Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp.73-91 DOI:,, * The Structural Relationship among Autonomy Support, Social Support, Achievement Emotion and Academic Achievement of College Students Purpose: The purpose of this research study is to explore structural relationships among autonomy support, social support, achievement emotion and academic achievement of college students. And to examine whether autonomy support and social support influence academic achievement through achievement emotion. Method: We used the structural equation model and the Sobel-test to verify the mediating effects. Results: The results indicated that autonomy support and social support provide positive effects with positive emotions. And achievement emotions have significant effects on academic achievement. Conclusion: This study shows that autonomy support and social support have influences on the achievement emotions and academic achievement. Therefore, it is meaningful to reveal the importance of environmental factors of achievement emotion through this study. Key words : Autonomy support, Social support, Achievement emotion, Academic achievement * 2017. Corresponding Author: Kang, Seung-hee. Pukyong University, Dept. of Lifelong Education & Counseling, 45, Yongsoro, Busan, Korea, e-mail:
....,,,, (Meyer & Turner, 2002; Op't Eynde & Turner, 2006)., (,, 2014;, 2014; Pekrun, Elliot, & Maier, 2009). (,, 2011;,, 2012,,, 2013; Pekrun, Goetz, Frenzel, Barchfeld & Perry, 2011; Villavicencio & Bernardo, 2013).,, (, 2013; Pekrun, Goetz, Frenzel, Barchfeld, & Perry, 2011; Putwain, Baker, Symess, & Pekrun, 2018). Pekrun (achievement emotion). - (Pekrun, 2006)., (Pekrun, 2006). 3,, -, -.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.. Pekrun(2006) -,,. (, ), (, ), -.,,
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. 4 422,. 2016 2 (11 ~12 ),.,,,. < -1>. % 1 197 46.7 2 110 26.1 3 54 12.8 4 61 14.5 92 21.8 45 10.7 95 22.5 158 37.4 21 5.0 11 2.6 422 100.0 1) 측정도구 (1) 성취정서척도,,, (2011) (Korean-Achievement Emotion Questionnaire: K-AEQ). K-AEQ 3,, 9..,,,,,,,. 75, Likert 5.. Cronbach s α
.80,.77,.73,.91,.85,.89,.92,.93. (2) 사회적지지척도 (1985).,,, 4. 25, Likert 5.. Cronbach s α.85,.90,.90,.93,. (3) 자율성지지척도 Willians Deci(1996) (The Learning Climate Questionnaire, LCQ), (2011). 6. Likert 7,. Cronbach α.93. (4) 학업성취. 2) 자료처리.,.,.., Pearson.,, χ 2,, RMSEA, TLI, CFI. Sobel Test. SPSS 23, AMOS 23.
. 1) 기술통계,. < -1>. 5.12(SD=1.12). 3.81(SD=.57), 3.91(SD=.60), 3.90(SD=.64), 3.83(SD=.65), 3.60(SD=.61). 3.26(SD=.52), 3.44(SD=.61), 3.43(SD=.62), 3.06(SD=.56). 2.45(SD=.66), 2.63(SD=.65) 2.63(SD=.81), 2.37(SD=.71), 2.31(SD=.81), 2.26(SD=.77). 4.5 3.36(SD=.60). 3.0, 8.0~20.0 (, 2014),.03~.68,.00~1.74. M SD 5.12 1.12 -.27.00 3.90.64 -.65 1.74 3.83.65 -.36.93 3.60.61 -.15 1.19 3.91.60 -.48 1.06 3.81.57 -.40 1.45 3.43.62 -.06.13 -.16 -.05 -.27 -.30 -.03 -.14 3.46.60 -.68.28
