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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp.365-399 DOI: : * A Study on Application of the Result through Dynamic Assessment in Young Children s Mathematic Activities Purpose: The purpose of this study was to recommend appropriate intervention approaches for developing children s numbers and operations ability. Method: This study examined number and operations test scores of the four groups along with their problem-solving strategies and error patters before intervention, just after the fourth and eighth sessions, and after the twelfth and final session. Results: As a result, Hajeong represented the low-low group which had the least change in arithmetic operation ability in contrast to the other groups. Hayeon represented the group that showed the biggest change in arithmetic operation ability. Sangeun, whose arithmetic operation ability was high, but with low mathematic learning potential, represented the group that did not show much change in their arithmetic operation ability. Sangmin represented the group that did not have much change in ability for arithmetic operations, since he achieved high scores for numbering knowledge, and test after intervention. Conclusion: There was difference according to children s current arithmetic operation ability and their mathematical learning potential and teacher s mediation quantity. Key words : dynamic assessment, mathematical learning potential, arithmetic problem-solving ability, teacher s mediation quantity * 2015. Corresponding Author: Cho, Eun-Lae. Kangneung-Wonju National University, Dept. of Early childhood education, Heungeop-myeon, Wonjusi, Kangwondo, Korea. e-mail:

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60.., 3-5 1. 1 6,,. 2. 15 2 1, 2 4 16,. 5 12. < -2>. 1, 2, 3, 4,, 5, 6, 7,, 8,, 9,, 10,, 11,, 12, ( ). 4. (9 10 30 ) 1 1 12..

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