Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp.207-227 DOI: : * A Study on the Relationship between Parental Overprotection and College Student Burnout: the Moderated Mediating Effect of Ego-resiliency and Friendship Quality Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between parental overprotection and college student burnout, focusing on the moderated mediating effect of ego-resiliency and friendship quality. Method: An online survey was conducted on 278 college students. A total of 276 data were analyzed by the 3-step moderated mediation analysis proposed by Preacher, Rucker, and Hayes(2007). Results: The results of this study were as follows: First, parental overprotection had a significant direct effect on college student burnout. Second, ego-resiliency partially mediated the relationship between parental overprotection and college student burnout. Third, friendship quality moderated the mediating effect of ego-resiliency in the relationship between parental overprotection and college student burnout. Conclusion: This study showed that parental overprotection, ego-resiliency and friendship quality have influences on college student burnout. Based on the results, educational counseling and related suggestions were proposed to reduce college student burnout. Key words : Parental overprotection, Student burnout, Ego-resiliency, Friendship quality * 1 (2019). Corresponding Author: Oh, In-soo. Ewha Womans University, Dept. of Education, Ewhayeodaegil 25, Daehyeondong, Seoul, Korea, e-mail:
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2) 대학생학업소진척도 Schaufeli, Martinez, Pinto, Salanova Bakker(2002) (Maslach Burnout Inventory-Study Survey Scale, MBI-SS), (2013). 5 ( : ), 4 ( : ), 5 ( : ) 14. (1 ) (5 ) 5 Likert,. Cronbach s α.855. 3) 대학생자아탄력성척도 (2012). 6 ( : ), 6 ( : ), 6 ( : ), 6 ( : ) 24. (1 ) (5 ) 5 Likert,. Cronbach s α.817. 4) 한국판친구관계질척도 (2010) Parker Asher(1993) (Friendship Quality Questionnaire, FQQ). 3 ( : ), 5 ( : ), 3 ( : ), 5 ( : ), 5 ( : ) 21. (1 ) (5 ) 5 Likert. Cronbach s α.914. SPSS 25.0 SPSS Process macro 3.1
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