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,,, 4 (1:, 4: ). Diener(1984)., 2 α=.807, 3 α =.860, 4 α=.838. 5. (2008),,,,, 4 (1:, 4: ). (2009) 3. 2 4 α=.825 α=.845,. SPSS 23 AMOS 23.,, 2..,,. (Full-Information Maximum Likelihood: FIML) (,,, 2009), χ 2, TLI, CFI, RMSEA. TLI CFI.90, RMSEA.05,.05.08. RMSEA 90%.10 (, 2009).. 2. 5 1, 5 1., 5 (F=16.20, p<.001), 6 (F=81.42, p<.001), 1 (F=103.04, p<.001). 5(F=.08, p=.774)

5 6 1 5 1 3.26 (.64) 3.31 (.63) 3.20 (.64) 3.23 (.67) 3.36 (.64) 3.10 (.67) 3.15 (.63) 3.29 (.60) 3.01 (.63) 2.90 (.64) 2.91 (.65) 2.90 (.62) 2.96 (.59) 2.97 (.60) 2.96 (.58).. 1(F=.23, p=.634). 5 (,, ) 2. 1 (β=-.014, p=.550), (β=.005, p=.874), (β=.005, p=.861), (β=-.002, p=.942). 5 1 (β=.306, p<.001). 2.., 3, 1 5 5, 6, 1. (skewness) (kurtosis) (skewness <3, kurtosis<10) (Kline, 2011). 5. 2 ( 5) χ 2 =763.555, df=5, p<.001, TLI=.680, CFI=.840, RMSEA=.263(.248.279), 4 ( 1) χ 2 = 1,396.309, df=5, p<.001, TLI=.250, CFI=.750, RMSEA=.357(.341.372),.,, 3, 4, 5. 2 χ 2 =3.512, df=2, p=.173, TLI=.998, CFI=1.000, RMSEA=.019(.000.050), 4 χ 2 = 8.662, df=2, p=.013, TLI=.991, CFI=.999, RMSEA=.039(.015.067).

1 1.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2.71 ** 1.00 3.58 **.66 ** 1.00 4.39 **.41 **.52 ** 1.00 5.33 **.35 **.43 **.63 ** 1.00 6.21 **.22 **.21 **.14 **.16 ** 1.00 7.18 **.18 **.18 **.13 **.17 **.81 ** 1.00 8.17 **.17 **.24 **.19 **.22 **.59 **.64 ** 1.00 9.11 **.10 **.16 **.20 **.25 **.43 **.43 **.59 ** 1.00 10.13 **.12 **.15 **.20 **.26 **.36 **.36 **.50 **.73 ** 1.00 11.29 **.30 **.28 **.20 **.14 **.06 **.07 **.03.01.03 1.00 12.13 **.13 **.13 **.11 **.08 **.10 **.10 **.08 **.04.02.40 ** 1.00 13.06 **.05 *.08 **.06 **.04.16 **.17 **.15 **.10 **.10 **.31 **.44 ** 1.00 -.70 -.71 -.39 -.10.09 -.45 -.53 -.30 -.15 -.03 -.64 -.64 -.37.58.54 -.59 -.85 -.96.82.77 -.43 -.63 -.78.27.15 -.13 1: 5 1, 2: 5 2, 3: 5 3, 4: 5 4, 5: 5 5, 6: 1 1, 7: 1 2, 8: 1 3, 9: 1 4, 10: 1 5, 11: 5, 12: 6, 13: 1 ** p<.01, * p<.05 2 χ 2 =760.043, df=3, p<.001, 4 χ 2 =1387.647 df=3 p<.001.. 5 1, 1. ( 5, 6, 1),., χ 2 =86.656, df=6, p<.001, TLI=.906, CFI=.906, RMSEA=.078(.064

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