Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp.17-42 DOI: * Exploring a Self-Consultation Model of Instruction for Continuous Instructional Improvement Purpose: The study explored a self-consultation model of instruction as an alternative way to solve the problems of existing approaches to help teachers continuous instructional improvement. The self-consultation model of instruction is an integrated model to maximize strengths of self-reflection theories and instructional theories and minimize their weaknesses. Method: The study suggested three activities: zoom out, zoom in, and action. The zoom in activity as reflection-on-action includes reflection on four elements of instruction: teachers, students, learning contents, and learning environment. The zoom out activity as reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action include reflection on dynamic interactions among those four elements and reflection on causes and solutions of instructional task. Results: The action activity as reflection-in-action include appling solutions to actual classroom and reflection on the effects of the solutions. The self-consultation model of instruction requires continuous and iterative reflection. Conclusion: The self-consultation model of instruction would be able to improve teachers ability of reflective practitioner and ultimately contribute to improvement of students achievement. Key words : model of self-consultation of instruction, instructional consultation, reflective practitioner, reflective teaching, instructional improvement * 2010. Corresponding Author: Lee, Sang-Soo. Pusan National University, Dept. of Education, Busandaehakro, Jangjeondong, Busan, Korea. e-mail:
....,,. Paley(1986). Boyd Fales(1983).. (Dewey, 1933; Loughran, 2002; Schön, 1987)...,,,. Blase Blase(2006),,,...,. Blase Blase(2006)... (, 2013;,, 2013)..
........ (self-reflection), (reflective practitioner), (reflective teaching)... (Boud, Keogh, & Walker, 1986; Boyd & Fales, 1983; Mezirow, 1990).. (Richert, 1990; Russell, 1997; Valli, 1993; Ward & McCotter, 2004)..,.,,,.,...
(,,,, 2012)....,,.. Dewey(1933),, (p. 9).... Schön(1987)., - -(reflection on-action) - -(reflection in-action). - -. - -. Schön(1987).. Dewey(1933).. Boyed Fales(1983).
Brookfield(1995) (critical reflection)..,,. Brookfield(1995),,,,,,.... (reflective practitioner), (reflective teaching), (self-reflection).. Schön(1987) - - (1990). Borich(2011). Pollard(2002). (Bright, 1996; York-Barr, Sommmers, Ghere, & Montie, 2006)..,,,,,, (Tom, 1985; Zeichner, 1983).
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,,.,,...,,.. Korthagen Vasalos(2005) Quinn(1998). Dewey(1933) Schön(1987).....,. (,,,, 2012)...,
,,, (zoom out), (zoom in), (action).. Schön(1987) - - - -. Schön(1987) - -. - -. - - - -. - - - -.... 1) 되돌아보기활동 (zoom out)
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..,,, (Brookfield, 1995; Mezirow, 1990; Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Ross, & Smith, 1994). Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ. 10 (CCSSO, 2011).,,,,,,,,. 10.. (,,, 2015;, 2015; Eisenberg, Hofer, & Baughan, 2007)...
(,,,, 2012; Rosenfiled, 1987). Smith Ragan(2005),,..,,,.,,,,,.. (, 2011;,,, 2015; CASEL, 2007; Durlak, Weissberg, Dymniciki, Taylor, & Schellinger, 2011)..,,,..,,.... Snyder, Robin, Zumwalt(1992)...
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