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The Effects of Covert Narcissism on Smart-phone Addiction: Focusing on Marital Empathy and Marital Satisfaction as mediators Jeong, Byung Wan Hong, Hye Young Myongji University The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of covert narcissism on the smart-phone addiction of the married 30 s and 40 s. 646 participants living in Seoul city, Gyeong-gi province and Incheon city were recruited. Analyses showed that covert narcissism influenced smart-phone addiction positively and marital empathy and marital satisfaction negatively. Marital satisfaction was completely mediated the relation between marital empathy and smart-phone addiction, and marital empathy partially mediated the association between covert narcissism and marital satisfaction. In other words, covert narcissism, marital empathy and marital satisfaction influenced smart-phone addition of married people in their 30 and 40 s and marital empathy and covert narcissism influenced marital satisfaction. Lastly, marital empathy was influenced by covert narcissism. The implications and limitations of the current study are discussed. Key words : Covert Narcissism, Empathy, Marital Empathy, Marital Satisfaction, Smart-phone Addiction