.1%), 3 77 (19.6%), 4 66 (16.8%), 5 34 (11.5%), 6 53 (13.5%). VISA 6 VISA, 6. Wilk s Lambda F 1 2.512 73.640 5 386.000.496 78.449 5 386.000.423 105.209 5 386.000.610 49.389 5 386.000.381 125.191 5 386.000.470 86.886 5 386.000

3 6, F.01. 6 VISA,,,,,. 6, VISA. Wilk s Lambda /( + ) 0, 1. Will s Lambda. 98.2% 1 100%, 2 99.1%, 3 100%, 4 95.5%, 5 94.1%, 6 98.1%., 49%, 50%, 58%, 39%, 62%, 53%. K-, 6., Scheffe. Levene N 1. 52 15.25(2.17) 20.63(1.99) 19.42(2.23) 13.80(1.83) 9.96(2.52) 10.42(2.02) 2. 110 11.73(2.43) 17.22(2.38) 18.72(1.82) 15.02(1.88) 17.88(1.98) 16.20(1.88) 3. 77 11.32(1.88) 15.79(2.15) 15.56(2.22) 12.40(2.06) 14.66(2.26) 12.14(1.87) 4. 66 12.86(1.85) 19.05(1.79) 17.55(1.68) 14.03(2.04) 12.68(2.10) 15.30(2.13) 5. 34 8.15(2.21) 13.50(3.03) 12.91(2.73) 11.35(2.33) 19.09(2.50) 16.53(2.36) 6. 53 15.45(2.08) 20.74(2.14) 21.70(2.05) 16.83(1.92) 12.91(2.92) 16.13(2.60) 392 12.50(2.97) 17.85(3.15) 17.89(3.15) 14.10(2.52) 14.75(3.73) 14.51(3.06) F 73.64 * 78.45 * 105.21 * 49.40 * 125.20 * 86.89 * Scheffe 1,6>2,4 2,3>5 1,6>4 2>3>5 6>1,2 2,4>3>5 6>2,4,1> 3,5 5,2>3> 6,4>1 5,2,6,4>3>1

,.,,,,,,., 1,6 2,4, 2,3 5., 1,6 4, 2 3, 3 5., 6 1,2, 2, 4 3, 3 5., 6 2,4,1, 2,4,1 3,5., 5, 2 3, 3 6, 4, 6, 4 1., 5, 2, 6, 4 3, 3 1., 6 VISA-K Z 1,. 2,,,,. 3,,,,. 4,,. 5,,,,. 6,,,,., z, Porfeli et al., (2011) Porfeli et al., (2011). Porfeil et al., (2011) ( ) (, ) (, ). Porfeil et al., (2011) Porfeil et al., (2011) 1. 2 (, ) ( ) Porfeil et al., (2011) 2. 3 3. Porfeil et al., (2011).,

, 4.. 5. Porfeil et al., (2011),. 6,, 6.,,,, Scheffe. Levene,., 56.81 48. 50, 47.4, 43.88, 43.10. 43.05. * p<.05 F Scheffe.93 -.27 -.40.12-1.48.99 73.64 * 5>3,2 2,4>1,6.90 -.19 -.65.39-1.38.93 78.45 * 5>3>2>4>1,6.49.27 -.75 -.11-1.60 1.22 105.21 * 5>3>4,2 2,1>6 -.123.36 -.68 -.03-1.10 1.08 49.40 * 5,3>1,4,2>6-1.27.84 -.02 -.55 1.17 -.49 125.20 * 1>4,6>3>2,5-1.35.57 -. 86.89 * 1>3>4,6,2,5

(F = 15.845, p =.000)., 47.46, 43.67, 42.5, 39.08, 38.08. 36.81. (F= 7.731, p=.000)., 41.73, 41.19, 40.14, 35.71, 35.26. 30.47. N 1. 49 43.88(9.62) 36.81(10.48) 41.19(5.05) 71.57(10.01) 2. 107 48.50(8.09) 43.67(9.89) 35.26(4.37) 67.53(7.29) 3. 74 47.40(7.36) 42.50(9.30) 35.71(4.80) 64.30(7.51) 4. 65 43.05(8.16) 38.08(9.33) 40.14(4.32) 70.85(7.96) 5. 33 56.81(9.54) 47.46(10.92) 30.47(3.97) 58.35(7.68) 6. 50 43.10(9.14) 39.08(11.60) 41.73(4.79) 77.00(8.71) 378 46.76(9.25) 41.28(10.53) 37.40(5.69) 68.49(9.46) F 15.845 7.731 43.713 29.214 Scheffe 5>1,3,2>4,6 5>4,6,3,2>1 4,1,6>2.3>5 6>4,1>3,2>5

(F= 43.713, p=.000)., 77.00, 71.57, 70.85, 67.53, 64.30. 58.35. (F= 29.213, p=.000)... 7., vector. 8., 3 ( ), ( ), ( )..345.220,.110..14.06,. 15.23. 14.59, 13.81,, 12.65., 11.97, 11.47, 8.79 F Pillai.464 13.992.000 Wilks.564 16.137.000 Hotelling.724 18.274.000 Roy.649 49.592.000

