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,,,. 2011 2008 216,867, 2009 240,954, 2010 251,887. (, 2011). 2010 75,065 (29.8%), 17,829 (7.1%), 17,285 (6.9%), 14,104 (5.6%), 10,992 (4.4%)(, 2011), (,,, Marsella,, 2002).,,,,, (, 2012;, 1995).,,,,, (Koyama, 2005),.,,, (, 1995,, 2005; Chu, Yeh, Klein, Alexander, & Miller, 1971; Furnham & Bochner, 1986).,, (Oei, & Notowidjojo, 1990; Hull, 1978; Klineberg & Hull, 1979) 15-25% (, 1995).,, (, MorrisTony,, 2013). 80% (Church, 1982),. (,, 2011), (, 2005).?,,,,,., Visani, Albieri, Offidani, Ottolini, Tomba
Ruin(2011). (,,, 2012), (Martinez & Dukes, 1997)., Radloff(1977) Rao(1979), (, 2000;, 2010;, 1996), (, 2009a;, 2007). (Oei et al., 1990)., (Pruitt, 1978). (Wei, Heppner, Mallen, Ku, Liao, & Wu, 2007; Wilton & Constantine, 2003; Ye, 2005; Ying, 2005)., Mehta(1998), U-Curve U (Lysgaard, 1995).. 1,. (Oei et al., 1990).,, Klineberg (1979), Mori(2000). (Furnham & Bochner, 1986), (Wan, Chapman., & Biggs, 1992). (Furnham et al., 1986). ( ). ( ).,,,,,
., (, 2003;, 2002; Arthur, 1998)., (Oei et al., 1990), (Rao, 1979)., (Lewthwaite, 1996; Sue, 1981)., (, 2002; Cole, Allen, & Green, 1980; Eldridge, 1960; Still, 1961; Ward, 1967).. Sandhu Asrabadi(1994), Berry(2005),,,,,,, (Utsey, Chae, Brown & Kelly, 2002;, 2011 ). (, 2005), (,, 2011). (Okazaki, 2000; Evan & Katona, 1995),,, (Constantine, Okazaki, & Utsey, 2004; Sue & Sue, 2003; Uba, 1994), (Gil, Vega, & Dimas, 1994)., (Uman a-taylor & Updegraff, 2007)., (Lewthwaite, 1996).., (Adriana & Kimberly, 2007; Hammen, 1988). (Straits-Troster et al, 1994). ( )
, (Chavajay & Skowroenk, 2008; Gebhard, 2010; Hofmann, 2010; Kosic, 2004; Koyama, 2005; Lin & Yi, 1997; Wilton et al., 2003),., (,. 2007;, 2002;, 2011;, 2011), (, 1995), (, 2010;, 2009a;, 2009b). (, 2010),. ( ) Furnham (1986),.,,,.,,,,,, 210., 2012 12 29 3 20. 193, 18, 35,, 41, 152.,.,.,.
30,,., 1),,,.,,,, 5,,,,, 5. Schaufeli, Martínez, Pinto, Salanova Bakker(2002) MBI-SS (Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey).,, 3 15.,,. (1 ) (5 ) 5,. Cronbach's α 1)..87. Sandhu (1994) ASSIS (Acculturative Stress Scale for International Student) (1995)., 36. 7,,,,, (,,, )..(1 ).(5 ) 5,. Cronbach's α.95. Ryff(1989) PWBS(Psychological Well- Being Scale), (2001) 18.,,,,, 6. (1 ) (5 ) 5,. Cronbach's α.83.
Diener, Emmoms, Larsen Griffin(1985) SWLS(Satisfaction With Life Scale) (1998), 5. (1 ) (5 ) 5. Cronbach's α.88. Radloff(1977) CES-D(Center for Epidemiological Depression Scale). CES-D 20 20. 1 (1 ), (1 2 ), (3 4 ), (5 7 ) 4,. Cronbach's α.83. Derogatis(1993) -53(Brief Symptoms Inventory) 3. 1 5 5. Cronbach's α.76.,,,,, 1. 67 (44.1%), 85 (55.9%). 140 (92.1%) ( ) ( ) 95%CI 67(44.1) 85(55.9) 140(92.1) 8( 5.3) 59(38.8) 6( 3.9) 84(55.3) 2( 1.3) 1( 0.7) 24.22(3.86) [23.66, 24.83] 4.76(3.16) [4.30, 5.28] 3.58(.85) [3.44, 3.72] 3.72(.88) [3.58, 3.87]
. 59 (38.8%), 84 (55.3%). 24.22 ( 3.86 ), 20 28, 4.76 ( 3.16 ). 3.58(.85) 3.72(.88).., (r =.494, ρ <.01) (r = -.582, ρ <.01), (r = -.400, ρ <.01), (r =.433, ρ <.01), (r =.435, ρ <.01). (r = -.497, ρ <.01) (r = -.331, ρ <.01), (r =.508, ρ <.01), (r =.586, ρ <.01).,,,,, 2.,,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.494 ** 1 -.582 ** -.497 ** 1 -.400 ** -.331 **.604 ** 1.433 **.508 * -.446 ** -.424 ** 1.435 **.586 ** -.535 ** -.392 **.569 ** 1 2.53 2.04 3.64 3.41 1.15 Cronbach's α. * p <.05, ** p <.01. 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.
