The Korea Journal of Counseling 2004, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1139-1153,.. 1,578., 2.2%, 3.0%.,.,., 9.,. :,,,,..,.,,. (, 2004) 1, (2003) 1,113 60.2%, 20%. (Corresponding Author) : / / 330 TEL : (053) 850-3243 / E-mail : - 1139 -
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tionship Change Scale) (1998),. 7 4,. Cronbach s.72. Dubow Ulman(1989) (Social Support Appraisal Scale) (1998).,, 5 15.. Cronbach s.92,.90,.77. Derogatis (Sympton Distress Checklist-90-Revision: SCL-90-R) (1990). SCL-90-R. 90, 9 (,,,,,,,, ), 1. 7 5,. 9 Cronbach s.83.91, Cronbach s.98.., ( ),, ( ). 2003 4 5,. SPSS.,.. 806 (51.1%) 772 (48.9%) 1,578., 462 (29.3%), 1,115 (70.7%). 641 (40.6%), 474 (30.1%) ( 1). 1. (%) 806(51.1) 772(48.9) 1,578 462(29.3) 641(40.6) 474(30.1) 1,577-1144 -
. 2.,, 2.2%(35 ). 3.2%(26 ), 1.2%(9 ), (3.4%) (2.6%) (0.9%)., 3.0%(47 ). 5.5%(44 ), 0.4%(3 ), (4.9%) (2.6%) (1.7%)..,.. 3 4.., (x²=9.56),., (x²=52.65, p <.001), (p <.001) (- )., 2. : (%) x² df sig. 1,541(97.8) 35(2.2) 1,576-779(96.8) 762(98.8) 449(97.4) 634(99.1) 458(96.6) 26(3.2) 9(1.2) 12(2.6) 6(0.9) 16(3.4) 805 771 461 640 474 7.72 1.005 8.27 2.016 1,522(97.0) 47(3.0) 1,569-758(94.5) 764(99.6) 448(97.4) 628(98.3) 446(95.1) 44(5.5) 3(0.4) 12(2.6) 11(1.7) 23(4.9) 802 767 460 639 469 35.03 1.000 9.86 2.007-1145 -
3. : Logistic (n=1,576) (n=1,569) B Wald Exp(B) B Wald Exp(B) -0.98 * 0.36 5.12 0.78 0.38 0.70-3.09 *** 0.30 17.95 0.56 0.05 1.35-0.32-0.42-0.26 0.40 1.29 0.40 0.73 0.66 0.77-1.50 *** 0.14 0.04 12.37 0.22 0.01 0.22 1.15 1.04 98.1 97.4-2 Log 258.81 298.48 x² (df) 9.56 (5) 52.65 *** (5) * p<.05, * * * p<.001 (0=, 1=), (: 0=, 1=: 0=, 1= ) 4. : Logistic (n=1,576) (n=1,569) B Wald Exp(B) B Wald Exp(B) -0.83 * -0.13 4.29 0.12 0.44 0.88-2.65 *** 0.35 19.23 0.91 0.07 1.41-0.41 * -0.74 ** 0.99 *** 4.87 9.26 12.50 0.66 0.48 2.69-0.35 * -0.34-0.03 4.68 2.80 0.02 97.9 97.1-2 Log 290.52 353.52 x² (df) 28.76 *** (5) 53.17 *** (5) 0.71 0.71 0.97 * p<.05, * * p<.01, * * * p<.01 (0=, 1=), (: 0=, 1= : 0=, 1= ).001) 4.5 (0.22)..,.., (x²=28.76, p <.001), (p <.05)(p <.01), (p <. (- ), (+). 1.5 (0.66), 2.1 (0.48)., - 1146 -
. 2.7 (2.69).,. (x²=53.17, p <.001), (p<.05). (- )., 1.4 (0.71)..,.. 9 5., 9,. 5. (n=1,541, 35) (n=1,522, 47) M SD F M SD F 0.78 1.65 1.15 1.71 1.07 1.74 0.95 1.71 0.77 1.60 0.90 1.74 0.44 1.57 0.82 1.53 0.70 1.57 0.71 1.00 0.80 0.89 0.80 0.94 0.82 0.97 0.77 0.93 0.82 1.00 0.61 1.02 0.81 1.03 0.73 1.04 50.90 *** 0.78 1.54 16.65 *** 1.14 1.74 23.30 *** 1.07 1.65 29.24 *** 0.95 1.53 39.61 *** 0.76 1.45 35.79 *** 0.89 1.60 115.08 *** 0.43 1.39 25.93 *** 0.81 1.52 47.88 *** 0.69 1.58 0.71 0.83 0.80 0.73 0.81 0.74 0.83 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.83 0.78 0.61 0.89 0.82 0.79 0.73 0.83 Wilks (F).92 (15.85 *** ).91 (17.19 *** ) * * * p<.001 (n=, ) 51.68 *** 25.81 *** 24.14 *** 22.62 *** 35.82 *** 32.74 *** 108.66 *** 35.01 *** 68.03 *** - 1147 -
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The Korea Journal of Counseling 2004, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1139-1153 A Study on the Effect of Psychosocial Trait on Sexual Delinquency and Mental Health of the Adolescent on Internet Pornography Young-Ok Nam Catholic University of Daegu The purpose of this study was to examine to what extent teenagers prostituted themselves and committed sexual violence through the Internet, to find out how their prostitution and sexual violence were affected by their own personal traits and social support given to them, and to determine the relationship of youth prostitution and sexual violence experiences to mental health. The subjects in this study were 1,578 secondary school students. The findings of this study were as follows: First, regarding sexual delinquency triggered by being exposed to online indecent materials, 2.2 percent of the teenagers investigated had ever prostituted themselves, and 3.0 percent had ever committed sexual violence. Second, among their personal traits, those who had a weaker self control were more likely to commit sexual violence. And concerning social support, those who were given less support from families and friends and more aided by teachers were more likely to prostitute themselves. And the teenagers who were less supported by their families were more apt to commit sexual violence. Third, as for youth prostitution, the adolescents who had ever experienced it suffered from more psychiatric symptoms than the non- experienced group in all the nine areas. Also, those who had ever committed sexual violence showed more psychiatric symptoms than the non-experienced group. In other words, there appeared close relationship between youth sexual delinquency and mental health. Keywords: internet p ornography, sexual delinquency, psychosocial trait, mental health. - 1153 -