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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp.195-217 DOI: * The Effect of Board Game Play Large Group Activities on Children's Sociability Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of board game play large group activities on children's sociability. Method: The participants of this study were 43 children(an experimental group n=21, a control group n=22) at K elementary school in Gwangju metropolitan city. 10 sessions for 80 minutes of board game play large group activities were administered to the experimental group, but no activities were provided to the control group. The large group activities were conducted using selected board games to reach the goals of rapport formation, forming sociability foundation, and sociability improvement. The test instrument used in this study was the sociability test corrected by Lee(1997) based on personality test of Cheong(1971). The mean and the standard deviation on pre-test and post-test were calculated and the effects were analyzed by ANCOVA. Results: The major findings of this study were as follows; First, the experimental group showed a significant increase in the level of sociablitiy compared with the control group. Second, the experimental group showed significant increase in the level of two sociability sub-factors(cooperation, sociality) as compared with the control group. Conclusion: These results imply that the board game play large group activities were effective in improving children's sociability. Key words : board game play, large group activities, elementary school students, sociability * (2015). Corresponding Author: Son, Hyun-Dong. Gwangju National University of Education, 55 Pilmundaero, Buk-gu, Gwangju, Korea. e-mail:

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