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A Sense of Self-identity in Elementary School Children of Multi-cultural Families: The relations between the Maternal Mother s Behaviors and the Children s School Satisfaction Department of Child & Family, The Catholic University of Korea Doctor : Cho, Han Suk Department of Child & Family Studies, The Catholic University of Korea Associate Professor : Hyuk Jun Moon <Abstract> This study had a purpose to present a comprehensive grasp of the variables that influence a sense of self-identity in children of multi-cultural families. The participants were 310 elementary school children from the fourth to sixth grades and who were currently enrolled in North Jeolla Province. The results were as follows. First, no significant difference was found for a sense of self-identity according to the children s gender. But a significant difference was found according to the nationality of the mothers. Second, the boys self-identity was affected by mother s rejection of discipline/reprimand behaviors and the girls self-identity was affected by school satisfaction. Last, children s selfidentity was affected by the mother s nationality(japan, China, and Philippine). (self-identity), (mother s behaviors), (school satisfaction) Corresponding Author : Hyuk Jun Moon, Department of Child & Family Studies, The Catholic University of Korea, San 43-1 Yokgok2-Dong, Wonmi-Gu, Bucheon City, 420-743, Korea Tel: +82-2-2164-4486 Fax: +82-2-2164-4485 E-mail: - 87 -

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