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A1,, 4.63 1.098.419 A2 4.98.870.498 A3 (R) 3.69 1.179.098 A4 3.95 1.099.487 A5, 4.06 1.346.438 A6 4.01 1.229.448 A7 4.82 1.091.591 A8 3.86 1.036.561 A9 4.61 1.057.593 A10 4.00 1.174.514 A11 3.63 1.158.411 A12 3.79 1.021.549 A13 4.53 1.056.554 A14 3.81 1.105.361 A15 3.97 1.116.477 A16 3.19 1.558.022 A17 4.18.946.601 A18 4.29 1.262.397 A19 4.05 1.042.593 A20 4.48 1.288.550 A21 3.74 1.455.427 A22 (R) 3.69 1.308.052 A23 4.87.947.530 A24 4.79 1.072.547 A25 4.05 1.103.496 A26 4.06 1.166.470 A27 4.53 1.028.615 A28 4.94.940.481 A29 4.80.884.671

A30 4.59 1.137.602 A31 4.79.985.650 A32 4.20 1.134.405 A33 4.77 1.084.576 A34 2.69 1.191.108 A35 4.63.990.592 A36 4.11 1.137.481 A37 4.28 1.027.618 A38 4.62.938.610 A39 3.81 1.171.587 A40 4.73.981.607 A41 4.57 1.138.394 A42 3.97 1.226.440 A43 4.45.988.647 A44 3.04 1.157.073 A45 4.70 1.027.605.788 ( 2). 6,,. 1 A8, A12, A17, A19 A10, A11, A13, A26, A42, A43. 2 A29, A31, A2, A28, A30, A32,. 3 6,

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Cultural characteristics of Korean interpersonal relationships and scale development - affective relationships Yoon Park Hyungin Shim Sook Jong Lee Sungkyunkwan University The purpose of this study was to examine the cultural characteristics of Korean interpersonal relationships. A total of 45 preliminary items were selected through book and literature review about the characteristics of the Korean or Korean society in study 1. The first survey data were collected from the Korean university students. Through the item analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA), 4 factors composed of 32 items were extracted. Four factors were found: friendly attitude, harmony, jeong(interpersonal affection), keeping relationship, and using content analysis, 20 items were refined. Study 2 was conducted with the data collected from the Korea adults. As the result of carrying out EFA and Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA), the final 17 items were fixed as an affective relationships scale of the Korean. And CFA were implemented to evaluate discriminative validity. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study were discussed. Key words : Korean culture, affective relationships, scale development