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Analysis of the Association between Teacher Relationship, Peer Relationship, and Multicultural Acceptability among Adolescents in Korea: Using Latent Growth Modeling Taekho Lee Seokyoung Lee Yoonsun Han Department of Child Psychology & Education, Sungkyunkwan University In this study, we examined the longitudinal change of multicultural acceptability, peer relationship, and teacher relationship using latent growth curve modeling. This study used data from the second, third, and fourth waves of the middle school student cohort (N=2,178) of the Korean Children-Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS). The dependent variable was multicultural acceptability. The independent variables were peer relationship and teacher relationship. The major longitudinal findings of this study are as follows: First, peer relationships, teacher relationships and multicultural acceptability increased with time. Second, peer relationship showed a significant effect on the multicultural acceptability over time. Finally, the teacher relationship showed a significant effect on the multicultural acceptability over time. These results show differentiation with previous cross-sectional studies of multicultural acceptability. Furthermore, it is expected that this study will provide educational implications for the cultivation of multicultural acceptability. Key words : physical education, gender, aggression, depression, social withdrawal