.,,, 1 (0=, 1= ),,,, 2, 3. 1 2 R 1 2, 3 R 1 2 3. (TOL) (VIF),.10 10. 2 3 R,. 3, (β =.236, ρ <.001), (β =.224, ρ <.01), (β =.189, ρ <.01), (β = -.396, ρ <.001) (β = -.349, ρ <.001). 1 2 3 B SE β B SE β B SE β ( ) 2.302.390 3.587.346 3.614.323. *.221.060.236 ***.028.010.228 **.018.008.152 *.027.008.224 **.000.013 -. *.119.036.225 **.100.034.189 ** -.414.046 -.579 *** -.283.051 -.396 *** -.272.057 -.348 *** F=2..859 * F=16.892 *** F=19.884 *** R 2 =.090 ΔR 2 =.090 * R 2 =.413 ΔR 2 =.323 *** R 2 =.493 ΔR 2 =.080 **. 10. * p <.05, ** p <.01, *** p <.001
,,. 3. 2 3 R.. (β =.225, ρ <.01), (β =.285, ρ <.001), (β = -.254, ρ <.01) (β = -.220, ρ <.05). 4., 2 3 R. 3, (β =.159, ρ <.05). (β =.254, ρ <.01) (β =.351, ρ <.001). 5. 1 (R =.041, F =1.255). 2 3 R 1 2 3 B SE β B SE β B SE β ( ).652.678 2.120.689 2.150.676. **.039.017.179 *.049.017.225 **. ***.274.075.280 ***.279.074.285 ***. -.473.092 -.370 *** -.325.108 -.254 ** -.308.120 -.220 * F=4.754 *** F=9.002 *** F=8.958 *** R 2 =.141 ΔR 2 =.141 *** R 2 =.273 ΔR 2 =.132 *** R 2 =.305 ΔR 2 =.032 *. 10. * p <.05, ** p <.01, *** p <.001
1 2 3 B SE β B SE β B SE β ( ) 1.384.343.528.337.504.319.197.068.239 **.192.061.233 **.131.059.159 * -.009.009 -.081 -.002.008 -.023 -.010.008 -. -.001.041 -. -.046.039 -.099 -.065.035 -.141 -.048.034 -. ***.159.051.254 **.242.057.351 *** F=2.921 * F=9.208 *** F=11.451 *** R 2 =.091 ΔR 2 =.091 * R 2 =.277 ΔR 2 =.186 *** R 2 =.359 ΔR 2 =.082 ***. 10. * p <.05, ** p <.01, *** p <.001 1 2 3 B SE β B SE β B SE β ( ) 2.562.617 1.091.615 1.031.546. -.013.016 -.068 -.002.015 -.012 -.022.014 -. -.108.074 -.129 -.061.067 -.072 -.071.060 -.084 -.033.071 -.040 -.065.065 -.080 -.022.058 -.028.474.083.430 ***.180.087.164 *.610.097.505 *** F=1.255 F=6.765 *** F=13.025 *** R 2 =.041 ΔR 2 =.041 R 2 =.220 ΔR 2 =.178 *** R 2 =.389 ΔR 2 =.169 ***. 10. * p <.05, ** p <.01, *** p <.001
. (β =.164, ρ <.05) (β =.505, ρ <.001). 6...,.,,,,.,,,,,.,,,.,., (Visani et al., 2011), (,,,,, 2006;,, 2006). 20-60 (,,, 2001).,, (Hogg & Abrams, 1988;, 2001, ),,,. (Campell, 1981; Wilson, 1967:, 2012 ), (Martinez et al., 1997),
(Ryff. 1995),..., 20 (Phinney, 1993).., (Hayes & Lin, 1994; Wilton et al., 2003).. Oishi, Diener, Lucas Suh(1999), Klineberg (1979) Mori(2000).... Radloff(1977) Rao(1979),, (, 2000;, 2010;, 1996). Furnham Shiekh(1993).,..,,.,,
.,, (, 2003;, 2002; Arthur, 1998), (Oei et al., 1990). Rao(1979),,.,. (, 2009; Yeh & Inose, 2003).,,,,, (Koyama, 2005),,, (Cheong, Leong, & Geist, 1993),, (McCathy et, al., 1990; Meier, & Schmeck, 1985;, 2011 ). (, 1995; Abouserie, 1994). (,,, 2009;,,, Yuanying Jin,, 2010; Cole et al., 1980; Eldridge, 1960; Still, 1961; Ward, 1967),,,,,, (Mori, 2000), (Misra & Castillo, 2004; Mori, 2000).,,.., (Hwang & Ting, 2008). (Okazaki, 2000),,, (Constantine et al., 2004; Sue et al., 2003; Uba, 1994).,
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The Influence of academic stress and acculturative stress of Republic of Korean studying abroad on psychological adjustment Kyung Sook Kim Min Hee Kim Korea Counselling Graduate University This Study examined impact of academic stress and acculturation stress experienced by overseas Republic of Korean students on psychological adjustment. For this purpose, the 152 female and male Korean students attending in undergraduate and graduate course in English speaking countries were surveyed. Academic stress and acculturation stress has negative correlation with psychological wellbeing and life satisfaction but has positive correlation with depression and anxiety. Hierarchical regression analysis confirmed that demographic variables predicted psychological well-being, life satisfaction and depression except anxiety. After controlling the demographic variables, academic stress and acculturation stress predicted psychological well-being, life satisfaction, depression and anxiety. Finally, limitations of this study, the significance, the direction of future research are discussed. Key words : south Korean students studying abroad, Academic stress, Acculturation stress, psychological adjustment