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The Moderating Effects of Collectivism Self-Orientation in the Relationships between Attachment Insecurities and Interpersonal Relationships Hanyang Cyber University This study aimed to examine the moderating effect of cultural self-orientation(collectivism) in the relationship of anxious attachment and interpersonal relationships, and to investigate the potential moderating effects of collectivism in the relationship of avoidant attachment and interpersonal relationships. Data about insecure adult attachment, culture self-orientation, and interpersonal relationships were collected through online survey from 245 adult average age 37.7 who attended H cyber university in Seoul, South Korea. To test moderation effects, multiple regression analyses hierarchically entering anxious attachment and avoidant attachment, collectivism, and their interaction terms were conducted. Moderation of collectivism was found both in the relationship between anxious attachment and collectivism, and in the relationship between avoidant attachment and collectivism. Specific interaction patterns in each of these significant interaction effects were examined by simple slope analyses and clinical implications of the research findings were discussed. Key words : anxious attachment, avoidant attachment, interpersonal relationships, collectivism