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1 4 3 Asia n Journa l of Ed uc a tion 2003, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp (Korean Gender Role Conflict Scale: K- GRCS) ( ) * ( ) * * ( ) * * *1 ) O Neil (1986) (GRCS) (K-GRCS). 156 K-GRCS, (, 1988), (,,, 1989) 168 K-GRCS. K-GRCS 3 O Neil (1986) GRCS 4.. K-GRCS. K-GRCS, O Neil (1986) 4. :,, I. * ** ***

2 (Good et al., 1995; O Neil. 1981; O Neil et al., 1986).,,.,, - -, -. (Basow, 1992).. (O Neil, 1987). (O Neil, 1981; Pleck, 1981; Sharpe, Heppner, & Dixon, 1995). O Neil (1986) (Gender Role Conflict Scale; GRCS),. (Arrindell et al., 1997; Lubinski, Tellegen, & Butcher, 1981, 1983; Whitley, 1984). Bem Sex Role Inventory(BSRI; Bem, 1974) Personal Attributes Questionnaire(PAQ; Spence, Helmreich & Stapp, 1975),. BSRI PAQ (Spence, 1984, 1991; Spence & Helmreich, 1978). Bem(1981, 1984), Frable(1989) BSRI PAQ (instrumentality). (Deaux, Kite, & Lewis, 1985; Spence, 1984, 1993; Spence & Buckner, 1995; Thompson, Pleck, & Ferrera, 1992). (Sharpe, Heppner, & Dixon, 1995). BSRI PAQ, BSRI PAQ

3 (Ko re a n G e nd e r Ro le C o nflic t Sc a le : K- G RCS) 2 7. GRCS, BSRI PAQ, (Good et al., 1995; O Neil, Good, & Holmes, 1995; Thompson, Pleck, & Ferrera, 1992). O Neil(1981, 1987).,,..,,,,, (O Neil, 1981, 1987; O Neil et al., 1986). GRCS (O Neil et al., 1986) , , (success, power, competition; SPC), (restrictive emotionality; RE), (restrictive affectionate behavior between men; RABBM), (conflicts between work and family relation; CBWF) (Good et al., 1995; O Neil et al., 1986). (O Neil, 2002)., GRCS (Good et al., 1995; Thompson, Pleck, & Ferrera, 1992). GRCS. (1995) (1989),. GRCS. Jo(2000)

4 Jo(2000) GRCS O Neil (1986). Jo O Neil. Jo(2000). Jo. (1999) %., % 1995 (, Jaffe, 1998),. GRCS. Jo(2000) O Neil(1986) GRCS.., GRCS GRCS. GRCS,. GRCS (1988),, (1989). GRCS. II GRCS,,

5 (Ko re a n G e nd e r Ro le C o nflic t Sc a le : K- G RCS) 29 ' GRCS ) (Gender Role Conflict Scale; GRCS) O Neil (1986) 37 (success, power, competition; SPC), (restrictive emotionality; RE), (restrictive affectionate behavior between men; RABBM), (conflicts between work and family relation; CBWF) 4. Likert (Good et al., 1995). GRCS. GRCS GRCS GRCS GRCS. 2) (Korean Sex Role Inventory; KSRI) (1988) KSRI Likert , , KSRI.,,.86,.76,.69. (1999) KSRI )

6 ,, (1989) t-test Likert III. 1. (K-GRCS) SPSSWIN 10. Eigenvalue Scree Plot %. 3 Varimax K-GRCS < 1>. O'Neil, Helms, Gable, David Wrightsman(1986) GRCS (success, power, competition, SPC). 16 O Neil (1986) (restricted emotionality, RE) 10 (restrictive affectionate behavior between men, RABBM). O Neil (1986) (conflicts between work and family, CBWF). ( 7, 16) O Neil (1986) RABBM. K-GRCS O Neil (1986) SPC CBWF O Neil (1986) RE RABBM. (SPC), (RE & RABBM),

7 (Ko re a n G e nd e r Ro le C o nflic t Sc a le : K- G RCS) 3 1 (CBWF). Jo(2000). K-GRCS 3 Jo(2000) GRCS O Neil (1986) 4. Jo(2000) SPC 11 O Neil(1986) CBWF < 1>

8 Jo(2000) CBWF, O Neil(1986) RE 6, 9, 10, 25 RE & RABBM. Jo(2000) RABBM 7, 16 CBWF. K-GRCS (Cronbach s alpha) ,.80,.60. (CBWF) O Neil (1986) RABBM.72. CBWF (, ) RE & RABBM (t- ) < 2>. 12, 13, 15, 30, 32, 35. : (, ). ( ) (, ). ( ).

9 (Ko re a n G e nd e r Ro le C o nflic t Sc a le : K- G RCS) 3 3 < 2> * ** ** ** * * * * * ** ** * ** * > p<.05 ** < p<.05 t p

10 ( ). ( ) 20.. ( ). ( ) ( ). ( ) ( ). ( ) 3. K-GRCS K-GRCS (, 1988),, (,,, 1989). < 3>.K-GRCS, ( =.01) Jo(2000). (,,, 1989), K-GRCS.

11 (Ko re a n G e nd e r Ro le C o nflic t Sc a le : K- G RCS) 35 < 3>,, ** p< ** IV. K-GRCS 3. O Neil (1986) GRCS 4. K-GRCS (SPC) O Neil (1986) GRCS SPC K-GRCS (CBWF) GRCS CBWF. K-GRCS GRCS SPC CBWF. K-GRCS (RE & RABBM) GRCS RE RABBM.. O'Neil(1981, 1987) RABBM (homophobia). RABBM.. GRCS RABBM. GRCS K-GRCS., K- GRCS, K-GRCS.

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17 (Ko re a n G e nd e r Ro le C o nflic t Sc a le : K- G RCS) 4 1 Abstra c t The Cultural Validation of Korean Version of GRCS(K-GRCS) Kim, Ji-Hye on* Hwa ng, Ma e -Hya ng ** Ryu, Je ong-yi*** 2) The purpose of this study was to translate Gender Role Conflict Scale(GRCS) and to examine the cultural validity of Korean version of GRCS(K-GRCS). In 1986 O'Neil, Helms, Gable, David, and Wrightsman developed Gender Role Conflict Scale that assesses mes's problems with their gender role socialization. They found the construct of gender role conflict consists of four different factors; Success, Power, and Competition(SPC), Restrictive Emotionality(RE), Restricted and Affectionate Behavior Between Men(RABBM), and Conflict Between Work and Family Relations(CBWFR). These four factors served as factor targents in principal components analyis of K-GRSC obtained from 158 Korean college men. The difference between men and women was examined through 168 female samples. The result suggest three-factor structure fitted better and called the further examination of cultural validity of gender role conflict in the future. The comparison with Korean Sex Role Inventory(K-SRI), and Korean Gender Role Stress Scale for Men prove the gender role conflict is the salient and distinct psychological construct of men. The implications for research and practice are noted. key-word: gender-role-conflict, masculinity, gender-role * Lecturer, Dankook University ** Lecturer, Korea University of Technology and Education *** Assistant Professor, Korea Youth Counseling Institute

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