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1 The Posttraumatic Growth Process of Volleyball Players Hyeon Ju Kim & Young Kil Yun* Korea National Sport University ㆍ
3 Table 1. Participant Characteristics Team Players Age(M) Experience(M) A (±4.6) 13.3(±3.8) B (±2.5) 11.3(±3.1) C (±3.4) 12.6(±4.6) D (±4.2) 14.2(±4.7) E (±5.4) 13.2(±5.3) F (±6.1) 14.0(±5.1) Total (±4.5) 13.1(±4.2) Fig. 1. Semistructured Questions
4 Table 2. Trauma of Volleyball Player Raw data(n) (43) (32) (25) (23) Sub factors(n) bullying(24) alienation(14) verbal- violence(5) future pressure(17) slumps(12) emotional loneliness(3) injury(20) illness(5) physical punishment(13) verbal punishment(10) Main factors(n/%) member conflict (43/35%) competence loss (32/26%) physical injury (25/20.3%) coach conflict (23/18.7%)
5 Table 3. Emotional experience Raw data(n) (69) (26) (18) (14) Sub factors(n) hopelessness(28) melancholy(21) doubt(20) fear(15) anxiety(11) despair(12) distrust(6) anger(8) hatred(6) Main factors(n/%) powerlessness (69/54.3%) pressure (26/20.5%) dejection (18/14.2%) hostility (14/11%) Table 4. Coping factors of trauma Raw data(n) (57) (35) (17) Sub factors(n) support of colleagues(26) support of family(21) support of coaches(10) changes of thought(18) alleviation strategies(12) self-suggestion(5) self-regulatory(10) detached coping(7) Main factors(n/%) social support (57/52.3%) intervention strategies (35/32.1%) psychological control (17/15.6%)
6 Table 5. Positive growth after trauma Raw data(n) (54) (35) (17) (11) Sub factors(n) vitality promotion(23) self-regulation(19) optimism(12) motivation(15) steadiness growth(14) goal setting(6) sympathy(10) self-attachment(5) teamwork(2) relaxation(7) appreciation(2) religious belief(2) Main factors(n/%) psychological leap (54/46.2%) performance improvement (35/29.9%) psychological maturity (17/14.5%) emotional stability (11/9.4%) Fig. 2. The Posttraumatic growth of Volleyball player by the causal network( n 10, 11 n 20, n>20)
7 ㆍ
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기혼 여성이 사이버대학에서 상담을 전공하면서 겪는 경험 방기연 (고려사이버대학교 상담심리학과 부교수) * 요 약 본 연구는 기혼 여성의 사이버대학 상담전공 학과 입학에서 졸업까지의 경험을 이해하는 것을 목적으로 한 다. 이를 위해 연구참여자 10명을 대상으로 심층면접을 하고, 합의적 질적 분석 방법으로 분석하였다. 입학 전 에 연구참여자들은 고등교육의 기회를
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Athletes Psychological Competition Viewed from a Strategic Perspective Jae-Youn Jeon* Korea National Sport University
Athletes Psychological Competition Viewed from a Strategic Perspective Jae-Youn Jeon* Korea National Sport University Table 1. Results of content analysis on the psychological experience of athletes
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