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Adolescents' Ambivalence over Emotional Expression and Peer Relationship: Mediating effects of ego-resiliency and Parents' Facilitative Communication Korea National University of Education This study examined the effects of ambivalence over emotional expression on peer relationship of adolescents. Ego-resiliency and parents facilitative communication were examined as important mediators in the link between ambivalence over emotional expression and peer relationship. The Ambivalence Over the Expression of Emotion Questionnaire(AEQ) was administered to 506 high school students along with the measures of quality of peer relationship, ego-resiliency, and parents facilitative communication. Data analyses revealed the followings. First, ambivalence over emotional expression has significant negative correlations with adolescents peer relations, ego-resiliency and parents facilitative communication. Second, ego-resiliency mediated the effect of ambivalence over emotional expression on adolescents peer relationship. Third, parents facilitative communication mediated the effect of ambivalence over emotional expression on adolescents peer relationship. These findings suggest that therapists must understand the role of ego-resiliency and parents facilitative communication on the relations of ambivalence over emotional expression to peer relationship and develop intervention plan based on that. More implications of the study and suggestions for future study are discussed. Key words : ambivalence over emotional expression, peer relationship, ego-resiliency, facilitative communication