Verification of a causal model among the process of self-regulation motivation and sports performance under the coach's behavior Sun-Yong Kim 1 & Sang-Hyuk Park 2 * 1 Gachon University & 2 Korea Institute of Sport Science
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of subjects Gender Affiliation Total Male Female Middle school 39 38 77 High school 47 38 85 University 84 51 135 Work and professional team 34 25 59 Total 204 152 356 ɑ ɑ ɑ ɑ
ɑ ɑ ɑ ɑ ɑ : ɑ ɑ ɑ ɑ ɑ
Table 2. calculation method of sport performance score calculation of competition goal attainment 1 grade 1 grade 3 point fail or achievement Individual 2 grade 2 grade 2 point fail or achievement 3 grade 3 grand 1 point fail or achievement 1 grade 1 grade 3 point fail or achievement Team 2 grade 2 grade 2 point fail or achievement 3 grade 3 grand 1 point fail or achievement 5 point I obtain very good results in this game 4 point I obtain generally good results in this game 3 point I obtain moderately good results in this game 2 point I obtain generally poor results in this game 1 point I obtain very poor results in this game Table 3. Corelation analysis of the variables Var. a b c d e f g h i j k a 1 -.065.144** -.008.074.160** -.282**.067.173**.210**.081 b -.065 1 -.043.031.002 -.147**.110*.043 -.141** -.157**.007 c.144** -.043 1 -.257**.536**.219** -.330**.020.320**.226**.363** d -.008.031 -.257** 1 -.131*.020 -.161** -.235** -.026 -.188** -.106* e.074.002.536** -.131* 1.359** -.312**.101.395**.308**.267** f.160** -.147**.219**.020.359** 1 -.303**.162**.637**.489**.120* g -.282**.110* -.330** -.161** -.312** -.303** 1.044 -.334** -.265** -.221** h.067.043.020 -.235**.101.162**.044 1.224**.394**.070 i.173** -.141**.320** -.026.395**.637** -.334**.224** 1.649**.151** j.210** -.157**.226** -.188**.308**.489** -.265**.394**.649** 1.120* k.081.007.363** -.106*.267**.120* -.221**.070.151**.120* 1
Table 4. Multiple regression analysis of study variables affecting the performance result Study variables coaching behavior psychologic al needs regulation motivation Predictor variables autonomy training atmosphere competence amotivation Criterion Variable performance result performance result performance result R2 F sig.053 12.902.000.123 53.759.000 -.049 18.093.000 Fig. 1. Structural equation modeling of study (Q:1.650, CFI:.959, GFI:.950, RMR:.042, NFI:.903)
Table 5. Path coefficient analysis of the variables Criteria Prediction Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label competence <--- autonomy training atmosphere. rejected autonomy <--- autonomy training atmosphere -.191.059-3.249.001 adoption relatedness <--- autonomy training atmosphere -.013.047 -.285.776 rejected competence <--- no guarantee of privacy -.023.043 -.532.594 rejected autonomy <--- no guarantee of privacy -.080.045-1.779.075 rejected relatedness <--- no guarantee of privacy -.053.036-1.475.140 rejected competence <--- autonomy competition strategy -.014.037 -.383.701 rejected autonomy <--- autonomy competition strategy -.054.038-1.441.149 rejected relatedness <--- autonomy competition strategy -.060.030-1.965.049 adoption competence <--- academic consideration -.105.053-1.969.049 adoption autonomy <--- academic consideration.204.055 3.709 *** adoption relatedness <--- academic consideration -.086.044-1.940.052 rejected competence <--- guarantee of privacy.040.058.685.493 rejected autonomy <--- guarantee of privacy.099.060 1.662.097 rejected relatedness <--- guarantee of privacy.034.048.699.485 rejected competence <--- compulsory training atmosphere -.021.036 -.571.568 rejected autonomy <--- compulsory training atmosphere.039.038 1.040.298 rejected relatedness <--- compulsory training atmosphere.015.030.490.624 rejected IMto experience stimulation <--- competence.063.053 1.178.239 rejected amotivation <--- competence -.358.057-6.266 *** adoption extra regulation <--- competence -.136.061-2.208.027 adoption indentified regulation <--- competence.175.050 3.462 *** adoption tnetergrated regulation <--- competence.048.050.960.337 rejected IMto experience stimulation <--- autonomy.082.050 1.641.101 rejected amotivation <--- autonomy -.299.053-5.617 *** adoption extra regulation <--- autonomy -.282.057-4.928 *** adoption indentified regulation <--- autonomy.057.047 1.218.223 rejected tnetergrated regulation <--- autonomy -.135.047-2.899.004 adoption IMto experience stimulation <--- relatedness.439.064 6.879 *** adoption amotivation <--- relatedness -.270.068-3.952 *** adoption extra regulation <--- relatedness.186.073 2.529.011 adoption indentified regulation <--- relatedness.394.060 6.534 *** adoption tnetergrated regulation <--- relatedness.319.060 5.322 *** adoption performance result <--- IMto experience stimulation. rejected performance result <--- amotivation -.248.065-3.814 *** adoption performance result <--- extra regulation.081.064 1.274.203 rejected performance result <--- indentified regulation.099.076 1.303.192 rejected performance result <--- tnetergrated regulation -.012.078 -.157.875 rejected
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