N F scheffe 1. 52 15.2308 2.63175 2. 109 11.4771 2.38279 3. 76 11.9737 2.75668 4. 65 13.8154 2.48050 5. 34 8.7941 2.63749 1.267.000 5>2,3 2,3>4,6 4,6>1 6. 52 14.5962 2.62163 388 12.6521 3.14673 1. 52 13.7885 2.11750 2. 109 12.2844 2.43467 3. 76 12.5395 2.48966 4. 65 13.8769 1.97253 5. 34 11.6765 2.34483 1.537.000 5,2,3> 1,6,4 6. 52 13.8077 2.14237 388 12.9536 2.40862 1. 52 12.1731 1.91712 2. 109 11.4954 1.64217 3. 76 11.1974 1.46987 4. 65 12.4462 1.75027 5. 34 10.0000 1.45644 6. 52 13.3269 1.82274 1.160.000 5>3 3>2 2>1 1>4,6 388 11.8015 1.88816.,,,,,. 13.87. 13.80, 13.78 12.95,,. 12.53, 12.28, 11.67.,.,,,,,,

. 13.32. 12. 22, 12.17, 11.80 11.49, 11.19, 10.,,,,,... 9., vector. 10. ( ) 20.32. 20.19, 20.09, 18.86 18.93. 17.84, 16.28.,,,. (,, ) 43.34. 39.81, 39.16, 38.71 38.42, F Pillai.370 10.425.000 Wilks.654 11.313.000 Hotelling.494 12.120.000 Roy.409 30.323.000

N F scheffe 1. 47 20.0942 3.90121 2. 106 17.8423 3.03635 3. 72 18.8631 3.10332 4. 65 20.1978 3.53551 5. 34 16.2857 3.33568 1.356.000 1,4,6>2,3 >5 6. 53 20.3235 3.51741 377 18.9326 3.57182 1. 47 39.8121 5.81401 2. 106 38.7091 4.45816 3. 72 35.1933 4.19814 4. 65 39.1641 4.78924 5. 34 33.3971 5.58750 1.259.000 6>2,4,1 >5,3 6. 53 43.3443 5.54955 377 38.4262 5.65437 1. 47 11.6681 3.23225 2. 106 10.9830 2.86458 3. 72 10.2389 2.87008 4. 65 11.4862 3.03767 5. 34 8.6647 3.18166.276.000 4,1,6>3,2 >5 6. 53 13.3283 3.20699 377 11.1337 3.23320 35.19, 33.40.,. ( ),,,,. 13.33. 11.67, 11.49, 10.98, 10.23, 8.66.

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The Differences of psychological traits according to Vocational Identity Status: Based on Korean version of the Vocational Identity Status Assessment(VISA) in College Students Korea University of Technology and Education This research was performed to confirm the six statuses (i.e., achievement, searching moratorium, moratorium, foreclosure, diffusion and undifferentiation) based on Korean Version of the VISA model(porfeil et al, 2011) validated by Lee, Chung & Lee in 2014.. The data were gathered from 412 college students. Psychological traits such as trait anxiety, depression, ego identity and self efficacy according to vocational identity status were investigated. The results are summarized as follows. Vocational identity status of Korean colleges students were divided into six statuses based on the level of three factors; career exploration, commitment and reconsideration. There were significantly meaningful differences among groups in trait anxiety related to vocational identity statuses. That is, trait anxiety scores highly showed in the order of diffusion, moratorium, undifferentiation, achievement, searching moratorium, foreclosure statuses. Also, there were significantly meaningful differences among groups in depression related to the vocational identity statuses. That is, depression scores highly showed in the order of diffusion, moratorium, undifferentiation, searching moratorium, foreclosure, achievement statuses. There were significantly meaningful differences among groups in ego identity related to the vocational identity statuses. That is, ego identity scores highly showed in the order of searching moratorium, achievement, foreclosure, undifferentiation, moratorium, diffusion statuses. And there were significantly meaningful differences among groups in self efficacy related to the vocational identity statuses. That is, self efficacy scores highly showed in the order of searching moratorium, achievement, foreclosure, moratorium, undifferentiation, diffusion statuses. Overall, individuals with achievement, foreclosure and searching moratorium statuses were lower scores on trait anxiety and depression and were higher scores on ego identity and self efficacy. On the other hand, individuals with moratorium, diffusion, undifferentiation were higher scores on trait anxiety and depression and were lower scores on ego identity and self efficacy. That is, individuals of achievement, foreclosure and searching moratorium statuses were relatively mature statuses whereas those of diffusion, undifferentiation and moratorium were rather immature statuses in career development. These results suggested that the higher career development, the higher emotional stability. Based on the results, the implications of this study and the direction for future research were discussed. Key words : College students, Vocational identity status(visa), Trait Anxiety, depression, Ego Identity, Self Efficacy