2) 상관분석, < -2>.. r=.24(p<.001), r=.23(p<.001), r=.22(p<.001). r=-.26(p<.001), r=-.24(p<.001) r=-.17(p<.001) r=-.12(p<.001).,,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 1 2.29 *** 1 3.28 ***.82 *** 1 4.27 ***.74 ***.72 *** 1 5.31 ***.79 ***.77 ***.78 *** 1 6.20 ***.17 ***.15 ***.15 ***.19 *** 1 7.28 ***.27 ***.26 ***.23 ***.30 ***.64 *** 1 8.23 ***.26 ***.29 ***.18 ***.27 ***.72 ***.64 *** 1 9 -.19 *** -.26 *** -.27 *** -.22 *** -.30 *** -.40 *** -.53 *** -.33 *** 1 10 -.20 *** -.24 *** -.23 *** -.20 *** -.26 *** -.15 *** -.35 *** -.15 ***.69 *** 1 11 -.19 *** -.34 *** -.30 *** -.24 *** -.32 *** -.15 *** -.39 *** -.25 ***.61 ***.77 *** 1 12 -.24 *** -.30 *** -.29 *** -.23 *** -.35 *** -.38 *** -.56 *** -.41 ***.79 ***.74 ***.78 *** 1 13 -.17 *** -.25 *** -.26 *** -.24 *** -.28 *** -.53 *** -.60 *** -.42 ***.85 ***.60 ***.58 ***.77 *** 1 14 -.04.00.03 -.04.01.23 ***.22 ***.24 *** -.17 *** -.05 -.12 *** -.26 *** -.24 *** *** p<.001 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.,,. < -3>. 1 χ 2 63.314(df=30, p<.001), χ 2 /df 2.110 5. TLI=.982, CFI=.988 (.90), RMSEA.051.10. 1 1
. 1 χ 2 64.781(df=31, p<.001), χ 2 /df 2.090 5. TLI=.982, CFI=.988 (.90), RMSEA.051.10. 1. 1 1 χ 2, (, 2000). χ 2 χ 2 ( χ 2 (1, N=422)=1.468) 1 1. χ 2 (p) df χ 2 /df RMSEA(90% ) TLI CFI χ 2 df 1 63.314(.000) 30 2.110.051(.034.061).982.988 1 64.781(.000) 31 2.090.051(.033.068).982.988 1.468 1 2 χ 2 85.587(df=30, p<.001), χ 2 /df 2.869 5. TLI=.973, CFI=.982 (.90 ), RMSEA.067.10. 2 2. 2
χ 2 90.022(df=32, p<.001), χ 2 /df 2.813 5. TLI=.974, CFI=.982 (.90), RMSEA.066.10. 2 2. 2 2 χ 2, (, 2000). χ 2 χ 2 ( χ 2 =3.435, N=422)) 2 2. χ 2 (p) df χ 2 /df RMSEA(90% ) TLI CFI χ 2 df 2 86.587(.000) 30 2.869.067(.051.084).973.982 2 90.022(.000) 32 2.813.066(.050.082).974.982 3.435 2 < -5>. 1, (β =.213, p<.001) (β=.237, p<.001). (β=-.131, p<.05). (β =.320, p<.001). 2
, (β=-.140, p<.01) (β=-.300, p<.001),. (β =-.173, p<.001). 1 2 S.E. C.R..094 ***.024 3.844.213.192 ***.045 4.270.237 1 ***.884 1.009 ***.037 26.962.905.886 ***.038 23.034.836.927 ***.036 26.04.889 1 ***.831 1.112 ***.063 17.776.850 1.007 ***.061 16.4.764 1 1 ***.960 2 1.052 ***.065 16.093.927.411 ***.070 5.885.320 -.074 *.029-2.560 -.131 -.084 **.031-2.689 -.140 -.329 ***.058-5.682 -.300 1 ***.884 1.009 ***.037 26.921.905.886 ***.039 23.019.836.929 ***.036 26.062.890 / 1 ***.952 /.978 ***.035 27.783.883 1.065 ***.044 24.401.828 1 1 ***.959 2 1.054 ***.073 14.491.928 -.165 ***.047-3.479 -.173 *** p<.001 < -6>. 1 (β=.213) (β=.237). β=-.131 β=.068 β=-.063.
β=.076. β=.320. 2 (β=-.140) (β=-.300). β=.024. β =.052. β=-.173. 1 2 (β) (β) (β).213 -.213 -.131.068 -.063.237 -.237 -.076.076.320 -.320 -.140 - -.140 -.024.024 -.300 - -.300 -.052.052 -.173 - -.173 Sobel-test, < -7>. (Zab=3.78, p<.001), (Zab=4.09, p<.001). (Zab=2.15, p<.05) (Zab=2.99, p<.01). Zab 3.78 *** 4.09 *** 2.15 * 2.99 ** * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001
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